What type of fish is this?

 Is this a red scorpion fish?

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Posts: 246

Date Joined: 26/12/09

 Red Scorpion fish?

Tue, 2018-06-05 08:16

 Red Scorpion fish?

Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 658

Date Joined: 21/09/09

 Don't touch em, nasty venom

Tue, 2018-06-05 08:28

 Don't touch em, nasty venom in those spines and Gill rakes

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

Western Scorpion fish,

Tue, 2018-06-05 09:01

 best handled with pliers. good to eat if big enough, which isn't often.

Posts: 246

Date Joined: 26/12/09

 yeah.... it looked

Tue, 2018-06-05 09:17

 yeah.... it looked nasty...ltnnearly got me too while I was trying to take the photo, lol.......cheers


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 Yep def dont get stung. They

Tue, 2018-06-05 09:20

 Yep def dont get stung. They are quite tasty but the risk of getting stung its not worth it. To de hook them i put them in the net rather than letting them flap about on deck or hanging from your line. One member on here got done and suffered with the effects for several days after. 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

A very nasty stinging type of fish

Tue, 2018-06-05 14:04

Scorpion fish nasty buggers and not to be messed with. The only way of dealing with these IMO is to not even bring them on board just cut them off over the side and watch them swim off.

Posts: 246

Date Joined: 26/12/09

Thanks for the

Tue, 2018-06-05 15:44

Thanks for the warnings......  I got stung by a Cobbler a while ago and if theyre anything like them Ill be a little more catious next time! Cheers

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 cobbler are tame compared. i

Tue, 2018-06-05 16:39

 cobbler are tame compared. i did cop a scratch from one and that was enough and i have been done by a cobbler a couple of times when younger


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

Grab them by the lower jaw

Tue, 2018-06-05 17:54

 even with bare hands, you are pretty safe. They are not exactly a big, strong fish--I've handled many, and I've had less grief from them than from bloody baldchin