Saturday's Mindarie Mayhem 8
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2006-04-09 11:15

The video footage from the weekend courtesy of Andy Mac.
Double Salmon - Release

Double Breaksea
Here are the photo's from yesterday's excursion with Andy Mac. Was a good day to be out on the water. :)
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Video Footage
I see you have got the video up there without too much fanfare. Don't be shy Adam, you out fished both Naldo and myself, that's why there's no footage of either of us two.
Apologies to everyone, if only I had a bigger memory card we could have had some awesome salmon footage. To get the small amount that you see onto the camera we had to delete some footage of other fish already stored on the camera during the fight, shame it was of me catching and releasing a 15kg dhuie! Just so we could get more of Adam on there. What a camera hog!!!
Nah, I didn't catch a dhuie, just kidding (it turned out to be a big sweep, so I deleted it with glee), but another reason we didn't get the salmon footage I would have liked was because we were doing triple hook-ups and phone a friend jigging. It was pandemonium, with Adam on the phone to Bolts with one hand and controling a leaping salmon on his rod with the other hand, whilst Naldo and I were dancing around the boat with our salmon tail walking everywhere. We needed a fourth crew member to take the footage. Ah well maybe next time.
A great day on the water.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
shotgun being 4th crew
shotgun being 4th crew member next time :p Alltho i dont know about filming the whole thing.... haha
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
just got vid, 2 things,
just got vid, 2 things, whats with the porno-like music :P
second of all, is that a penn mariner rod you got there, they are made for overheads you cheapskate! jk
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Your onto me Shizz, that is my overhead rod (mariner 10-12kg), which is normally matched to my Okuma t20L levelwind. I was hoping to get it serviced and back before Denmark, but it seems not to be. Might just have to borrow the old man's tld20 which I bought for his recent birthday :) Must say that my hookup rate did improve using an eggbeater rather than an overhead.
I've ran out of time to take some screenshots for the video Andy so just threw them up attached to Saturday's photos. Been racing from one end of Perth to the other today trying to get everything ready for a huge trip. Will post up some results if we manage to get out fishing!
Tight lines everyone over the Easter break!
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Shizz, what do you mean "Porno music"???
That's an ode to Stevie Ray Vaughan "apparently" (not him playing, granted, but an ode none the less). Have some respect young fella!
I must admit though the saxaphone is a bit on the porno side hey. (lol)
After watching that again I think we will all have a new catch phrase from now on thanks to Adam... "It's Dinner Time!"
Loved your work mate. Next time you're supposed to let the skipper catch a few too. All I got on camera was my arm reaching over to help lift your fish in.
I'm feeling rather redundant in my own fishing vids of late. I think I need to get out there a bit more and palm the camera work off to someone else.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
haha andy, i could give you
haha andy, i could give you a few websites and then you'd understand why it sounds a bit "boom chicka wow wow"
Maybe after a night out on the town one of the fishwrecked crew will upload some extra curricular activities and then the music could be put to better use. :P