Warren river
hi everyone. I have been invited on a camping trip before Christmas in December, up to Yeagerup beach. We will be fishing for most of everyday, and are hoping that a late school of salmon swim past. They usually get some on bait. Also they get tailor and sharks and herring and some whiting. But the thing that I really want to know about and probably my favourite part of the trip is fishing the Warren River on my kayak for bream. I'm thinking lures and bait?
anyway how far up River are the big bream? We will be spending the whole day there so that means we could go fairly far up River. Is the warren River good for black bream, and is there pb bream up there?
also I want to know if you can drop crab nets for blue manna crabs?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
I have never heard of anyone
I have never heard of anyone catching bream in the Warren, its better known as a Trout/Redfin Perch river. Probably also more likely to get Marron in your drop nets than crabs too.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Yeah, I thought the warren
Yeah, I thought the warren was predominantly freshwater. Take some bream lures, should get a few reddies if nothing else
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Donnelly river
If its anything like the Donnelly river you can should some good black bream, they spawn in the river and get trapped when it bars up. The two rivers are much the same so cannot see why they are caught in one and not in the other.
Salmon should be starting their up run along that section of the coast around then so a good chance of an odd one or two.
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Depends on where you fish.
Upper reaches around the Pemberton area totally fresh but full of Reddies and some trout. Yes marron but only in season!!
If the lower reaches plenty of bream. Havent fished down there in ages though.
How are you getting to the warren. If camping at Yagerup you can access the lower reaches. About 2k upriver I recall a little island and its had some nice snags and good bream. You can go upriver some way, but in my day we had a old canadian and used it to get upstream , so we didnt paddle the beast all that far and still had fun (had to drag it a few times with 3 onboard). Its fairly off the track so there is plenty there. Problem is getting the PBs from the hodes off 30cm models.
Crabs - no idea, but you might find the odd one. They tend to prefer more estuarine conditions and the river hasnt got a huge entry to the sea.
Testing my old brain cells though, but "Ohh, the good ole days"
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Fisher Kid
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have fun off yaegerup, the
have fun off yaegerup, the swells are usually huge around that time, caught some huge silver brim there last easter. Usually windy heaps and hard to cast out anything on a small rod under 10ft. If your lucky youll get nice weather.
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
The Donnelly River has an
The Donnelly River has an estuary the Warren does not. The Donnelly is also deep enough to go by boat from Boat Landing (about 10km from the sea) all the way to the coast where as the Warren can be very shallow in many parts of the lower reaches. The Warren is also much fresher and it generally keeps flowing (well these days trickling) into the sea all year.
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Date Joined: 24/07/12
Was flowing fast last weekend no one was crossing it, the mouth has moved 2km East. Salmon heads on the beach and a small Dead Whale 4m long. We got eaten alive by Sandflys arms and legs.
PB Dhu 850 mm Pink 820mm
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So some people have been
So some people have been catching salmon recently obviousely and how long do u reckon the whale would be there for?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 129
Date Joined: 05/07/14
gday mate
there are no black bream in the warren river ive fished it for years and ive only ever court trout and they can get huge biggest ive pulled out was 7lb and funny thing was it was right at the mouth of the warren and more stranger I court it on a chunk of mullet. we just got to the beach and we were setting up camp and half pissed thought id throw a line in and nek minut the rod fell over and started heading to the middle. As for salmon theyre pretty much there all year round just less of them and I recon summer time is the best fishing down there cause there aren't as many salmon and there are a lot of big flat head and silver bream and other fish cause they aren't getting harassed by the salmon. good luck tight lines u lucky cabbage.
shut up and fish
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Was the trout almost at the
Was the trout almost at the mouth? It would be pretty awesome if I could catch trout and redfin!
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 728
Date Joined: 03/02/12
Any pics of the trout?
Any pics of the trout tim?
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
So how far up the river do
So how far up the river do people start getting the trout and redfin? I'm going to the mouth early probably at about 9am and will be back at the mouth at about 4 so we will be able to get a fair way up the river. I think that we're only going to be using bait, but I might bring a 4'5" ugly stick gold which is only 1-3kg but it should be able to cast lures because it just should.
but where does the redfin and trout start to swim? Do they come right up to the mouth or do they hang a few Km's back?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
perch and trout
perch are in freshwater only,trout often run to sea but go silver and get mistaken for other fish.good luck spinning
just do it.