The ark at home
Submitted by kempy on Fri, 2009-05-29 18:48

Dinkum Auto Electrical A/C & Mechanical Unit 10/16 Kent way Malaga 0438755754 Also Mobile
Open 7 days except when we are fishn For all your auto electrical needs
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
We passed you two sundays
We passed you two sundays ago out from two rocks you were fishing three mile out ,how did you go
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 810
Date Joined: 28/05/09
not bad caught about 6 good
not bad caught about 6 good size skippy and a 1meter pike and sum other stuff
Dinkum Auto Electrical A/C & Mechanical Unit 10/16 Kent way Malaga 0438755754 Also Mobile
Open 7 days except when we are fishn For all your auto electrical needs
Posts: 810
Date Joined: 28/05/09
goin bak out there this
goin bak out there this sunday hope the weather holds out
how far did u go out and wat did u catch
Dinkum Auto Electrical A/C & Mechanical Unit 10/16 Kent way Malaga 0438755754 Also Mobile
Open 7 days except when we are fishn For all your auto electrical needs
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
we started about 6mile ended
we started about 6mile ended up 13 mile got 3 dhuies around 10kg and released three also some other small fish,We are heading Sunday i'll say hi if we see ya.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls