Sambo Rats in the Swan
Submitted by Sam_Wood on Thu, 2015-12-31 12:13
Hi Guys,
I have heard stories of small sambos being caught in the swan and I was wondering where you catch them and what technique to use (eg. Soft Plastics, baits ect,)
"Life is Hard, it is even harder if you are stupid,"
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
They are anywhere from
They are anywhere from nedlands down, and sometimes you get bigger than just rats. Its something you gotta suss out over time tho, anyone who knows where when and how has put in a lot of effort and im sure they arent just gonna come out and tell ya where and with what. Sambos in the river are the same as the ocean, they want structure, bait fish and they fight dirty. Personally ive seen 8kg+ fish cruising around, didnt have the gear on me to even attempt them tho.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
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Date Joined: 24/06/12
hardest thing i've found is
hardest thing i've found is getting there at the right time ive got them on plastics and bait but found them to spook easy in the middle of the day the boat sheds at freshwater bay has been good to me and caught a good few to 45 odd cm be prepared to loose some gear cause there quite dirty fighters round the sheds if you do find a good school it probaly be worthhaving a big bait out for a bull shark or mulla
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
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Pm sent to young Sam
Pm sent to young Sam
Posts: 65
Date Joined: 16/12/14
Sam,I like lower light
I like lower light (twilight) , a fast current is good, even outgoing, some shadow cover.
Poppers are awesome on light line for them
Posts: 175
Date Joined: 15/09/15
Thanks all
Thanks all
"Life is Hard, it is even harder if you are stupid,"