What is Wrong With the New Rules?

We are putting together a document that details the “errors” with the recent changes to the Fisheries Regulations and would value your input.  Please comment below as to what you think the issues are and why the current strategies are unlikely to achieve sustainability of the demersal fishery in the West Coast Bioregion.

Comments are also welcome on issues other than sustainability such as social impact, economic impact, risks to public safety and anything else that you consider relevant. 

We really value Fishwrecked members opinions and encourage comments on any matters.  Thank you in advance for your time.



Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


Posts: 297

Date Joined: 04/08/22

 Thanks mick.*increased bag

Thu, 2023-04-13 12:28

 Thanks mick.

*increased bag limit for dhus in the southern zone a bad move imo.I believe it was already a well balanced and sustainable bag limit previously.

* a person living in some areas overseas has more access to fresh wa seafood than the local fisho living across the road from the beach in the west coast zone that pays there regos,licences fees,taxes ect

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18091

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Start with the pore old

Thu, 2023-04-13 12:29

Start with the pore old iconic dhuie.  Give them a chance to breed instead of eradicating the species. And boat limits are a joke . Max of 4 fish . I understand 2 fish each


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Livewire's picture

Posts: 307

Date Joined: 25/11/16

 The dhu no size limit is IMO

Thu, 2023-04-13 12:56

 The dhu no size limit is IMO ridiculous. Shallow water fish can be caught and released. Slow retrieval,  decompression stop, and increased education around care for a small fish can all help survivability.  The one hook ( bait) is stupid, what difference dose it realy make!  2 hook paternoster is fine. A two dhufish per person is not sustainable one was ok move on and target another fish. The closures that don't encompasses breeding season is not using the closures properly. The professional open season and no size limit dose nothing for sustainability.  All these things shows little common sense to the average person.  It shows politicians put votes and environment in the same bag, when environment should be the only concern opening the season during school holidays is a sweetener for the public but doesn't help the breeding aggregations. I'd like to see the rules reflect the science more clearly. If they are breeding don't hunt them. The swan river crab fisherie bag limit was just simply halved.  But boat limit stayed the same but with 2 extra payed license on board.  What dose that say! They call it a trophy waters, just up the size limit like marron instead of 127mm make it 132mm with a close season and bag limit of 7/8 per person or boat limit of 20. Good onya Mic hope it goes well.

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

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 The length of the ban

Thu, 2023-04-13 13:22

 The length of the ban

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

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 The zoning

Fri, 2023-04-14 10:56

 The zoning

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

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The lunatics who make the

Fri, 2023-04-14 10:58

The lunatics who make the decisions

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

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 Why is deep drop added to

Fri, 2023-04-14 11:00

 Why is deep drop added to this garbage

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 03/08/19

What was expected?

Thu, 2023-04-13 16:52

 I would like to see an explanation from the Minister and Department of the pathway to reduced impact that these rules anticipated. I mainly fish inshore species but target pinks  in <20m depths a few times a year for a special meal or whatever. Never have taken more than 6 fish a year and have enjoyed very good fishing with plenty of fish in the 65-75cm size.. So the way the rules are I will still go and take the same  per year I hope, just fishing when permitted. As for dhus I occasionally get small ones 50-55cm and chuck them back, but I would keep any >60cm. So these new rules make no difference to the small amount of pressure I personally put on the stock. Consequently I am wondering just how they are supposed to be effective, as maybe there are many recfishers like me that just chase the occasional demersal. If the intention was to halve the pressure by banning demersals for 6 months a year then that simply is not how people go about it. I also don't know any recfisher that goes fishing every day of the year. I'm  reasonaly keen, but fish solo a lot and typically get out on average once a wek, racking up about 200 motor hours. It's also a fact thet people don't catch their bag every trip, somy feeling is that over any given year the average fisher is catching way less than the permitted bag limit would come to if you fished every day and bagged out. So I reckon there are some dodgy assumptions being used in the calculations, or maybe just wishful thinking. A clear walk through  what those are and how they came to the conclusion this woudl work is lacking.

Posts: 1342

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Allowing charters access all

Thu, 2023-04-13 18:32

Allowing charters access all year and allocating their catch as rec's catch. That needs changing.

But surely we don't want more restrictions?  Also length of ban for sure. The people that rarely get out due to work are screwed over.


Bend over

uncle's picture

Posts: 9509

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Yeah can't work that one out

Thu, 2023-04-13 19:49

 Or landbased pinkies


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

BlueKiaser's picture

Posts: 422

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119 years

Thu, 2023-04-13 20:02

Mick C, your efforts are much appreciated.

West Coast Angling Club - A not for profit Recreational Fishing club;
The West Coast Angling Club has origins dating back to 1904.
It is a not for profit recreational fishing club that has a 30foot old ex-cray boat penned in Two Rocks Marina and takes a maximum of 8 club members out fishing on trips.
These new rules are putting the future existance of this club in danger.
In January after a successful boat trip out, we returned to the marina with our recreational limit of 16 demersals, last week it was 4 and we now struggle to get enough crew for planned trips to go ahead.
The club strictly abides by the recreational fishing rules and have previously even returned Dhufish less than 55cm (as a club rule).
We educate our members to bring up possible Dhufish catches slowly to give them every chance of being returned healthy.

Dhufish stocks;
I am hearing many reports from recreational boat owners who will likely high grade with an aim to catch the 4 largest Dhufish they can in a days fishing.

Recreational owners of larger boats are now further encouraged to travel outside of the West Coast Bioregion putting further pressure on other WA fish stocks.
Meanwhile these new rule changes have a high probability of increasing the number of our iconic West Australian Dhufish caught per year by many smaller boat owners who regularly fish. It needs to be again stated that the 4 months demersal ban increase (from 2 months to 6 months) is a 40% reduction in days available to fish and take Dhufish. But the average recreational boat fisher will now likely keep more than twice as many per trip, given there is no longer a size limit and the individual and boat limit catches have doubled.

Many of us have been left scratching our heads trying to understand the logic behind these changes.

uncle's picture

Posts: 9509

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Went out once with them

Thu, 2023-04-13 20:45

 Enjoyed the evening, going to be hard for them now


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 219

Date Joined: 08/03/09

Hi Mick

Fri, 2023-04-14 07:59

All of our rules are based on the fact that there is an issue with sustainability with Dhufish and snapper stocks.  I think everyone on this forum will disagree that there is a problem with snapper stocks, as I have never seen so many Juvenile snapper in the last 50 years as there are now.  They have invaded most of my whiting spots and are a pest.  They are everywhere.

This is part of my argument though, there is no real data on the populations of dhufish and snapper stocks.  If the scientists are saying there is a problem with snapper stocks, they are clearly wrong.  Are they wrong about Dhufish stocks as well?  I don't know, and nor do they.  The only data they use is heresay or old ramp surveys and is mainly based in the metro or nearby area.  In 2019 they said stocks were recovering adequately and ther was no need for action - using the same data.

We  need to firstly establish if there is an issue, and base the decision on real data and real fish surveys in the water, not the icebox.  They need to spend a lot of government money (from our boat and fishing and trailer licenses) to establish the facts. 

Personally, I think that while the metro area will always be fished hard regardless of rule changes, the remaining 70% of our coastline out of a 20nm reach of boat ramps acts as a natural reserve and allows restocking of those more heavily fished areas.

We need facts, not guesses, and this is most important to establish if the species is actually in danger.  If so, tightening of rules may be required, or vice versa.



Matches11's picture

Posts: 13

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Juvenile Snapper

Thu, 2023-04-27 08:57

 Agree with your Juvenile Snapper experience.  I have a few whiting spots off Scarbs/City Beach and have had to move on several occasions due to Juvie Snapper being thicker than the whiting.

ricey's picture

Posts: 740

Date Joined: 24/12/09


Fri, 2023-04-14 08:29

 The zone is way too big! destroys fishing towns with less pressure than metro.


The one hook is a challenge for deep dropping, and there are so few people doing this - why should they be put in the same category as dhufish? Just a one size fits all. 


It is hard to agree with the rules when the data was not made transparent. 


Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.

Tom M's picture

Posts: 661

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 Show us the methodology used

Fri, 2023-04-14 08:55

 Show us the methodology used to identify death rate of returned demersals. If the so called science hasn't been peer reviewed it is not scientifically proven.

Show us the data that identified recreational catch numbers.


Tom M

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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Besides my daughters

Fri, 2023-04-14 10:05

Besides my daughters basketball, getting out on my boat for a fish or dive is what keeps me sane...its all I think off mostly. While I'm not a fan of the reduced fishing periods for Demersal it is what it is.

Most of the new rules, including removing size limits and change in rigs used were also proposed by recfishwest.

I believe in science and would rather this be Implemented than to continue as we were.

They have state wide boat fishing surveys every two three years, science and surveys across a wide area...Its almost continuous.

If there's anything I could add, its the assistance for small business affected.

Good Luck.



little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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Should have kept same

Fri, 2023-04-14 11:24

Limits/also sizes . And just extended ban . I love fishing ,these new rules will murder stocks .

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2488

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 I agree LJ. It would be hard

Fri, 2023-04-14 11:58

 I agree LJ. It would be hard to argue that woudn't help stocks grow. Takes away all the questions and uncertainty.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

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Yep I can come to terms

Thu, 2023-04-27 09:17

 Yep I can come to terms with extended ban. But the rest of the rules cancel out any progress made by the extension and will continue to destroy any progress made in the last 10 years.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1132

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The problem with the new

Sat, 2023-04-15 08:31

The problem with the new rules are they rely on people doing the right thing. They would actually be ok if people did what DPIRD want us to do. That is you keep the first two fish you catch no matter of size or species. Once your bag is reached you move on to another form of fishing or go home. Trouble is upgrading and releasing other species to get more dhuies. 

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 03/08/19

Have they said that?

Sat, 2023-04-15 16:49

 I'm guessing what you said about keeping the first 2 fish  might be the DPIRD intention, but I have never seen that apporach being advertised as the recommended one or the law. My whole life I've stuck to releasing small fish of every species and where upper limits apply the bigger ones too.There is no way I could bring myself to keep a small one after a lifetime of releasing  "under sized" fish. I think upgrading is wrong, as you've already killed a fish and should eat it, but releasing is just the normal thing for me. I fish <20m and have seen nearly all fish swim strongly for the bottom if handled carefully. Some chance of survival after release is better than none

Seaquest's picture

Posts: 1132

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youtu.be/RHL_VonwPqw Yes this

Sat, 2023-04-15 21:05


Yes this was sent out on their newsletter and is also on their website. 

Posts: 331

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Sun, 2023-04-16 10:30

 Thanks for the link. Says it's a recommendation and surely it is not the law that you have to keep whatever comes up.  Of the demersals I  only chase pinks inshore, so dhu are a rare bycatch for me. Have let nearly every one go in the past. Certainly wouldn't be keeping small ones, as a kept fish is a dead one, while a released fish might survive. 

crano's picture

Posts: 712

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Max size

Sat, 2023-04-15 09:15

 Not going to be a popular idea but I would like to see a maximum size to discourage the knobs that upsize  for facebook photos I am sure a lot of fish die because of this. Maybe 850mm size.


Posts: 332

Date Joined: 10/12/07

Keeping undersize dhuies

Mon, 2023-04-17 07:59

I understand the reasoning behind the decision...but fish in less than say 15-20m really do not suffer barotrauma.

Drive down the coast and see all the boats out fishing and diving in close.

Crazy that any dhuie can be kept.

Have a size limit out to say, 20m

If people want to lie about the depth they caught a dhuie in, good luck to them but most will do the right thing.


Single hook is rediculous.  Double paternoster for me.


Four dhuie boat limit seems pretty generous.


Swompa's picture

Posts: 3915

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Saw a funny thing on

Mon, 2023-04-17 10:29

 Saw a funny thing on facebook. Bloke was targeting skippy but got some small baldies. Asked why is that they dont release well during school holidays and you get to keep them, but outside of school holidays (season closed), they release just fine? 

Posts: 332

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Mon, 2023-04-17 12:20

Back of reef and they are keeping small dhuies and baldies.

Where is the logic in that?


Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 16/05/09

 Ban braid and put a max

Mon, 2023-04-17 17:33

 Ban braid and put a max breaking strain on line you can fish with.... No only joking but don't be suprised with this greeny run fisheries department.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Jesus my heart skipped a

Mon, 2023-04-17 17:43

 Jesus my heart skipped a beat then reading that lol


Love the West!

Posts: 274

Date Joined: 08/10/13

 The 10 percenters.   The old

Mon, 2023-04-17 18:17

 The 10 percenters.   The old addage that 10 percent of anglers catch 90 percent of the fish.  Now a lot of the 10 percenters will  fish to take 4 large jewfish. I specialied in catching jews when I lived in mandurah years ago and  I know a lot of other guys that did also. They are not hard to work out and you quickly rack up the gps spots.  A lot of guys will have there spots that hold big dhu. Now the only thing stopping them from doing the wrong thing say they catch a baldie or blackarse and throwing it back dead whilst going for four big dhu is there conscience.  There are a lot of people with no conscience when it comes to fishing.  Just look to up north with the boom in deep water demersal jigging. The loser in this arrangement are rankin cod that are being murdered in big numbers due to peoples infactuation of catching red fish only.  Banning people for 6 months fishing will probably even convert some of those with a conscience to do the wrong thing.  You cant win.  The only management tool that fisheries own is  banning you for 6 months. 

marble's picture

Posts: 778

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 Nothing will stop the

Mon, 2023-04-17 18:53

 Nothing will stop the upsizing flogs . Rules or a conscious mean nothing to them .  I and all my regular crew are self employed so we go when the weather suits . The wife likes that I have to take her squidding , crabbing and whiting/herring/skippy fshing for 6 months of the year now . Fish snobs and tiktok flogs will always whinge . Whatever



PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

 Not sure where to start!The

Thu, 2023-04-20 09:25

 Not sure where to start!

The size limit changes are wrong.

You don't get small breaksea cod out deep, most like 90% are under 15m heaps in under 10! not many over 25 at all. So the overwhelming majority of small fish will likely be caught by people who could have released them safely. 

Dhufish something like 14% die due to the nature of taking a bait deep in the gut (fisheries research). Rule should have been to use single in line circle hooks not one bait per rig. Also science they are using for mortalities is outdated, there are much better ways to gather the mortality rates from barotrauma. Many many dhu are caught under 30m where use of single in line circles and slow retrieve will see a reasonable survival rate. Why take the smallest of dhu's yet to even breed? Mortality rates are massive till a fish matures from larva and settles on the reef. Now we are impacting these smallest of fishes that have survived the odds preventing them from breeding. Should have at least been a size reduction to 40cm, not total removal. The 4 per boat rule well that is stupid asking for high grading and anyone with half a clue knows fish the heavy lumps and most the catch will be dhu. I belive come 2030, we will be looking at further restrictions on dhu. A better way forward would be to stop comercial fishing during breeding season and have a network of demersal sanctuarys up the coast, where fish are free to school as they did pre GPS unmolested. Larva will disperse on the currents and populate the whole coast. 

Baldie well most if not all will die at depth so fair enough but a lot of tiny ones can be caught very shallow <5m so there should be a size limit say 30cm. If you are fishing out deep for dhu big circle hooks rarely capture the small baldie, so again the use of in line circle hooks would be far better than a size limit removal. 



Posts: 227

Date Joined: 10/05/10

 It's a shame FATHOM is no

Thu, 2023-04-20 11:09

 It's a shame FATHOM is no longer on this site he did the filming for fisheries years ago when they were researching survival rates for dhues from what he told me it was 100%mortality though he did say no due over 15 kg went back in the water they were straight to the cool room 


Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

In that study 21% of dhufish

Fri, 2023-04-21 06:54

In that study 21% of dhufish died when caught from 0-14 meters, That study suggested that 13.2% of the mortalities could be entirely due to hook damage alone.

Though 86% died when caught from 45-60 meters.  Overall, 51% of the captured dhufish died.

But the results are somewhat tainted because they have high mortanities on pink snapper too at depth. This has not been replicated in simular more recent experiments with updated cage design. 



Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

 The results from WA were 69%

Fri, 2023-04-21 07:01

 The results from WA were 69% of pink snapper die at depth, where as a more recent FRDC study in QLD says 90% survive? 

Not saying it is good to release dhu's at depth just fisheries need better research. 



sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Lol I was under the

Fri, 2023-04-21 08:10

 Lol I was under the impression it was a secret mission....


Love the West!

Posts: 619

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It was a secret mission

Fri, 2023-04-21 17:39

I signed a NDA

Posts: 1342

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 The stress of being in a

Fri, 2023-04-21 07:13

 The stress of being in a cage would have significantly affected survival rates.  They would have a higher survival rate if they them let free and at least got a chance to recover without the stress of being in cage/sock. 


Bend over

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

A even more recent study on

Fri, 2023-04-21 08:16

A even more recent study on pink snapper in NSW used a hyperbaric chamber taking out the hook and cage variables. Replicating raising snapper from 70m depths for 2 minutes at surface (ie catch and release). results were 100% survival rates. 



Posts: 331

Date Joined: 03/08/19

Time at surface also important

Fri, 2023-04-21 15:00

Thanks for pointing out that hyperbaric chamber study. Had a quick look and  they also did some  pressure changes to simulate raising fish form 30m. Again good initial survival, but  the shorter the time on the surface (1atm) the better, as effects includes  not just the swim bladder perforation but other internal gas pressure effects like embolisms.  A bit of mortaility turned up after 10 minutes at the surface pressure, so the best practice is to be quick with the release so they recompress asap. Found a few similar studies with other species of fish  that also point to rapid recompression as useful, but some species such as mulloway were not nearly as resilient as pink snapper. Couldn't find any similar study using hyperbaric chambers with dhu.

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

That is my point we need best

Sat, 2023-04-22 11:04

That is my point we need best practice research specific to dhufish. To make informed decisions, about size limit removals, safe release depths for small ones etc. If their snapper figures are wrong then what can we presume about dhu? There is a lot of anecdotal evidence about dhu's perhaps having a much higher release success at shallower depths, but we don't know! Only Fisheries WA are going to do the research because they are endemic, but at the moment perhaps the research they have is suiting their needs, justifying their position? 

Better information might mean it is better to use circle hooks, put a size limit back on and reduce the boat limit back to two fish and encourage people to move off the heavy ground when a boat limit is met. I know a lot of the charter boats used to 'farm' their dhu spots, catch what they needed then move off them. I certainly did in my boat. I am never one to condone catch and release for demersals or high grading etc but we need proper info to make the best descisions. 

The way it is now I see more draconian measures in the future for us, not a solution to the recovery of dhu stocks. 



uncle's picture

Posts: 9509

Date Joined: 10/02/07

Bluewater joondalup closing down

Fri, 2023-04-21 08:27

 Linked to new laws or too many lookalike stores in the area


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Bluewater has never been the

Wed, 2023-04-26 16:52

 Bluewater has never been the same since Hal died. 
Left the door open for those like Tacklewest to really have a good crack. Combined with the likes of bcf and anaconda really seeming to lift their game it's made it much harder to compete.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

Another issue would be

Fri, 2023-04-21 11:15

Another issue would be breaking up the season into 3 separate ones, school holidays have nothing to do with sustainability. I get it is about looking after the small country towns like Lancelin where I live, during the first ban the beach was empty of boats launching and our local fishing club was failing to get enough interest to hold competitions. But the best thing for the fish is to protect them so they can school and successfully breed. 

However under the old system we have one closure and one opening, there is always a rush to fill the freezer before the ban and a mad rush to get out and hit up the dhu that have congregated on the lumps during the ban. Under the new system the gold rush mentality happens 6 times per year. 



Posts: 100

Date Joined: 19/05/13

 One of my feedback

Wed, 2023-04-26 16:41

 One of my feedback suggestions was a fish catch app.



You catch a fish, you have to photograph it within 5 minutes on a ruler mat, with the fish alive, and log your catch in the app.. If/when checked, your catch has to match the app record.


Once you log a fish, it can't be replaced in the app for that day - and the app is linked to your license (or the skippers/other persons).


Anyone thinking to upgrade needs to think about getting checked at sea (I know people who have been), or having a photo of a dead fish as they finish fishing for the day and they scramble to lock in their fish (equalling a fine/warning). 

Things like logging in on a fishing day before you head out would ensure some level of compliance. Ie, it would identify someone logging on a day then record a catch within 2 minutes, or doing it all at the end of the day before being checked.


I'm sure there are holes in that idea and it could be improved, but surely it (the intention) is better than putting your faith in the upgrading flogs. It will also log and track actual rec fishing numbers and provide data to support or rebuke the science and future decisions.



Posts: 53

Date Joined: 19/08/11

 And then what do you think

Wed, 2023-04-26 21:07

 And then what do you think they are going to do with all that data after a couple of years when they notice that it's a small proportion of dedicated and capable fishers that catch 80% of the demersals (80/20 rule)?

I'm referring to those guys for whom fishing is dedicated lifestyle on which they spend a huge amount of time and expense, and not a casual recreation.


For the record, I think that what you have written is exactly what fisheries are going to do. In fact, you've written it so concisely i'd almost say it's a 'trial balloon'



Posts: 5821

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 This was put to DPIRD almost

Wed, 2023-04-26 23:47

 This was put to DPIRD almost a year ago as part of the process.

Did not even get a response


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 I hope it doesn't go down

Thu, 2023-04-27 06:05

 I hope it doesn't go down this path as when I'm fishing that is what I am there to do, if I wanted to do bookkeeping I could go to work. I'm usually pretty busy helping my son or sorting out a fish he has caught etc we all know how often 1 hook up is quickly followed by another. 


 rather be fishing

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Totally agree Guy, we're out

Thu, 2023-04-27 07:11

 Totally agree Guy, we're out there to enjoy and get away from all the mundane shit in he world. 


Love the West!

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

I have fished in a 'notice to

Thu, 2023-04-27 07:43

I have fished in a 'notice to fish fishery'. 

It was a nightmare, we had to say 1. when we launch. 2. where we will be. 3. when we will be back.

Plans change you might get a quick bagout or weather etc I don't think I ever complied simply because it was not workable. We were always changing spots etc. 

As for the app, we are talking about a big region there will be lots of connectivity problems, small open boats with sea spray, rain etc. We don't all have a big dry boat or for that matter 20 20 vision, where we can read a phone with glasses covered in sea spray. I always had problems seeing the setose crays and was glad when that rule changed. 



Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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There's a few issues I can

Thu, 2023-04-27 12:25

There's a few issues I can see with this although I already do take pics of my fish/crabs as caught if the family comes out. The Mrs will sometimes bring a separate car and shoot off with the kids while I wash down etc and it is how I cover my bum in case Fisheries check me at the wash station to show them I have date stamped proof I didn't catch all the fish/crabs. I've verbally run this by Fisheries and got the ok for what that's worth in the heat of battle.
Mobile signal is an issue in metro waters letalone in the regions. I was out only 11 mile out of Hillary's last fortnight and we'd caught two fish before I realised my son's license has lapsed so had to drive in a a bit until I could get enough signal to text the Mrs to ask her to buy one online and flick me the receipt and we proceeded to bag out with 4 fish.
A couple of times my mobile battery has died on the water and I've forgotten to bring a charging cable and forgot to take my phone once. Requiring an app would mean no phone = no fishing.
I may take out my kids 8-13 so would they be expected to own and carry a smart device and be registered on the app?
Say a skipper takes 3x mates out on the water, what's to stop them logging smaller fish on two of the fella's apps but ending up logging 4x bigger fish on the other two fella's apps after upsizing? Fisheries would need extra powers to demand access to the app for all 4 crew even though they have presented the required proof for the bag limit for 2x crew. What's to stop the other crew saying they don't have the app or a license meaning Fisheries would need the power to ask for another form of identification like a driver's license and then have to go back to the office and look up their app activity linked to their RFL on that day and at that time.
I think there's too many holes with compliance and practicality for it to work which probably means that ol' mate Don Punch is going to bring it in asap.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Saulty2's picture

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do the work for them

Fri, 2023-04-28 09:21

  { no way! IMO their primary goal is to stop rec.fishers from catching a feed for their family - thank goodness can always  buy netted fish & or imported crap from super markets. suggest ban is way too long-  max 2 DHUIS as before,  poss. lower down to .450 MM. but with stiffer penalties 

Posts: 100

Date Joined: 19/05/13

It's not perfect, but surely

Thu, 2023-04-27 17:30

It's not perfect, but surely if we can map the sea floor in 3D while watching the footy via satellite and catch a fish, we can snap a photo in an app that works offline.

Log in before, close out the app after or when bagged out. We can all log into sea rescue, or snip a cray tail and it's not inconvenient, it's just another part of the process. 

And no, you can't use your mates app. The fish are linked to the license, the trip is linked to the boat - before you fish. Log too many fish against a boat rego for the day and no dice. The limits apply to the license and boat rego.

The skipper would be responsible for adding the fish into his/her app if out of range or if juniors/others don't have a device (as an example - and I take my 10yr old daughter to check pots with her own license). No different to a Commercial/Charter Skippers resposibility to log the catch. 

Guarantee if you have to log to fish, you'll remeber the phone & cable 99% of the time. A bit like the boat key, winch handle or the bung. You only forget once..

We are, after all - talking about logging 4 fish in the metro over the course of a day. 


To quote fisheries: It is the master of the boat's responsibility to ensure this rule is followed.



Pete F's picture

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After all the hassle of

Thu, 2023-04-27 17:35

After all the hassle of having to do all that then it still won't stop someone from catch and release all day till they find a big one. Which is the main problem now! I am sure some people might throw a dead fish back if they get a big one. But I cant see that a main stream problem, its the high grading throwing back a stream of baldies all destined to die looking for that big dhu or as it is now 4 of them. 

The biggest problem would be trusting Fisheries WA to enact the app and how it works. They always have a way of complicating these things. 



still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

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 Sorry mate don't log on to

Thu, 2023-04-27 18:52

 Sorry mate don't log on to sea rescue,  really do have better things on my boating time to do than do fisheries research for them. Would much rather enjoy my day. If this gets taken away from me time to give up and sell the boat. Fish from shore only.


 rather be fishing

Jackfrost80's picture

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Your mate can't use his app

Fri, 2023-04-28 12:02

Your mate can't use his app on your boat but he can use his license on your boat so long you all meet the boat limit? The fish cannot be linked to one licence as the boat limit exceeds a single licence limit.

So, if no one but the skipper is able to use the app for the day it'd then be up to the skipper to log onto the app before leaving the ramp, obtain the fishing license numbers of all of the license holders on board and enter/register them all into his app along with the boat rego. The skipper is then responsible for taking the picture of the fish on the fish mat and recording this in the app against the pre registered license holder who caught the fish? Sounds like a lot of piss farting around for something that's supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable...


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 03/08/19

Where's the serenity?

Fri, 2023-04-28 12:53

 Last thing I'd want to do it attend to more compliance crap. Fishing is my meditation and that's all I want to focus on when out at sea.

sea-kem's picture

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Fri, 2023-04-28 12:56



Love the West!

uncle's picture

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Fri, 2023-04-28 18:13

 I'm with you there, so glad I've had 40 odd years without all this shitshow


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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Re app

Thu, 2023-04-27 19:47

Re app, No,No & NO

dont go fishing to play with phones and apps,

would not even consider it

had a similar discussion re fisheries & new rules some time ago before new current rule books were printed, fisheries person suggest I go on line for info, back then fisheries weren't sure if books would be printed, I replied that I don't go fishing to go on line, don't have computer on board and not interested in playing with phone, we're as a book can be throw on dash for reference happy to see that we have books now

Have a nice day :) 


Posts: 126

Date Joined: 16/10/10

My 2c worth, errors as I see

Fri, 2023-04-28 16:17

My 2c worth, errors as I see them are as follows:

1. Closed season for Dhus is inconsistent with stated objectives of the policy - if objective truly is to preserve Dhufish stocks then Dhufish should be protected during their spawning season, regardless of whether it coincides with school holidays or not, and regardless of whether you're a rec or pro fisher

2. Increased bag limit on Dhufish - I still don't understand how a 40% reduction in fishing time is meant to achieve reduction in take when it is accompanied by 100% increase in bag limit

3. No size limit on Dhufish and Baldies in shallow water - as stated by others they suffer less from barotrauma in shallow water, also in shallow water they are very vulnerable to spear fishing, speaking of which why not have a size limit on these species for spearos? Barotrauma is a non-issue if you're getting them on straight hook so a size limit for spearos would go a little way to protecting Dhu and Baldie stocks in shallow water as people would have to think about what they shoot as opposed to current state of affairs where they can pull the trigger without any thought

4. I haven't made up my mind yet if it is an "error" but the whole idea of no size limit on Dhus, and Baldies for that matter, really bothers me. I can see the Fisheries logic, if everyone took home the first two fish they catch regardless of size that would equate to less fish mortality, no argument there. But, the idea of releasing undersized fish is so ingrained in anglers' psyche that a lot of people will continue to do that, right, wrong or indifferent. And there is of course a percentage of the population motivated to get the big one that will continue releasing smaller models and will continue fishing until their quest for the big one is complete. Couple that with increased bag limits I think the poor Dhu hasn't got a chance. Greater fisheries presence on the water would provide more of a deterrant but there is fat chance of government committing more dollars to boost enforcement.

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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Brilliant thoughts and

Fri, 2023-04-28 19:21

Brilliant thoughts and summary


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 332

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This is what is wring with the new rules....

Mon, 2023-05-01 08:16

Say no more.

Photo copied from a diving site.

Generated a few comments as you can imagine. Surprising a lot of people were saying comments along the lines.. 'Well if its in the rules what's the matter'

Dhuies dont stand a chance. 

Though, I can understand with this guy as he was obviously struggling for a feed.

Fair effort  in 20m.

edit: Can't seem to get photo working.... https://www.facebook.com/groups/925434754480758 you'll find it.





still trying's picture

Posts: 1074

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 Ive seen so many photos of

Mon, 2023-05-01 10:05

 Ive seen so many photos of the 4 10kg plus dhues on the deck makes me wonder how many black ass etc went back to get those 4 dhues.


 rather be fishing

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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Mon, 2023-05-01 10:23



Love the West!

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 Yeah well this photo was

Tue, 2023-05-02 08:47


Yeah well this photo was after a dive. The guy did great. 16 crays, a harlequin, a skippy, two decent dhuies...and 1 dhuie that was smaller than the skippy.


Sure no rule broken but just shows what is TOTALLY WRONG with the new rules.

Now a dhuies size  is just seen as a skippy or a whiting or whatever. 20cm. Great. What a waste.

Can you imagine all the small dhuies being kept all along the coast in shallow water when they would go back perfectly ok.

Def have a size limit for spearing, and a size limit to a certain depth.

If people want to lie about the depth they caught a small fish in so they can keep it. Good luck to them.




Posts: 227

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 The bloke said his mate got

Tue, 2023-05-02 09:43

 The bloke said his mate got both the bigger and smaller dhues on line and that the smaller one was a floater so wasn't going to survive anyhow so no harm done.

Posts: 227

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 The bloke said his mate got

Tue, 2023-05-02 09:43

 The bloke said his mate got both the bigger and smaller dhues on line and that the smaller one was a floater so wasn't going to survive anyhow so no harm done.

Posts: 998

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whats wrong with the new

Mon, 2023-05-01 10:44

whats wrong with the new rules?.... everything :/

went for a fish on saturday. anchored within the 3 mile with the intention of targetting snapper. and caught a dhu at 55cm and a baldy at 50. (yup, was a nice surprise!)

then pulled up 2 dhues which would have been aorund about 35-40cm. looked at my mate and told him no. we were in 9m of water and had an inkling it may be a dhue so slow retrieve, and the fish never left the water. swam away like rockets.

so we are supposed to keep those. we moved and decided to go trawling instead of pulling up any more small dhues.

where we were fishing is accesible to anyone with a kayakl or tinny, so i feel that so many more fish are goign to be taken out of the system regardless of the extended closures .

i can understand the mortality issues with fish getting caught in deeper water. but there are lots of spots in close with small fish and these are going to be hammered.

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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I've voiced the same concerns

Mon, 2023-05-01 14:22

I've voiced the same concerns about the 3 Mile getting raped and initially thought it'd be too hard to enforce but it would surely be no different to the snapper ban in the Sound where you can fish for snapper outside the sound but still drive back through it and retrieve at Woodman Point.

For arguement's sake let's pick 20m as the depth as it's beyond the reef and there's a fair bit of sand to cover before the better ground in the 30's... at least that's my experience out of Hillarys. If you fish within 20m then you are subject to the previous size limit for Blackarse, Dhu, Baldies etc as they should have a high release survival rate. If you fish in deeper water and catch Blackarse, Dhu, Baldies under the previous size limit that you want to keep then you need to return to the ramp without stopping and fishing in water <20m.

There's a few holes in the scenario above as there's no defined boundary besides water depth and someone could fish the 3 Mile catch 4x 45cm dhus then head out to deeper water and pretent to fish there before returning not to mention another layer of confusion to the new rules.

I took my son out on Easter Sunday in 42m and we ended up keeping a 38cm baldie as it had deeply swallowed all 3 hooks of my vexed bottom meat. That was our 4th demersal so we did the righty and packed it in after that even though the fish were on the chew. Under the old rules I would have had to fataly maim it to remove the hooks and return it or cut the line and leave the hooks in and watch it die. In this regard the rules worked a treat but only because we decided to do the righty. Gotta admit, that I did still get 2x nice fillets off it for the oldies.



Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 998

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i reckon thats a great idea.

Mon, 2023-05-01 14:55

i reckon thats a great idea. size limits in shallow where survival rates are good, and not out deep where the mortality is high.

bound to hav the normal idiots that flaunt it, but would hope most would do the right thing.

reckon should also go back to 1 dhu each and 2 per boat tho.

Posts: 790

Date Joined: 25/05/12

 The rules of 2 dhu per

Tue, 2023-05-02 00:01

 The rules of 2 dhu per person is a good idea saves releasing dhus to get baldies.   In my experience sometimes dhus on chew sometimes baldies and the others 

last trip we came back with 3 baldies one dhu.    Few  week back  3 dhus one baldie. 

I think it should be recommend 500mm limit

if the  dhu fish is in good condition, well cared for and vented for release it should be able to.
As  by this size they have reached maturity and had atleast a chance to breed, i don't think it's good to take too many small fish out the biomass, and a 50/50 chance is worth that in my opinion especially if you're keeping ones that have lesser likelihood of survival 

Because If fish is showing signs of barotrauma and not much chance of survival it should be kept.  

I agree with no size limit on break sea  and baldchin as they  don't get massive  and have a higher death rate.

Increase in time to be allowed to catch would be good for someone like myself who may get out once Every other month. Sometimes I get out often sometimes it's months apart, this ban makes it hard and people may end up taking more risks and go out in less favourable conditions because cause they may miss an opportunity to get out for a while.


rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 I like how there were a lot

Tue, 2023-05-02 10:21

 I like how there were a lot of people preaching about post release mortality before these rules came in, which in my opinion fueled these dumb arse rules. Now when everyone realises how screwed up everything is there is not a peep coming from the post release mortality brigade. It's clear the squeaky wheel got the oil, but at what cost. Haven't heard boo from fisheries or their supreme leader since dropping the bomb regardless of the pressure they are surely receiving. What chance do fish stocks have if there is no actual "research" happening. Also funny how dhuies were soo scarce before these rules but now there are a lot of full dhu bags of 8kg+ fish. Seems to me these rules are to please the people not protect the stocks. Or let the people tie our own nooses


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

I still have plenty to say

Tue, 2023-05-02 13:46

I still have plenty to say about post release mortalities.

Baldchin survival is abysmal, and the new rules work for them. Unless someone high grades for dhu's. 

Breaksea, the small ones are rarely caught deep. So the new rules work for them, unless some one high grades 30+cm ones out deep looking for dhu's. 

Dhu's well the ones in less than 30m should be protected now. And more research needs to be done to fully prove what mortalities are at what depth so a informed decision can be made on the best way forward. 

So that is my PEEP. 



brown364's picture

Posts: 249

Date Joined: 25/08/15

The conscious fisho

Tue, 2023-05-02 20:41

 Is as more up in arms about the size decrease /bag limit increase than over the ban duration.( I ) as rec  fishermen can handle a pause, if it meens sustainability of species and target somthing else to put on the plate. "Not happy Jan " if a pause becomes a ban for eternity due to substanciated science for the sake of control! If not before this was implimented , now they (fisheries etc) shouild listen to what the reasonable fishos are saying. 

Caught a shitload of baldies over easter . Yum Yum! tight lines

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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 This just my opinion, but

Wed, 2023-05-03 07:42

 This just my opinion, but take Foxfish, Blackarse and Baldies out of the equation. That's the common theme here.

As we all know the new rules have not alleviated the problem of upsizing in fact made it worse by allowing 4 Bangers. 

So allow the other fish as a by catch with a max of two per fisher to alleviate the "dead fish floating in the sea" problem.

Better to have them eaten and not wasted, it won't cure the upsizing problem but will help. 

Honestly it put even guys like me to the moral test if you pull up a Foxy knowing you'd rather have a Big Dhuie in it's place, we are still legally alowed to release the Foxy or Baldie etc but as we know  they don't release well. 


Love the West!

Pete F's picture

Posts: 310

Date Joined: 07/01/18

Either way they are still

Thu, 2023-05-04 06:39

Either way they are still 'dead to the sea'.

But yes it is at odds making a choice between a fox fish and another larger demersal, though they do taste very good and I keep them so do many others. Use of single in line circle hooks would reduce the take of smaller fish, most people would use a decent size hook and bait for a larger size fish. They could even mandate a 8/0 or larger hook when fishing for demersals. 

The one that realy gets me why it's in the demersal category is the Wirrah. We seem to catch more of them offshore these days and they are not exactly in the same league as other demersals for eating quality. Even I return them,  they seem pretty indestructable and not get a bad trauma. 

