What you get Fish wise in a Restuarant

When I go out for a meal I always order something seafood.
On Friday went to a "not to be named" restaurant in Mandurah and ordered the special Barramundi. Looked great on the plate but what I got was NO barra. Meat was like mushy crap. Whatever the fish was it wasn't over or under cooked, and was moist BUT it wasn't the flaky Barra I am used to. Unlike me I actually questioned what it was and was told it was Barra. Bollocks I thought because that fish is one easy to recognise and taste (even though I don't rate it very high).
I suspect it was either Nile perch (Imported and hence "old" and meat's gone to mush) or other.
Pisses me off when you order something and you get some cheap alternative.
Has this happened to others on here - I am certain it has.
No wonder I don't go out to often to waste money.


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morgs's picture

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Mon, 2016-03-21 12:29

 Pretty sure thailand or vietnam have barra that we import, possibly freshwater also. Most of the cheap crap comes from that way

Deckie's picture

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Mon, 2016-03-21 12:43

I never order fish when I dine at a restaurant.
Had an experience years ago at a very well known "top" place in Perth city.
They said it was Coral Trout but closer to mushy Mulla was more the go.
When it was replaced, the fish was completely different & the flesh was white & firm as it should be.
Look at it, identify it & take it home & cook it yourself.
Usually turns out better & more economical......


Cheers & Stay safe

robert1979's picture

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 Imported/farmed barra would

Mon, 2016-03-21 12:43

 Imported/farmed barra would be my guess. 

Fish_Hunter's picture

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I believe U ate "Meekong

Mon, 2016-03-21 12:47

I believe U ate "Meekong Mullet" Poo fish 

we get that served to us up north - Minesite dinners 

gotta love the import stuff !



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kirky79's picture

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I never

Mon, 2016-03-21 12:52

 Order seafood when out. As I reckon I can cook it better at home and know what it is. 

Alan James's picture

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Common problem Neels

Mon, 2016-03-21 12:58

both in restaurants and wet fish shops.  I recall being in a group of people at an up market Subi restaurant and swordfish was on the menu.  The person next to me ordered it and was presented with a perfect fillet that would have come off a fish no bigger than 400mm long.  I questioned the waiter and told him that what they had served was not swordfish.  They were insistent it was, total BS. 



scotto's picture

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Mon, 2016-03-21 13:07

if you've seen those sick-as-fuck looking grey/black pieces of shit they sell at the seafood sections of coles and woollies, then that explains how these can be called barra...

yes they're barra, but farmed in fresh water (often overseas), and taste nothing like what a proper silver and yellow healthy kimberlies salt water barra would. problem, is, they're both technically barramundi, and John. Q. Public rarely knows there is a difference.

anyway, order the steak. I never order seafood when I'm out, as I know what fresh seafood is supposed to taste like, and they cant produce anything like it!

Jackfrost80's picture

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I also never order seafood

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:24

I also never order seafood when dining out unless it is in Thailand where you pick your own fish and they cook it for you. You have no way of knowing they are going to serve you what is written on the menu and you have no way of proving they’ve ripped you off. My missus did however once order some Red Emperor at a fancy winery in Margs and it was truly amazing.


I usually go for one of pork ribs, rack of lamb, steak, steak sandwich or chicken parma (once I’ve established it’s real chicken breast)



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sandbar's picture

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Did you go upstairs to this restuarant?

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:32

 I was at one with the wife and questioned their fresh caught fish of the day "snapper". The chef came out and lied to my face. It was cut like swordfish or tuna steaks. Must of been a big out o shape snapper. 

But every other place I have ordered fish has been o.k so far.

crasny1's picture

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No not that one

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:46

Bit closer Bouvard way


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Walfootrot's picture

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Simple question to ask them

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:51

Simple question to ask them before placing your order.
Is it local or imported.
I have given some fish back to fish and chip shops as it was imported crap.


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mallesh's picture

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Like others said

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:54

I don't order sea food at restaurants, unless it is a proper seafood restaurant where you can pick what you want.


Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.

Callum24's picture

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 my misses has ordered barra

Mon, 2016-03-21 13:59

 my misses has ordered barra on a few occasions 

First time loved it in Perth 

Second time no good in Broome 


Third time in Perth no good 


She prefers mullaway now! 


We are still yet to try a fresh barra but restaurants we give a miss 


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

Cruise Control's picture

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If you are thinking of

Mon, 2016-03-21 14:20

If you are thinking of ordering Barra, ask them if its Cone Bay Barra. If they look at you like you are a little weird . . . don't order it.

Personally, the only seafood I order when I'm out are Oysters. At least you can see'em and be certain of what you are eating !

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At the fish markets I worked

Wed, 2016-03-23 16:47

At the fish markets I worked at, I always found the Humpty Doo saltwater farmed Barramundi to be pretty decent (for barramundi) as well.

bradz's picture

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Duck or red meat

Mon, 2016-03-21 14:58

I never get the fish for all of the same reasons as above. 


I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.

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Off overseas shortly and I

Mon, 2016-03-21 15:32

Off overseas shortly and I can't wait to eat as much fish and seafood as I can. Some is better than others but it all sorts itself out in the end.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

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Atleast you could tell it wasnt

Mon, 2016-03-21 15:35

 barra imagine all those people who try something for the first time and puts them off for life, I am the same if I order seafood at a restaurant I mostly disappointed in wa but have had great experiences overseas. There needs to be a independent body who regulates this stuff. Fisheries told me the only thing you can't do is sell wa dhuefish and barramundi as something else but everything is fair game. They said you could take it up with consumer affairs 


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

sea-kem's picture

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 The only fish I will ever

Mon, 2016-03-21 17:20

 The only fish I will ever order at a restaurant is Salmon fillet with crispy skin. Nothing else as above as it's too hard to define, they can serve any crap and get away with it. I'm a steak man usually anyway.


Love the West!

dumper's picture

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When I'm dining out, I'll

Mon, 2016-03-21 17:41

When I'm dining out, I'll always ask the waiter what's in my fillet-o-fish

Posts: 218

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restaurant fish

Mon, 2016-03-21 19:11

 I agonise over this one. I shouldn't really, I should just order something that I

wouldn't cook perfectly at home. In fact I've just eaten my tea, for those interested,

a side by side comparison of skippy, duie and bluebone, all caught yesterday by yours personally.

You cant expect anyone to top that so why bother trying ?

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Tue, 2016-03-22 07:56

 Guaranteed its canyon carp... bassa

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Tue, 2016-03-22 07:58

 Imported barra cooks up quite nice its not mushy or soggy cheeky fuckers are probably paying $10 a kilo if not.less for the bassa

crasny1's picture

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I think your on to that

Tue, 2016-03-22 08:25

 Have tried that to see what it is like once. And once you reminded me of that possibility I think you might be correct. Tasteless crap, all mushy.


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crasny1's picture

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The Restaurant sandbar mentioned

Tue, 2016-03-22 08:23

 upstairs in central Mandurah is one where I have never had a bad fish meal. But its not the sort of place you go to all the time, as it is $$$ (especially if you try their truffle dishes). But I didnt mention the price I paid for Crap at the other place -$32. As mentioned the presentation Looked good - but OMG I almost spat it out into a napkin.

Im no cook, but for some reason am considered a seafood gun cook by friends and family. So maybe Im comparing what I do with fish etc to Restuarants. Dont ever use recipes, just add ingredients that through experience of years fishing and eating all sorts of seafood I know go well together.

The boss and Son in Law ordered scotch fillet - MR and Rare and this was crap too. The doggy bag came home and even the dogs frowned. For 3 people with a few drinks on bosses birthday an almost $200 cost without entrees or desert you would at least expect one to be happy with the meal. Next time Ill go to the fish and chippy next door. A good indication of food is how many people sit there and it is always packed. I cant fault their whiting, but that is obvious to see what it is.

I'll stick to the Bouvard tavern restuarant - at least there if it is crap (which it mostly isnt) you dont pay good $$ for shit food. AND dont have to worry about the breatho, as it is a 300m walk only (I should say stumble)

Nice to hear the various opinions though. 

And I am pissed off enough to go to consumer affairs.


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Tue, 2016-03-22 08:51

 Thus is the body that deals with dodgy fush ect. Australian and New Zealand Food Standard Authority, not sure what consumer affairs would do.


Poppies of Spitalfields is the place for battered cod, lol but far to.go its in Camden in London.

chris raff's picture

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 Restaurant review sites are

Tue, 2016-03-22 09:23

 Restaurant review sites are handy to have a look at before booking and if you do have issues with service or tucker whatever write your own review to give others a heads up ..

Not sure of the place in question but it’ll most probably be on one of these sites . I used to use urbanspoon now called zomato 

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Nimbin 157's picture

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 May have been freshwater

Tue, 2016-03-22 09:44

 May have been freshwater Barra which is very average to say the least . Eat saltys and your hooked for life. 

Walfootrot's picture

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on the money Nimbin, nice

Tue, 2016-03-29 13:26

on the money Nimbin, nice silver salt water barra is now top of my list. once you have one straight from the drink and cooked within the hour, you will find it hard to beat.


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

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 I know it's fish, but is it

Wed, 2016-03-23 17:37

 I know it's fish, but is it chicken or is it tuna

Wilzee's picture

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A little of topic but

Fri, 2016-03-25 12:20

I bought Spanish Mack from a supermarket chain on March 20, defrosted and cooked it. It didn't look. smell or taste right. Looked at the use by date and it was March 3.
Dog loved it and I'm going back for a refund.


"My greatest problem lies in reconciling my net income with my gross habits"

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That might be a bit hard

Fri, 2016-03-25 13:03

If you haven't got any left and the packaging to show to the shop.

Wilzee's picture

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I bought 2 x 500g packs so

Fri, 2016-03-25 14:54

I bought 2 x 500g packs so planning to get a refund on the remaining pack that is also out of date. I'll ask for money back on the other one as well but that may be a bit tricky as you say.


"My greatest problem lies in reconciling my net income with my gross habits"

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Please keep us in the loop

Fri, 2016-03-25 19:55

I'm very interested to see how you go, if the law is complied with you should have no trouble getting all all your money back.

The fish is/was unfit for human consumption and yet that is what it was advertised for.

Wilzee's picture

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Ok will do

Fri, 2016-03-25 21:28

Ok will do


"My greatest problem lies in reconciling my net income with my gross habits"

Wilzee's picture

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All good Meglodon I returned

Tue, 2016-03-29 12:28

All good Meglodon I returned the fish this morning and got a full refund for both packs of fish. I just explained the situation, showed the use by date on the remaining pack and the receipt.


"My greatest problem lies in reconciling my net income with my gross habits"

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Supermarket fish

Fri, 2016-03-25 20:33

 I wouldnt buy any fish from a supermarket, there is a guy that sells fresh fish in golden bay near the servo. Also flip flops fish and chip shop on the foreshore. No way would i get that shite from a supermarket 

Oldbull's picture

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 That van has the best

Sat, 2016-03-26 10:17

 That van has the best quality stuff.  Reasonable priced and snap frozen fillets.  Never had a bad batch from them.   Exmouth tiger prawns are so much better than supermarket stuff as well.

Walfootrot's picture

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And great pickled garlic!

Tue, 2016-03-29 13:28

And great pickled garlic!


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

Dale's picture

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Wed, 2016-03-30 11:51

 Is he there every day or just weekends?


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Nimbin is right Fresh water

Sat, 2016-03-26 08:56

Nimbin is right Fresh water Barra is shit saltwater is a little better...lived on the crap for years.

Grey Ghost's picture

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Farmed Barra

Sat, 2016-03-26 12:14

 Farmed barra in tanks fed pellets and antibiotics because they can't afford the fish to get "Sick" and they grow quicker while on antibiotic diet, as do pigs, chickens, etc.

I owned a decent shareholding in a barramundi farming company and when I realised what they were doing, I sold out. Haven't used growth hormones in many animals since the 60's but antibiotic use is rife in the farmed animals.

40% of antibiotics are eostrogen based - no wonder we have so many hormonal diseases including breast cancer.


 "Grey Ghost",  670HT Barcrusher with 150 Yamaha, based at Cockburn PBC.

phatfisher1's picture

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. True.

Sat, 2016-03-26 14:24

. True.


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Good win wilzee

Tue, 2016-03-29 14:11

Good to see some companies doing the right thing by their customers.

The Saint's picture

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All this talk of buying

Wed, 2016-03-30 12:16

All this talk of buying packaged fish........................................on a fishing site !

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At rockingam doing Scuba

Wed, 2016-03-30 21:05

At rockingam doing Scuba ticket, one bloke got fish and chips from one of the joints nearby. Bites into the fish, stops, makes weird noise, looking at it funny...

"Whats up?"

Shows me the fish, theres a bit of blue plastic wrapping of some sort in there. Unpeals the batter a bit and the blue plastic is around half the fish. He took it back and the guy behind the counter apparently just said "oh yeah thats just the wrapping it comes in, nothing to worry about"

carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2016-03-31 10:28

The blue plastic is used to separate the layers of fillets and usually only come from imported fish from Asia.
Cheap to buy for the shop, already in the right sized fillets and taste like shit to the buyer

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Thu, 2016-03-31 07:04

 They should fillet there own fish way too.expensive buying it pre packed and cut unless its bassa or farmed barra. U can also get shit imported snapper.