36cm from lechenault inlet
Submitted by purplemonkeydis... on Sat, 2010-05-01 00:46
Got this last night from the lechenault inlet on a gulp 3" minnow, fought suprisingly hard.
He also gave me the "blue steel" signature look
The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
What a ripper nice fish get
What a ripper nice fish get any others.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18100
Date Joined: 11/03/08
nice size bream. dont you
nice size bream. dont you just hate it when the fish moves just as you take the pic. well done
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Hey mate were you out in the
Hey mate were you out in the inlet or up in the river?
The bream there are actually guite hard to catch most of the time.
Posts: 2182
Date Joined: 15/06/06
great fish mate
great fish mate
Posts: 70
Date Joined: 31/03/09
Paul, I hooked up to what would have been a 40cm bream and lost him at my feet, and watched him swim away:(
Faulkner fam: It doesnt tend to happen with bream as often as other fiesty fish.
Redfin4life: I was in the bunbury inlet opposite the parade on the boardwalk, casting into the mangroves with soft placcys, and Ive found more sucess in there than the collie river.
cheers brenz, your avatar pic doesnt look too shabby either
The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
I didnt think bream would
I didnt think bream would take placcys at night...
And yea... same story here ive had more luck in bunbury than the collie river. Got a couple of bream about 30-35 cms on bread near the parade hotel a couple of weeks ago
Posts: 70
Date Joined: 31/03/09
Yeh, they take placcies at
Yeh, they take placcies at night but it helps if you get some glow in the dark ones. nuclear chicken colour gulp!'s are glow in the dark, thats what i was using.
The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 02/03/10
good work:)whats your
good work:)whats your biggest bream??
Happy Fishing????always
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Are they Black bream or
Are they Black bream or silver i wasnt to sure coz last time i went fishing near the parade everybody had different oppinions i was thinking black bream.
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 02/03/10
defently black bream...we
defently black bream...we dont get silver bream here..people think we do but they are actualy tarwhine
Happy Fishing????always
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
yea i knew that they were
yea i knew that they were called tarwhine and i definately thought they were black bream but people kept saying they were silver bream so i started to wonder if i was missing something.
Posts: 70
Date Joined: 31/03/09
Hey drew
Hey Drew only 38cms is the biggest ive landed, I have dropped 2 40+ bream at my feet in the past couple of weeks, they all seem to know how to escape!!!
And redfin for life, some of the black bream in the inlet are silverish because it is quite salty in there, where as the brackish water bream are really dark coloured.
The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
yea but some of the ones
yea but some of the ones from the inlet are fairly dark...
So is that placcy you were using glow in the dark?
Posts: 70
Date Joined: 31/03/09
Yeah it is, the green half of it anyway.
The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.