Well we managed to get out from Two Rocks for a much needed fish.The winds were low at 5.30 but at 6.00 it had turned to crap. Decided the best wat to deal with the situation was to pray to "Ralph" over the side Ha HA HA HA!
We fished several spots with good hook-ups to both of us but loosing the fish after short fights BUGGER!!! With Captain Chucky doing his best to keep up a continual burley slick we decided to do a long drift and see what ground we could come across (no choice really as the chop and sea prevented anything else).
Anyhow after hitting another spot and several successive hook-ups and loss of fish (in between burleying action)I finally managed to catch a reasonable skippy to 1 kg ( released) and followed up by landing the Bauldy which fed 4 people that night.
Even though only a few fish landed (I don't count the wrasse (I WILL FOREVER BE THE WRASSE WRANGLER YYYYYYYEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA!!!)) the day was enjoyable as it was the first time in about a month that I have had a chance to fish, then to bring a great table fish home and have a cook up that night is very rewardable.In the end the reason why we all go fishing at the end of the day is for enjoyment eh! Thanks once again for the trip out mate and looking forward to more!
Cheers OX
yep not only ginger beer but also a hint of iced coffee lol!
The fish tasted bloody great on the bbq that night... mmmmmm! could do with some more "specially marinated" fish.
Cheers Ox
you are a true champion fisherman......let another dood fish and take home the prize while you have your guts in ya mouth hangin over the side of a boat (know how ya feel there) .......yet not thinkin of yourself.....good on ya!!!!
he who dies with the most toys wins
Posts: 306
Date Joined: 03/12/06
Good fish. You gotta be in
Good fish.
You gotta be in it to win it
Posts: 198
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Well we managed to get out
Well we managed to get out from Two Rocks for a much needed fish.The winds were low at 5.30 but at 6.00 it had turned to crap. Decided the best wat to deal with the situation was to pray to "Ralph" over the side Ha HA HA HA!
We fished several spots with good hook-ups to both of us but loosing the fish after short fights BUGGER!!! With Captain Chucky doing his best to keep up a continual burley slick we decided to do a long drift and see what ground we could come across (no choice really as the chop and sea prevented anything else).
Anyhow after hitting another spot and several successive hook-ups and loss of fish (in between burleying action)I finally managed to catch a reasonable skippy to 1 kg ( released) and followed up by landing the Bauldy which fed 4 people that night.
Even though only a few fish landed (I don't count the wrasse (I WILL FOREVER BE THE WRASSE WRANGLER YYYYYYYEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA!!!)) the day was enjoyable as it was the first time in about a month that I have had a chance to fish, then to bring a great table fish home and have a cook up that night is very rewardable.In the end the reason why we all go fishing at the end of the day is for enjoyment eh! Thanks once again for the trip out mate and looking forward to more!
Cheers OX
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Good stuff
Good stuff OX,
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 198
Date Joined: 29/11/06
ginger beer
yep not only ginger beer but also a hint of iced coffee lol!
The fish tasted bloody great on the bbq that night... mmmmmm! could do with some more "specially marinated" fish.
Cheers Ox
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Gee mate those pills must
Gee mate those pills must work aye.
Jay Burgess
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
you are a true champion fisherman......let another dood fish and take home the prize while you have your guts in ya mouth hangin over the side of a boat (know how ya feel there) .......yet not thinkin of yourself.....good on ya!!!!
he who dies with the most toys wins