china plate

china plate

been a bit windy for ages here in Cairns, but got out the other week and caught this big chinaman along with a few trout and red emperor. They're protected and a cig. risk over here so he went back in. Tough fighting buggers though!



chunky mullet's picture

Posts: 7

Date Joined: 08/06/06

Thats a beauty

Tue, 2006-07-11 19:27

Thats a beauty mate what bait did u used.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Big Chinaman

Fri, 2006-07-14 23:00

Solid fish there Steve! Got my first Chinaman double the other day and had to back off the drag for fear of losing the rod in the shallow water. Apparently they have been taken off the cig list over here so we kept one to give them a try. Not sure if they will be any good, but gotta try it once just to be sure for next time.


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Date Joined: 10/06/06


Sat, 2006-07-15 09:11

I've caught them off Onslow and I can tell you there not bad chewing.I bleed them after capture, I'd rate them as good as snapper.