Croc attack
Submitted by Goodz on Wed, 2009-07-22 15:39

My younger brothers surfboard after an encounter with a large saltie while surfing in Indonesia! Luckily he only came away with a few small holes in his arm and a board to tell the tale!
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
lucky man
jeez looks like the saltie had a nice good chomp on it, lucky to get away. glad to here he didnt get too chomped on himself.
Posts: 1005
Date Joined: 12/05/09
Geez goodz, i know you are a
Geez goodz, i know you are a keen fisherman but using your brother as bait??? lol
The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!
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Date Joined: 08/07/08
One lucky brother
so glad he's only got scratch or two
Ginger Tablets Rock
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Thats a hell photo, fair evidence there!! Lucky indeed.
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Date Joined: 20/07/09
lol yeh unfortunaly it just
lol yeh unfortunaly it just missed the hooks I had trailing off his leg!
There was actually a report in the West Australian paper back years ago when it happened.
The croc had a couple snaps at the board getting my brothers arm in one and doing a roll with him before letting go. Lucky he didn't have his leg rope on and was able to swim back to shore minus the board! Got it later when it washed in. It wasn't until after that some local indonesians told them a croc lived there that had claimed a few lives!
Posts: 1005
Date Joined: 12/05/09
he was a very lucky lad
he was a very lucky lad then!!
The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!