1 on worms. Little Luke of to New Zealand on Wednesday for 3 weeks. Camper van. Travelling around country.Meeting up with local over there who has fished for years. He’s taking fly rod ,plastics. And lures. I hope he gets his dream trout. Nothing beats local knowledge in unknown area. I hope he gets a real big wild trout. Lucky bugger.
Just done it. He thought it was brilliant. He didn’t fish , just travelled from camp spots. Fresh cheap sea food all the way ( roadside) ,Must admit Iam a bit jealous, may have to up his board money :). 4.8 lb my biggest, over all the years I have trout fished . Many years ago( bob McCarthy’s) private dam. Some trout fisherman may remember the name( in Williams). Long time ago when Dam was open. Trout in my books underated. And no where enough money spent stocking dams. Now days mainly concrete trout.( x hatchery). Redfin pain in ass. And carp getting out of control. When my boys where very young me ,my old man and my boys use to go camping all the time. Marron at night , trout fish ( morning rise and evening rise). Craps on saltwater fishing. Logie brook, Sampson dam and waroona dam main targets. Worst thing they ever done was make Harvey weir bigger. Best stream ever was one than into there for big wild browns. Pemberton was a 2 times a year trip. But always caught real trout not concrete ones. Only 2 places i know now days where you can catch real trout . Droughts no dought main cause of wild trout stocks( now days). Breeding streams not flowing like they use to. Snowy mountains is awsume. Brilliant crystal clear dams and rivers. Trout to match. Going back there for sure this year. Can’t beat the bush,
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Two very nice trout there
You have a couple of very nice fish there, well done, what did you use to catch them.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
1 on lure
1 on worms. Little Luke of to New Zealand on Wednesday for 3 weeks. Camper van. Travelling around country.Meeting up with local over there who has fished for years. He’s taking fly rod ,plastics. And lures. I hope he gets his dream trout. Nothing beats local knowledge in unknown area. I hope he gets a real big wild trout. Lucky bugger.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
coupla nice trout there. bet
coupla nice trout there. bet hes gunna love the fishing in nz. certainly a destination many of us have
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Mate of mine
Just done it. He thought it was brilliant. He didn’t fish , just travelled from camp spots. Fresh cheap sea food all the way ( roadside) ,Must admit Iam a bit jealous, may have to up his board money :). 4.8 lb my biggest, over all the years I have trout fished . Many years ago( bob McCarthy’s) private dam. Some trout fisherman may remember the name( in Williams). Long time ago when Dam was open. Trout in my books underated. And no where enough money spent stocking dams. Now days mainly concrete trout.( x hatchery). Redfin pain in ass. And carp getting out of control. When my boys where very young me ,my old man and my boys use to go camping all the time. Marron at night , trout fish ( morning rise and evening rise). Craps on saltwater fishing. Logie brook, Sampson dam and waroona dam main targets. Worst thing they ever done was make Harvey weir bigger. Best stream ever was one than into there for big wild browns. Pemberton was a 2 times a year trip. But always caught real trout not concrete ones. Only 2 places i know now days where you can catch real trout . Droughts no dought main cause of wild trout stocks( now days). Breeding streams not flowing like they use to. Snowy mountains is awsume. Brilliant crystal clear dams and rivers. Trout to match. Going back there for sure this year. Can’t beat the bush,
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
times have certainly changed
times have certainly changed from a few decades ago. used to be able to get yabbies all over the place as well . not any more
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together