how much does that have simular caractoristics of a bream! i wish bream did grow that big how much fun would that be on 4 lb
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BOAT CITY 9345 4311
They mainly go for Mussels,Red Bait and other invertebrates,they have very strong jaws and big teeth,specimes of up to 60lb have been caught.Very strong Fish
nice fish ....... my pb cracker is 18kg off the transkie coast(South Africa) Adam - its cousin the black cracker/poenskop grows a bump on its head after it reaches around 20kg - these are very slow growing fish and takes around 6-7yrs to become legal length of 600mm. u can catch both species landbased , but the monster blacks can be caught offsore aswell. these are rhino's of the sea ....... strong fish,that will reef u before u get a chance to think - 1mm leader is deff the go when targeting these fish plus strong hooks - seen 8/0's squashed flat from there powerfull jaws.
always released my crackers,unless in comps where fish needed to be weighed at club house(tried to protect the species as much as possible) - one of the best eating fish in South African waters.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Cracker Tagem!
What sort of fish is that Tagem?
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Posts: 18
Date Joined: 07/08/06
Buffalo Bay
It is a White Musselcracker(Brusher)Scientific Name: Sparodon Durbanensis
Posts: 2182
Date Joined: 15/06/06
how much does that have
how much does that have simular caractoristics of a bream! i wish bream did grow that big how much fun would that be on 4 lb
supported by:
BOAT CITY 9345 4311
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
What are there eating qualities like? Looks a bit like the Robinson Sea Bream over here, but a very very big version.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 07/08/06
Eating qualities
They mainly go for Mussels,Red Bait and other invertebrates,they have very strong jaws and big teeth,specimes of up to 60lb have been caught.Very strong Fish
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
60lbs would certainly pull hard! Could almost be an off coloured pink snapper if it had the bump on the head. Nice fish all the same!
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 315
Date Joined: 30/05/08
nice fish ....... my pb
nice fish ....... my pb cracker is 18kg off the transkie coast(South Africa) Adam - its cousin the black cracker/poenskop grows a bump on its head after it reaches around 20kg - these are very slow growing fish and takes around 6-7yrs to become legal length of 600mm. u can catch both species landbased , but the monster blacks can be caught offsore aswell. these are rhino's of the sea ....... strong fish,that will reef u before u get a chance to think - 1mm leader is deff the go when targeting these fish plus strong hooks - seen 8/0's squashed flat from there powerfull jaws.
always released my crackers,unless in comps where fish needed to be weighed at club house(tried to protect the species as much as possible) - one of the best eating fish in South African waters.