Sounder pics - what's your thoughts

Hi all

Went out today with my daughter for a dive, hoping to snare a few crays. Headed out from The Cut but the conditions on the water mirrored the forecast on seabreeze....bugger. The swell was quite big and the water in close was dirty and churned up so we decided against going in.

Decided to sound around and check out some possible new dive sites and came across a patch of ground that gave up these pics. To me, they look like caves and overhangs....just wondering what you guys make of them. *Sorry about the quality of the was a bit rough out there today.

I'm pretty keen to have a dive on the site when the water clears up a bit...when I do, I'll take some underwater pics for comparison.

The weather looks pretty good next Tuesday and Wednesday....fingers crossed!

Have a great Christmas and enjoy the time with your families.



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I'm sure there are a few

Sun, 2011-12-25 06:56

I'm sure there are a few crays in there for ya!


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sounder pics!

Sun, 2011-12-25 10:13

To me, they look like caves and overhangs....just wondering what you guys make of them


Spot on Rusty............hidey-holes for crays!

smash's picture

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while there maybe caves

Sun, 2011-12-25 14:45

while there maybe caves and/or overhangs I doubt your sounder shows them as such.

For these pictures to be showing that it would have to have penetrated 2 meters of solid rock, and then again on the bottom of the cave.

Id actually guess at a limestone bottom sloping into the sand/mud. The sounder may be penetrating the sand/silt as it is much easier due to being waterlogged.

If you drive over it again adjust your gain and other settings to see if you get a different show on the upper layer.

For it to be a cave the top layer MUST be solid rock and you would see a colour difference between the upper and lower layers when adjusted.

fishy fingers's picture

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I agree with you

Sun, 2011-12-25 17:22

and I've said it before although I'm not an expert on sounder technology I do understand the basic operation and for the sonar to penetrate the solid rock (cave roof) hit the bottom and bounce back to the transducer (back through the cave roof) to show a cave does not seem possible to me and there are plenty of people out there that think the same.....having said that plenty believe they can show cave too.

sunshine's picture

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Definitely caves and overhangs

Sun, 2011-12-25 15:21

But for goodness sake turn the auto gain off and go to manual and back it off and those ledges and caves / overhangs will be far clearer

When used correctly can find you some speccy dive sites - I use mine to drop the pick just over the edge of ledges like that to ensure easy release and makes diving a breeze as it takes you right into prime territory.. .............great for prospecting new sites when conditions are shitty 



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Sun, 2011-12-25 15:34

Your Furuno sounder pics are caves & overhangs for sure Rusty!

Sunshine is spot on with getting rid of auto gain .......... manual everything as you need to fine tune your Furuno sounder to make everything sharp.......dont allow the unit to auto dictate!

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caves and sounder pics

Sun, 2011-12-25 18:33

When you get the chance it would be interesting to see just what the bottom is like if you get afew photos.

All the best for christmas to you and yours

r.gates's picture

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Sounder pics

Sun, 2011-12-25 19:07

Thanks guys for your comments.

We're heading out on Wednesday for a dive so I'll be sure to sound over the area with the sounder on Manual, just for comparison, and I'll take some photos from underwater. I do hope there are some caves with crays in them....the hard part (for me) will be snaring the little buggers!!



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grayzeee's picture

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ledges and overhangs.there's

Sun, 2011-12-25 20:38

ledges and overhangs.

there's already been a post on this with pics to prove.

you can see two bottom returns meaning the unit is reading the top of the reef and the ground next to the reef at once. (both area's covered by beam)


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

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Caves & overhangs .......easy to see!

Sun, 2011-12-25 21:11
sarcasm0's picture

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Geez I wish I read that at the time

Mon, 2011-12-26 07:43

I used to work transcribing Geophysical Seismic Data from magnetic tape to digital data sets. Whole Terrestrial and marine survey data sets for Oil and gas, Mining etc which really are just millions of individual 2d sounder shots stitched together with software to create a 3d perspective.

The comments 'it's a matter of physics - can sound waves "penetrate" structure, and "read" "sub-surface" structure (ie. displaying a cave or void)????  I don't think so' and 'if you understood "the physics of the sounder operation"' are just mind boggling.



r.gates's picture

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Submersible camera

Mon, 2011-12-26 08:07

Thanks guys for all your comments. The thread that Ryan posted the link to, was a very interesting read.

One of the reasons why I bought the submersible camera was to try to understand what my sounder was showing me. 

When we fished the Bouvards a few times recently and caught some skippy, the images on the sounder looked like 'caves' to me, and when we dived on one of those spots a couple of weeks ago, I was amazed at the number of caves, ledges and swim throughs that we came across....not too many crays though, unfortunately.

The more we use our equipment, the more knowledge we gain, and with the help of others here and elsewhere, the better armed we are at catching our elusive prey.

We never stop learning!




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Paul G's picture

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Yep no way you can pick up

Mon, 2011-12-26 08:10

Yep no way you can pick up caves and edges just can't be done I think you should all throw your sounders over the side.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Paul G's picture

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Mon, 2011-12-26 08:16 Check this out looks the same to me.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

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ha ha

Mon, 2011-12-26 09:51

But it cant be true lol ......... good link there Paul to show people sounders do read caves & ledges etc  

fishy fingers's picture

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not a cave though is it?

Mon, 2011-12-26 11:27

My definition of a cave must be different to others as I dont call an overhang a cave or a ledge for that matter

pauls pic there is far from a cave but given the sound waves come down in a cone shape and bounce around then it's possible to pick

up an overhang I accept that but not caves

shabba's picture

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ive been diving with Ryan and

Mon, 2011-12-26 12:42

ive been diving with Ryan and his furuno is showin caves n ledges we hit the bottom and yeh its exactly what we saw

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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Sorry but I will get a

Mon, 2011-12-26 12:47

Sorry but I will get a sounding of a cave for you I have sounded over the shark cave at rot to and no way you can miss that as a cave.there is a pick on that link showing the opening to a large cave


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls