Where to shop in America? Reels lures tackle?

 Im headin to the states over December January.

i was wondering where has anyone been before and bought decent gear (reels, lures, tackle)?

i always find myself looking at things in the states online so i figured whilst i was there i may aswel grab some gear.

Florida a good place to start?

please feel free to share to share cities or areas to try.

**Edit- I'm talkin places to actually go to while in America?


thanks in advance


Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05


Wed, 2014-06-25 10:54

 I've bought a few things on line thru Cabelas. Good prices and never an issue with items being sent.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Ben85's picture

Posts: 442

Date Joined: 20/11/11

would be best if you describe

Wed, 2014-06-25 12:41

would be best if you describe where you will be going whilst there. If Houston, Texas is on your list, then there really is no better place than Fishing Tackle Unlimited. Biggest store I have ever seen and very cheap (I think they said it was actually the biggest store in the world??). Also you may as well buy a few guns over the counter while you're there!

Posts: 478

Date Joined: 27/02/08

I was in Houston last year

Wed, 2014-06-25 12:42

I was in Houston last year and Fishing Tackle Unlimited is something to behold.......... unfortunately travelling light for work mean that purchases were extremely limited

black gen's picture

Posts: 762

Date Joined: 13/04/11

 Wont be going there u

Wed, 2014-06-25 13:19

 Wont be going there unfortunately (Houston that is)

la, New York, Boston, New Orleans, Florida, Vegas, San Fran.

few other places that wouldn't have fishing shit i wouldnt think

Lastchance's picture

Posts: 1273

Date Joined: 02/02/09

Meltons in California.

Wed, 2014-06-25 17:13

Meltons in California.

Posts: 478

Date Joined: 27/02/08

Vegas has a big Bass Pro

Wed, 2014-06-25 13:08

Vegas has a big Bass Pro shop......... well worth a look

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

New York - you should check

Wed, 2014-06-25 13:27

New York - you should check out Saltywater Tackle in Brooklyn


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.