Another Pilbara Barramundi

Another Pilbara Barramundi

Another pilbara barramundi. This particular fish was my first barra ever, measured 96cm.

streetfighter80's picture

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top shot mate great first

Mon, 2006-06-05 17:21

top shot mate great first

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2006-06-06 11:18

Still waiting to catch my first barra, awesome first fish mate, gotta be stoked with that.


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jay_burgess's picture

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Catching a barra is the holy

Tue, 2006-06-06 16:19

Catching a barra is the holy grail of fishing IMO.. nothing else comes close.

mitch's picture

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bil fish

Wed, 2006-08-23 07:13

bill fish hanging for the day.reckon ill wet me pants
always in it just the depth that varies

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

Yeah I'm hangin out for my

Wed, 2006-08-23 07:34

Yeah I'm hangin out for my first billie too. Great thing Dampier has got plenty to offer in that department.

seansurfy's picture

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Holy Grail

Wed, 2006-08-23 11:47

[img_assist|fid=41550|thumb=0|alt=holy grail|caption=84.5kg dogtooth - Kenn Reef]
Very nice barra Jay...I reckon every area has its own 'holy grail'. In NZ, it's a 20lb snapper or 50lb kingfish. Huge GT's are on most peoples hit list. I was lucky as a young kid and caught quite a few barra, so I never really caught 'the fever'. I spent heaps of time however targeting big Mangrove Jacks(3kg+) in Hinchinbrook channel in QLD....they were my obsession. Marlin are tough, but for me, long hours of trolling and drawn out battles can be a bit boring...My holy grail right now is a 70kg+ dogtooth tuna(and I'm gonna catch him on an Okuma too ;)...either way mate...96cm Barra to get off the mark...OUTSTANDING

Coral sea carnage

mitch's picture

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Wed, 2006-08-23 12:08

yeah i reckon your right there seansurfy.every place does have that grail of a fish.did you end up getting your grail in hinchinbrook ????? 3kgs of mangrove jack is a nice fish thats for sure

always in it just the depth that varies

seansurfy's picture

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Wed, 2006-08-23 13:59

Got that big Jack at the Noosa River on the Sunshine Coast in the end...after missing a few chances on inadequate gear....big thugs of things that were hanging aroung bridge pylons cleaning up unsuspecting bream anglers...had to go hard core at them though...night sessions - Abu 7000 with 50lb braid a wire trace, the drag screwed down with about short and sweet, but a good rush.

Kasey L.'s picture

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holy grail? I think theres

Wed, 2006-08-23 14:04

holy grail? I think theres only one for me... (its the holy grail of all jiggers).

Think it might beat the 2kg bream, the 50kg GT (proably not 65kg though ;)) possibly a 1m barra...

Its the 100kg dogtooth tuna. Its what dreams are made out of.

seansurfy's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 09/08/06

bring it on....hopefully

Wed, 2006-08-23 14:11

bring it on....hopefully I'll have a pic of me one in November after the coral sea trilogy...might need to lie down for awhile afterwards though

frizza's picture

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coral sea

Sat, 2006-08-26 21:03

are you heading out on a charter or private baot seansurfy.
also from which town are you departing.
i've got a mate who run's a charter out there from gladstone (it would be a small world if you were on his boat.

leave nothing but footprints,take nothing but memories and maybe a few fillets and a muddie or two

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

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Sun, 2006-08-27 07:35

how good a mate is he frizza .can you gets us a discount price on the charter hehe.
always in it just the depth that varies

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

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A 3kg Jack would be awesome.

Wed, 2006-08-23 14:20

A 3kg Jack would be awesome. Biggest I've got is 50cm (not weighed)... but I've lost many unstopables to the snags :( They fight so hard!

My next target in the barramnundi department is a 1.2m specimen or a 50 pounder.

Kasey L.'s picture

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was waiting for someone to

Thu, 2006-08-24 20:41

was waiting for someone to post it, but apparently noone did =S

This, ladies and gents, is the holy grail of jigging.
What a GT is to popper fishing, a dogtooth is to jigging.

And a 100kg dogtooth tuna is... a very exclusive club indeed.

I have the original picture, but its in my other computer.

Hidekatsu Matsutani (7 seas) even did a DVD just about his quest and his story to catch the ultimate dream fish for a jigger.

[img_assist|fid=42113|thumb=1|alt=100kg dogdog|]

[img_assist|fid=42110|thumb=1|alt=100kg doggie|]

Kasey L.'s picture

Posts: 1390

Date Joined: 02/03/06

oops. sorry jay, i might

Thu, 2006-08-24 20:42


sorry jay, i might have hijacked ur thread..

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

nah no probs Kasey, it's

Thu, 2006-08-24 21:12

nah no probs Kasey, it's good to hear what each individual fisho regards as their holy grail :)