80 mile beach threadfin.

80 mile beach threadfin.

Had a long weekend at 80 mile beach & on the last day caught a 20 pound threadie, a pb & great way to end some qualty time with the family & some new fisho freinds!

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Looks well over a metre

Thu, 2008-05-22 19:05

Nice fish Blackers. That's a great stretch of country up there. Always a chance at a top catch.
Its going to be hard to beat the pb now mate, that's what you call setting the benchmark nice and high...Wink


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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Blackers's picture

Posts: 12

Date Joined: 28/05/07

Yeah Andy gotta be all

Thu, 2008-05-22 19:13

Yeah Andy gotta be all smiles with one of these, although my park nieghbour caught a 35 pounnd black jew!! There were quite a few of the threadies caught during the days biggest about 26 & most 20ish, on the incoming tide.

Posts: 16

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Thu, 2008-05-22 19:40

Well done Blackers......nice PB thready!

Lovely eating

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Neander's picture

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Great catch Blackers thready

Thu, 2008-05-22 19:40

Great catch Blackers thready that size would of been a great catch.

I think they are a great eating fish. great to eat almost any way you want to cook em up. Firm enough to curry, soft enough to fry or grill. Lovely straight into the vinegar and chomped frsh too.

Blackers's picture

Posts: 12

Date Joined: 28/05/07

I think they are as good as

Thu, 2008-05-22 19:45

I think they are as good as anything around & they freeze well which is a bonus. The downside is they are the worst fillleting thing I've had a go at. the backbone is seccond to none, BIG & NOTCHTY bones you need to be patient but they are well worth the effort!!

Faulkner Family's picture

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Thu, 2008-05-22 21:01

they are great eating .i have caught a few when i was in onslow.i tried them several ways .1 way i found easy to cook is simply throw them on hot coals and eat off the bone



"A family that fishes together stays together"


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Colin Hay's picture

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Blackers that's a great fish

Thu, 2008-05-22 21:04

Plenty of muscle on that threadfin.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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PilbaraBrad's picture

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i actually think they are

Fri, 2008-05-23 12:32

i actually think they are pretty easy to fillet, just used to it i suppose. one of the few fish we keep in the summer up here. Very nice fish blackers, reminds me of the monster jay burgess caught while we were on a trip late last year.

Spooled's picture

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top fish- 80 mile

Fri, 2008-05-23 14:45

If ya going to break ya pb with a bigger thready then 80 mile is the place to do it. Catfish can be a problem in that area most of the year, but if you go into the caravan park check out the photos in the best catches photo album. Theres giant threds in there that will blow ya mind. Top fish mate anyway!!!! had some awesome sessions at eighty mile beach, usually chasing cows but there is an awesome rock pool to the left of the caravan park and fair way up but you need to watch the tides or you will get trapped. thr pool has huge abundance of oysters and ya can fish for salmon of the top of the rocks on big springs!!!!

Roger Knife's picture

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Mon, 2009-01-26 16:11


 Solid fish mate. Am coming over to OZ mid year.  What bait did you use to catch that, or was it on a lure?



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Ozzy's picture

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Hi Roger Knife, the best bait by FAR

Mon, 2009-01-26 19:44

are live poddy mullet, you can catch them at 80 ml using a throw net.If use dead bait all you will catch are Cat Fish and rays.

My personal best Thready is 25lb.


abandon's picture

Posts: 204

Date Joined: 23/05/07

Beautiful Eating

Mon, 2009-01-26 16:16

We caught a few while on holidays in Coral Bay when I was a kid and we just wrapped em in foil and put em straight on the barbie. Mind you they were a bit smaller than that one!

Good fish mate

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.