
hi everyone, thinking of going squiding on Saturday morning, land based and maybe a bit on the yak, but not too far from land. I was mainly wondering which land based spots are currently firing metro? 


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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 eshed had a few big ones

Wed, 2015-06-17 16:25

 eshed has a few big ones


 Dream fish to catch:

Giant herring.


Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

I would have thought the area

Wed, 2015-06-17 18:39

I would have thought the area out from South Mole would be the pick of locations Lachie

lachieH's picture

Posts: 1126

Date Joined: 02/03/13

i would have to get there

Wed, 2015-06-17 21:01

i would have to get there before the sun comes up right? only my first time squidding




Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

tadpole's picture

Posts: 387

Date Joined: 28/01/13

 Don't know much about

Thu, 2015-06-18 04:13

 Don't know much about squidding, but a mate of mine got some off South Mole a few weeks ago. Pretty sure he got there before the crack of dawn around 4 or 4:30 I think so could be the way to go

Madmerv's picture

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Thu, 2015-06-18 06:43

 Squiding at night is fun when you have a light to bring them right up to you. Sight fishing.

On a really nice morning out on the Yak would be great watching the sun rise, but mate, squid will go a lure at almost any time if they are there.


 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

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 I think the weather is a bit

Thu, 2015-06-18 08:02

 I think the weather is a bit scetchy for a yak this saturday, but if you thinking land based the south mole/challenger harbour ( between the two) area is a good start, early morning with 2.5 or 2 sized jigs. If its too hard fishing light jigs there give the fishermans boat harbour a go at the entrances and all the reefy looking areas. The tip is to move around put a few casts in everywhere and hope that each spot produces a few. I spent many long nights catching squid in that area and you'll be surprised at how they become suspicious of a jig after seeing it a few times. So if you move then come back you could pick one off a spot that you were flogging half an hour earlier straight away.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Posts: 95

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 i got a decent sized

Thu, 2015-06-18 13:25

 i got a decent sized cuttlefish at south mole few weeks ago, measured out to be 65cm, not sure if thats considered decent or not 

Posts: 363

Date Joined: 27/12/09

Hey Lachie. Join Western

Thu, 2015-06-18 17:53

Hey Lachie. Join Western Squid Wranglers on facebook, great crowd with heaps of info. As a basic guide, sunrise and sunset coinciding with a high tide change will increase your chances, however you can catch squid anytime. Red foil jigs with dark cloth in low light ( creates a good contrast ) and as the light increases switch to gold foil jigs in natutal baitfish colours. 2.5 to 3.5 size jigs however i usually use 3.0 size jigs. Google squid jig colour charts and you'll get a clearer picture of my babble 

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 23/02/12

 I swear by Pink jigs!

Thu, 2015-06-18 18:23

 I swear by Pink jigs!




Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

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 Yeah I used to be the same

Thu, 2015-06-18 18:29

 Yeah I used to be the same but recently at jurien my mate pulled up 15 squid in a night off the jetty using an old blue $3 jig while there were only 3 others caught.

As a general rule I think it's similar to plastics, dark colours in overcast/low light conditions ad light colours for bright conditions/when the sun is high.

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 If you get out on the kayak

Thu, 2015-06-18 18:31

 If you get out on the kayak fish shallow weed beds, should get a few otherwise the moles have been producing lately