Volunteers needed to assist with fish tagging

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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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Fri, 2012-03-23 11:02

I could probably help with Tailor as I release most of mine anyway. Message sent.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

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 I'm in, I release most of my

Fri, 2012-03-23 12:28

 I'm in, I release most of my winter tailor when I'm not shark or mulloway fishing, I'll call up on Monday.


always looking for a new challenge!!

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Date Joined: 10/06/09

i cant catch either of them

Sat, 2012-03-24 14:27

i cant catch either of them regulary

so sorry


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

Why would one help

Sat, 2012-03-24 15:04

Having just been shafted by fisheries minister on the Capes Marine park I would have thought that fishermen would be the last people you ask for help.go ask the greenies.

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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Data is important

Sat, 2012-03-24 15:12

I agree I am very angry that the Fisheries have closed and continue to close off opportunities for the rec fisho. That doesn't stop me from providing information and it certainly creates (or should) a responsible approach from rec fishos. Politics and science are two different things. No matter what we do the science will improve (hopefully) but political decisions will always be made on interpretations of data and the need to gain votes. It's crap I know but that's the way it is.


Work smart and fish often.
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Your Free to Do what you Want UncutTriggerIn WA

Sat, 2012-03-24 17:10

I hope you don't think I'm speaking for anyone else trigger but as far as i'm concerned no more fish frames , no more data relating to catch , no more Recreational boat fishing funds going to fisheries. Of course I wont stop fishing because I know how inadequate the Compliance section of fisheries is. A real lot of dreamers in my opinion. I have no problem in fighting back in the only way I know how. When the Government realises the decision they make has detrimental effect on our fish stocks you watch them back track real fast like they did with the Demersal fee they wanted to charge on us fishers.Everyone else can make up their own minds on what way they want to go but doing nothing and copping it up the backside all the time is no longer an option.

allrounder's picture

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back tracking

Sat, 2012-03-24 18:19

 Yes they deciced not to charge a demersal fee,but we ended up with a RBFL instead.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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I understand your view Howard and probably support it

Sat, 2012-03-24 20:03

It will be interesting to see how they manage to police these exclusion zones and also how many people decide to test the system. And I will ask a question, "what is this all really about?". We can't even go down and catch a feed of Whiting now so why take your kids there? Is it to watch you talking crap on your balcony sipping chardonney and telling them to disappear? To where? I agree Howard, this sucks but I still think that taking an interest in the gathering of data is important for times to come. FFS what am I trying to say? LOL.


Work smart and fish often.
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joe amato's picture

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get the so called expert greenies to help

Sat, 2012-03-24 20:25

 get the so called greenies to help,they seem to know everything without a clue,thats why we got clossures in the southwest today,and the rest of clossures is yet to come,why would we help these greenies speed up the clossures imo

Faulkner Family's picture

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 have you guys that are

Sat, 2012-03-24 21:49

 have you guys that are against this data collecting thaught that it may help in stopping any further closures if it proves that there is no real prob with stocks of these species.

im all for the research, it could be a real winner down the track


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Data Collecting.

Sat, 2012-03-24 22:56

We rec-fishers need to wake up and realise that the information we provide fisheries is used against us to put inplace closures. Without our help they wouldn't know what happens out on the water and as long as each of us fish in a sustainable and responsible way we'll still have plenty of fish for the future. I'm not against research but from now on the government will be paying for it out of their own pockets and not mine if their attitude is to shaft fishermen.

NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

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I too am sick of this government

Sat, 2012-03-24 22:05

Not only am I sick of the government, I am also sick to death of the bloody fisheries ! Why is it that, we as rec fisherman, supply all the information to these so called scientists at the fisheries only for that info to be used against the very people who help !!

I have two friends who are fisheries officers - one in NSW and the other in WA and you know what they're opinion is ? They too are sick of the political bullshit ! You would not believe the stories of mismanagement they deal with from their heirachy, and out of respect for my mates I will not mention any of these stories - some of which would make many a fisherman very angry !

I believe we as fisherman should keep our information to ourselves and look after our fishery with the respect it deserves ! The bloody fisheries can go out there and get the information for themselves.

Another complete fool that has always got an opinion is Glen Jakovich - nothing like using D grade celebrities for political bullshit !



UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

Fair comments all round here guys

Sun, 2012-03-25 10:52

Howard and NORUN I agree that we are being shafted by the Greens and the Pollies. It will be interesting to see what the fisheries have to say in response to what happened yesterday in Yallingup and what they feel about the remarks made here. I must admit the timing is somewhat astry..Anthother bad decision from within? It looks like this whole thing has further distanced the Rec fishos from the establishment. That can't be a good thing.


Work smart and fish often.
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Comments From Colin Barnett.

Sun, 2012-03-25 12:58

The comments made by Colin Barnett at Yal. attacks the integrity and insults every fisherperson in WA and can't be allowed to go unchallenged. He seems to forget that a large number of rec-fishers care about the marine environment and to suggest that the marine environment needs protecting from us just shows what a shallow and poorly informed little person he is. It's as if he's not interested in representing the public who choose to go fishing and is more interested in getting the greenies on side. I think the fact that a Gov. dept. destroyed 40 homes in Margs. is a mititgating factor and must be recognised as a peace offering to cover up DEC's stuff-up. The State government and Fisheries Dept. must be treated as the enemy of the fishing public and any assistance that is provided  by us that brings about further closures and Marine Parks should be treated as treason.

Posts: 457

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Tagging is

Tue, 2012-04-03 08:36

for me regardless of some of the views on here.


Posts: 127

Date Joined: 17/01/12

Data collection

Tue, 2012-04-03 09:45

Gotta remember that the Ngari marine park may have had nothing to do with Fisheries Science or the rest of the Fisheries Department. The Fisheries Minister probably didn't have to agree with it, as marine parks are a DEC remit. So as ripped off as we feel with the new marine park, don't let that stop you helping to produce a solid data set so that Fisheries can make good decisions based on science in the future. We will be completely stuffed without it, unless we want to start paying huge fees to RFW and create our own data.

I fish with a straight hook so won't be able to tag and release any fish.


NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

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Solid Data

Tue, 2012-04-03 12:17

The only solid data I can see kmo, are 1. Restricted Fisheries and 2. No-go zones ( sancturies )

Politicians listen to minority groups, and then the bullshit just falls down line - we as fisherman are at the end of that line.

You can have as much solid data as you like, and somebody WILL manipulate that data to mould any way they like !

Personally, I'm off to the dunny, I can feel a solid data coming on !!

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

squidder im with you 

Tue, 2012-04-03 14:55

squidder im with you


information from scientists  is good ...so iv stuck me hand up to help these guys out ...


you gotta seperate the science from the politics of fisheries management as much as possible and give these blokes a hand ..imho

... FACT = policy changes will continue to happen that eventuate to more regulation etc ......whether we get involved or not  

if your helping to pay for the bus it is much smarter to sit next to the bus driver , watch the fuel gauge , speed limit ,road conditions ,  etc and give him advice about the best destination .....  where you want to go in the future ...      rather than just get a  blind ticket to ride sit back and wind up in some hell hole ,miles from where you wanna be ,no food ,no beer ,no accomadation ...........whinging about it  saying life sucks cause you didnt end up where you wanted to go



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2012-04-03 15:03

Finally a winner!


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