Adam's "Dolfinfish" Salmon
Submitted by Andy Mac on Sun, 2006-04-09 10:51
To all the guys on Slow Down, I have to tell you that he called it for a Dolfinfish after the first jump.
Had to rub that one in Adam, but jeez, you had me all excited for a while. Rumaging through my tackle box for a suitable Dolfinfish lure, while you were busy fighting a 5kg plus salmon on light gear. Pandemonium for a while there.
Ended up being a hot bite on Salmon with triple hook ups. I've still got the residual buzz from that little session.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Dolphinfish- Salmon
Must admit I called everything else wrong that day. But I didn't actually call this fish, I called the school when we were approaching it. Oh well, Still one happy camper. :)
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Rub it in ??!!
I think we'll struggle given that I don't see any photos of the rest of us with any 2006 salmon. But we are all hoping that will change next weekend of course.
Great photo Andy the colours on that salmon look magic.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Unfortunately the hooks went deep on this salmon and it didn't swim off too healthily. Fought pretty hard and didn't do himself much good squirming around the bottom of the boat with a 7/0 trolling hook deep down his gullet. From what I've heard the salmon were everywhere in the metro this weekend.
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