Which species to target

 Hi All,


Hope you had a good xmas and new year.

I am getting used to the new boat and exploring the sound from woodies. Not brave enough to out beyond the islands yet. 

I have been having plenty of success nailing squid over the parmelia bank, however whenever I drop any baited hooks on a waiting rig; I get nailed by blowies and trumpeter right away.  Also got a few baby pink snapper.

Which species should I be targetting this side of garden island and what rigs/techniques should I learn?

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2632

Date Joined: 03/03/09

King George Whiting

Mon, 2020-01-06 15:03

Look for sand holes in the ribbon weed, try and fish the edges, both south end of the Sound and also where the old mussel beds used to be at the northern end near garden island. Squid pieces and small paternoster 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 I used to fish Parmelia bank

Mon, 2020-01-06 18:09

 I used to fish Parmelia bank a lot, but only ever fished with a burley cage and unweighted bait to avoid the blowies etc. Used to nail heaps of Herring and good Skippy.


Love the West!