Shark shields?
Just got back from Perth today from 10 days over in South Aus in Port Lincoln, while away I managed to get on a day trip to go cage diving with great white sharks, bloody amazing.....but
definately made me aware how quickly them buggers can get from being completely out of sight to right upon you and am definately wary of them as much if not more than prior. if you dont see him you wont have time to get in a hole if or when you do see him!
Anyway as im booked in to get my dive ticket in feb im researching into the shark shields that are on the market, I see they have the new model the shark shield 7 which comes in either a general use model which has a reasonably long antenna that hangs from an ankle and a similar model aimed at scuba divers which has a shorter antenna off the ankle and another flat type antenna that attaches to the tank.....
Anyway just looking for peoples thoughts on these things and if they think they actually work.
The guys at the dive shop i went to in port lincoln sweared by them but maybe theyre after a sale to a visiting tourist too! but the guys out on the shark cage boat said they thought they worked as they had the scientists out on their boat testing them on occasion.....
Anyway guys keen to hear if anyones used them and has any reccommendations, im currently leaning towards the general purpose type so it can be used while snorkelling swimming surfing etc not just while scuba diving.....
Ill put some pics up from the trip when i get more organised,
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
From all the reports i have
From all the reports i have heard they work...seen documentary's on them and sharks get within a certain distance then bolt away
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
A guy i dive with
will not go in the water without one he almost got done by a tiger at kalbarri last year it took his fish then his cray loop followed by his speargun the only thing that saved him was the other guys in the bout dropped in their shields because his battery went flat so the moral of the story is they work well when the battery is charged.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
A guy i dive with
will not go in the water without one he almost got done by a tiger at kalbarri last year it took his fish then his cray loop followed by his speargun the only thing that saved him was the other guys in the bout dropped in their shields because his battery went flat so the moral of the story is they work well when the battery is charged.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
PM sent
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
My take!
I did my research well and truely before buying one. The few only deaths that have been reported when i was reading up with such devices being attached had either not been turn on or was incorrectly used ie the lead was coiled up etc etc. The commercial divers all around Aust dive with these big tigers & GW ALL the timer and no issues at all. I've had friends that have used them with great repealeant success also up north.
I used it up in Exmouth recently with some big bronzie swiming around us in a remote (shark infested area) and i was at ease with the unit & the surrounding sharks. I use the Freedom 7, i dive with confidence and the last lot of snapper surface pics I posted i also use the Shark Shield. To the few mates that used to niggle me about the Shark Shiled have gone quiet after the rescent issues.......funny that
Good enought for me, the alternative in "not using it" sucks more!
* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *
Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682
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Do you use the general
Do you use the general purpose one mate with the single ankle antenna or the one made just for scuba divers with the extra antenna to go on your tank as well? it looks like the same unit for both just with an extra arial fitted?
thanks alot mate
Goooooone Fishin!
Gooooone Fishin!
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Yeh i use the standard Freedom 7 unit Kane. Took me a while to get used to it and now i'm at one with it, goes every where i go in the ocean!
* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *
Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682
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Date Joined: 07/08/05
what sort of dollars are we
what sort of dollars are we talking for one of these? just curious.
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Best price i can find so far
Best price i can find so far is on ebay for 650....were offering me one in south aus for 800, sounds like a good investment i reckon.
Goooooone Fishin!
Gooooone Fishin!
Justin Poole
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 24/08/08
I put my brother s on with
I put my brother s on with out a wetty or tying it to my fin they give a little tingle if the come incontact with the body, It drifted over my sholder and give me a zap on the neck, haha.
I was more scared of getting a boot from it than the sharks.
Live to fish
By Hook or Spear, its all good..
Posts: 361
Date Joined: 22/10/06
Mixed Opinions
I have seen tests where they have got the sharks eating burley and then dropped the shark sheild in. The sharks didn't even flinch!
I have also been told they attract sharks, then when the sharks get with in the radius they feel the zap.
I wouldn't dive, snorkle or surf with someone that has one on if I didn't have one on as well.
I don't think I will ever use one, but you never know. I dove exmouth in May spearfishing and had plenty of sharks around with no problems.
I think the main thing is if your spearfishing, spike your fish as quick as possible and be smart about how many dead fish you got in your bag.
You look at how many people dive, snorkle, surf, swim in Australia everyday and I think the chance of getting hit by a shark is very rare.
Don't think about them and just get in the water. Happy diving.
Oh yeah and I'll be out there Friday diving......
Posts: 393
Date Joined: 12/06/08
I agree
With BQ544,100%if you talk to Ron,from Hooka dive he sys the same,the shields seem to attract the sharks in and work only when it enters the safe?zone so if you are the one with it ,good,you are probably ok,but if your mate has it and not you,not so good,I fully believe they work from all I have read,heard,but do you r homework,go see Ron from Hooka,he also sells them
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
i been diving with mine a few times.. long antenna model..
first time shocked me , as i rolled off the boat with the antenna in my hand , think i was twitching for hrs.. ruined my dive lol. also dived shallow peppies, evertime i hit reef i got zapped.. but hey if it saves ur life small price to pay..
still wont dive near the seal colony again.after the gw encounter.. we experienced a few weeks ago.. seeing the size of this beast .. i doubt a small zap would stop him.. he wanted to eat 7 metres of palt ali..
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
The Facts!
How does the Shark Shield effectively deter sharks?
Does the Shark Shield attract sharks?
If I am wearing a unit, but my buddy/mate is not, is he/she more prone to attack?
What sort of testing has been done on the Shark Shield units?
Can we guarantee the Shark Shield works?
Has the Shark Shield been proven to be safe to humans?
Does the Shark Shield harm sharks?
When should I turn on the Shark Shield?
Do I have to leave the Shark Shield switched on all the time?
Who can use the Shark Shield?
Can the unit be used by children?
On which part of the body is the Shark Shield worn?
Do the electrodes need to be immersed in the water for a protective field to be created?
Does the Shark Shield repel any other creatures?
Will I get an electric shock?
How long does the battery pack last?
How do I know when the battery pack is getting low?
Can I “top up” the battery pack when it still has some charge left in it, or does it need to be fully drained?
How should I store the battery pack?
How can I test that the unit is working properly?
What is the warranty period for the Shark Shield unit?
Can I use the Shark Shield in estuarine environments?
What is the depth rating of the Shark Shield?
Does the field of the Shark Shield interfere with a divers hoseless air integrated dive computer?
What types of sharks does the Shark Shield deter?
What is the right shark shield for me?
1. How does the Shark Shield effectively deter sharks?
The Shark Shield produces a unique conductive field that surrounds the wearer. Sharks are sensitive to this field and when they approach too close to the wearer, the field causes muscular spasms in the shark, that result in the shark feeling discomfort.
It is believed the field is detected by the shark through its sensory receptors, known as the Ampullae of Lorenzini, found on the snouts of all predator sharks. Once detected by the shark''s sensors, the field causes extreme discomfort and muscle spasms, resulting in the animal fleeing the area.
Click here for more information on the technology.
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2. Does the Shark Shield attract sharks?
No! Surprisingly, this is a question Shark Shield is sometimes asked because of some misconceptions. Shark Shield does not attract sharks; it deters them. An explanation follows.
All free swimming sharks rely on various highly developed senses to detect and track their prey. In order of distance, the senses triggered are smell, sound, sight and at very close distances only, electrical impulses.
Smell - a long range sense
Sharks will follow a scent trail over considerable distances. Blood, body fluids and secretions from shell fish may deposit a trail several kilometers from the source.
Sound - a long range sense
Low frequency vibrations travel hundreds of meters through the water and are known to attract sharks. Typical sounds might be struggling fish or humans swimming.
Sight - a long range sense
Most of the sharks that pose a threat to us have excellent eyesight and can readily track prey by sight, even in low light.
Electrical impulses - used at very close range only
A particularly unique sense used by sharks at close quarters, consists of hundreds of tiny gel filled pores around the snout. These are known as Ampullae of Lorenzini and are used to pick up the electrical signals emitted by the nerve impulses from living creatures. When a shark closes in for an attack, a protective membrane pulls back over its eyes rendering it temporarily blind. For the few seconds this may take, the shark is able to track its prey by utilising its Ampullae of Lorenzini.
Because of the laws of physics, the electrical signal from the Shark Shield decays rapidly in the water. A shark is therefore only attracted to the source by its long distance senses, being scent and sound - not by the Shark Shield.
When a shark is in an investigative mode, the electrical field from the Shark Shield presents an unfamiliar and unpleasant pulsing sensation. The unique wave form emitted from the Shark Shield is designed to overload the shark''s central nervous system and inflict discomfort as it approaches at close range in its investigative mode.
The electrical field generated by the Shark Shield does not replicate that given off by a fish or seal and hence it is not recognised by a shark, as a desirable or attractive stimulus.
The testing programs we conduct are extremely expensive to operate and as such it is vitally important to maximise shark visitation to the site. Over many years of field testing the original Shark POD, and later the Shark Shield, we have always had to stimulate the shark’s long distance senses by using blood and offal to attract the sharks and carry out testing, because the Shark Shield field does not attract them.
The testing programs, and subsequent reports from users (Testimonials) of this technology, prove the Shark Shield deters sharks. It clearly does not attract them.
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3. If I am wearing a unit, but my buddy/mate is not, is he/she more prone to attack?
Anyone not wearing a Shark Shield is at more risk of being attacked than somebody who is wearing a unit.
However the fact that one person is wearing a unit does not mean that those around him/her are placed at greater risk than if nobody in the group was wearing a unit.
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4. What sort of testing has been done on the Shark Shield units?
The electronic wave-form used in the Shark Shield has been on the market since 1995, in the guise of the Shark POD, and has proved its effectiveness in the field time and time again. Click here to view our testimonies.
The Natal Sharks Board test program, was carried out by a group of scientists, including physicists, marine biologists, electronic engineers and a large number of professional divers.
The Shark Shield has been thoroughly tested in the laboratory, and on site with Great Whites, both in Cape Town, South Africa and Neptune Island, South Australia. Field testing of the Shark Shield on predator sharks involves attracting sharks using blood and offal. The unit is turned on and placed into the water with fish bait attached to attract the shark. The shark''s behaviour, as it investigates the food source, is then observed and recorded. The testing conducted to date proves conclusively (100% of the time) that sharks detest the effect the field has on them and will keep a safe distance away from the wearer.
Field testing involves attracting sharks using blood and offal, under stringently controlled conditions. The unit is turned on and placed into the water with fish bait attached, to attract the shark. The shark''s behaviour is then observed and recorded as it investigates the food source. The testing conducted to date proves conclusively (100% of the time) that sharks detest the effect the field has on them, and will keep a safe distance between themselves and the Shark Shield. These tests were completed by independent marine biologists. Click here to view footage of field testing.
Remember: This testing is conducted under the worst possible scenario. The shark is stimulated, hungry and excited. This is a situation that any responsible person will avoid at all costs.
In addition to the proof discussed above, Shark Shield has recently gained credibility by being issued with a NATO stock number. This involved a testing regime by the Australian military. It is currently used by the Australian Elite Military, the Army, Navy, Police and Professional Divers and the US Coast Guard.
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5. Can we guarantee the Shark Shield works?
Certainly it works.
Apart from the unsolicited testimonies from users, stating how their lives have been saved by this technology, we have years of conclusive scientific testing. It is important to note that all our testing is conducted in extreme circumstances in a bloodied and baited environment.
However, it must be remembered that all sharks are dangerous and unpredictable creatures, and therefore a 100% guarantee cannot be given. It is impossible to guarantee that all sharks will be deterred under all circumstances.
Since the inception of airbags in motor vehicles many lives have been saved by the invention, but it cannot be claimed that air bags save lives 100% of the time. With or without the protection of a Shark Shield, all sharks should be treated with respect and caution. Water sport participation in the presence of sharks is inherently dangerous. Any human activity in the water near sharks must always be considered as possessing a considerable degree of risk.
Like any piece of electronic equipment, the Shark Shield will not work effectively if not used in the correct manner, and if the units are not maintained correctly. The product instruction booklet provided with the unit must be read thoroughly prior to using the Shark Shield.
In April 2003, following the inquest into the death of a commercial scallop diver in South Australia, the State Coroner recommended that "...all divers diving in waters where there is the risk of the presence of sharks should wear a shark repellent device such as a Shark Shield or Shark POD..."
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6. Has the Shark Shield been proven to be safe to humans?
The field generated by the Shark Shield, when used in accordance with the instructions contained in the instruction booklet supplied with each unit, poses no danger to the user, to sharks or to the environment. The field can be detected if the electrodes come into very close contact with the skin.
Direct contact with, or very close proximity to the antenna, may cause twitching of the surface muscles of the skin, in time with the slow pulsing of the signal. The conductive field readily travels through seawater, it being a better conductor than the human body. Thus the field tends to surround the body rather than penetrate it. Scientific tests show that the type of signal generated by the Shark Shield is unable to pass through body tissues, unlike radio waves or microwaves that readily penetrate the body, and therefore it poses no health problems for users.
However, anyone with any health condition which could increase their sensitivity to the fields created by the Shark Shield should not use the device. Such conditions include heart disease, a history of heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, a history of fainting or epilepsy, lung disease, or if the user is on any prescription drugs that are administered for these conditions. People who have pacemakers or are pregnant must not use the Shark Shield and should also avoid swimming near any other person using the Shark Shield.
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7. Does the Shark Shield harm sharks?
From the tests conducted to date, the Shark Shield does not harm the shark. The majority of initial testing was carried out by a team of marine biologists at the Natal Sharks Board of South Africa.
Scientific tests, as well as observations, show the field emitted by the Shark Shield causes discomfort to the shark, which can eventually lead to muscular spasms. However once the shark leaves the area, there is no lasting detrimental effect to the shark.
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8. When should I turn on the Shark Shield?
Do not turn the unit on until you enter the water. Turn the unit off when exiting the water.
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9. Do I have to leave the Shark Shield switched on all the time?
Yes, when in the water. According to the International Shark Attack File of the Ichthyology Department of the Florida Museum of Natural History - see - 52.3% of shark attack victims did not see the shark prior to attack. Therefore do not wait to turn the unit on. Ensure the unit is turned off when you are exiting the water.
However, the unit must be switched off when inside a shark cage or in any other confined areas such as wrecks or caves. Also see "When should I turn on the Shark Shield."
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10. Who can use the Shark Shield?
Please see our product matrix for the suggested units for each activity.
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11. Can the unit be used by children?
The Shark Shield must not be used by children under the age of twelve years. The Shark Shield is a safety device, not a toy. It is deemed that children under the age of twelve, even with adult supervision, do not have the necessary level of maturity required to use such an electrical device, which, if not used correctly, will not give the level of protection to the user that it is designed to do.
Children above the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult to ensure that the Shark Shield is used correctly and in accordance with the instructions and warnings contained in the instruction booklet supplied with each unit.
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12. On which part of the body is the Shark Shield worn?
It depends on which unit you use.
Shark Shield Scuba 7 - the main housing of the unit can be worn on the thigh (a strap is provided), in a BC pocket, or attached to the front of the BC via a BC strap or D ring. The antenna electrode is worn on the ankle, with the antenna protruding out the front, so that it rests on the fin. The pad electrode is secured to the back of the scuba cylinder via the BC securing strap.
Shark Shield Freedom 7 - Is attached to the ankle via a neoprene casing. Both electrodes are encased in the 2 meter antenna.
Shark Shield Surf – The Surf unit is not attached to the body, it is mounted on the tail of the surfboard via a mounting board, deck grip can then be stuck to the mounting board, the 2 meter antenna that houses the electrodes then hangs out the back. The mounting board can be unscrewed so that you can recharge the unit or mount it on another surf board.
Shark Shield Mariner – Can be mounted on a boat in many different ways or could be worn on a divers air line, attached to a surface marker buoy, a rope or decompression bar.
Custom units – We build many custom units for a range of different uses including commercial fishing, event protection, aquaculture and trawling. Please contact Steven Copley or Steve Adcock at our head office for more information.
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13. Do the electrodes need to be immersed in the water for a protective field to be created?
Yes, most definitely! Both electrodes need to be immersed in the water for a protective field to be created. In the case of the Freedom and Mariner units, both electrodes are encased in the antenna.
In the Scuba unit one electrode is encased in the antenna protruding from the ankle, whilst the other electrode is worn on the scuba cylinder.
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14. Does the Shark Shield repel any other creatures?
One of the distinct advantages of this unique electronic wave-form is that it only repels predator sharks and members of the Elasmobranch family including Rays and Skates. Elasmobranch animals all have Ampullae of Lorenzini.
Although both anecdotal, and some very limited tests on Crocodiles, show the Shark Shield wave form has an affect, considerably further testing must be conducted before any claim can be made or implied.
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15. Will I get an electric shock?
Placing the hand near the electrodes will cause stimulation of the surface muscles of the skin. If you come into very close contact or touch the electrodes when the unit is switched on, the result will be some twitching of the surface muscles of the skin. The amount of discomfort is different for each human. The stimulation is not as bad as a shock from an electric fence.
If using the Scuba or Mariner units (for diving), these must be worn with a wetsuit to avoid skin stimulation.
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16. How long does the battery last?
The battery with the FREEDOM7, SCUBA7 and Surf units will last up to 7 hours if fully charged prior to use. The lithium battery is rechargeable.
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17. How do I know when the battery is getting low?
A solid green LED shows when the unit is operating normally. If the battery is running low alternate red and green flashing LEDs will be displayed, together with an audiable alarm.
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18. Can I “top up” the battery when it still has some charge left in it, or does it need to be fully drained?
Yes. Topping up the battery pack when partially charged will not damage the battery or lead to memory effect problems. However, any rechargeable battery benefits from being totally discharged every 6 months.
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19. How should I store the battery ?
Always rinish your Shark Shield in fresh water and allow drying prior to storage. To obtain maximum life from the battery charge after each use and always store the unit charged.
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20. How can I test that the unit is working properly?
Holding either hand close to the antenna, i.e. less than 300mm (12 inches) away, whilst immersed in water and while the unit is switched on, is a handy way of checking the field. If the unit is functioning properly, the user should feel a distinct pulsing of the skin muscles of the hand. For surfers, being on the surface of the water and often in bright sunlight, this is the easiest way to check the units operation.
Divers on the other hand will usually be in more subdued lighting where the LED status indicators may be more easily seen.
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21. What is the warranty period for the Shark Shield unit?
The Shark Shield has a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty, provided the unit is maintained as per the instructions set out in the Product Information Booklet supplied with the product. The battery pack supplied with the product, or sold as an accessory, comes with a 6 month warranty from the date of purchase.
As outlined in the Product Information Booklet, the warranty is only valid if the Manufacturers Warranty Certificate has been completed and returned. It is also a requirement that proof of purchase be supplied when making a warranty claim.
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22. Can I use the Shark Shield in estuarine environments?
Shark Shield is designed for use in seawater only.
The Shark Shield cannot be used in fresh or estuarine waters, as it will not establish a protective field in freshwater due to the water's reduced ability to conduct electrical energy.
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23. What is the depth rating of the Shark Shield?
The maximum depth of use is 45 meters.
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24. Does the field of the Shark Shield interfere with a divers hose less air integrated dive computer?
From the tests conducted to date, no interference has occurred on the Uwatec range of computers. However, if wearing the Scuba Unit, the Shark Shield field has on some occasions (but not usually) interfered with the Suunto Vytec. This effect has not been observed when wearing any Freedom or Surf unit.
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25. What types of sharks does the Shark Shield deter?
All predatory shark species are repelled by the Shark Shield. These include Great Whites, Tigers, Zambezi (Bull), Mako, Oceanic, Grey Nurse, Hammerhead sharks.
Some sharks, in particular the bottom feeders, including Woobygong, Carpet and Port Jackson sharks, have their Ampullae of Lorenzini located under their snouts and as such have a diminished response to the Shark Shield wave form. A small number of sharks such as the Seven Gill shark have a diminished Ampullae so are less affected. The sharks that fall into these categories are in general, not considered dangerous to humans.
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26. What is the right Shark Shield for me?
Please see our product matrix for the suggested units for each activity.
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Have more questions? Please email us on
* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *
Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682
Posts: 224
Date Joined: 01/08/08
Shark Shield Tip
A mate of mine uses one and he's drilled a tiny hole at the end outside corner of his fin and clips the antenna onto it. Therefore no chance of it coming back and pinning you, works well especially well with freediving long bladed fins. Also cuts down the chance tangles with guns, float lines etc.
Posts: 361
Date Joined: 22/10/06
Pia Akerman | March 01,
AN electronic device designed to ward sharks away from surfers failed so spectacularly during a trial off South Africa that it was eaten by a great white.
An inquest heard yesterday the Shark Shield surf model was activated on a float carrying bait when the 3.6m female shark approached. Rather than being deterred by the device, the shark, under the gaze of the Natal Sharks Board, bit into it.
Posts: 638
Date Joined: 22/02/07
shark shield's are for
shark shield's are for people that need that extra bit of comfort in the water , your in their home so get used to it . With breeding snapper , seal colonies and cray baits in the water you expect to see them . I think shark shield or not if they want you your in the shit
I wish I had an emo lawn so it would cut it self
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 15/11/08
I got one second hand for
I got one second hand for $400 and even if just for the peace of mind, it's a worthy investment. Fozz's suggestion of threading the line through a small zip tie at the end of your fin is a good one. You'll probably boot yourself a thousand times before seeing a shark though!
I still think that if a shark wants ya, it'll have ha!
You can always catch a beer