Replacing the Stolen Beastmasters
Submitted by crasny1 on Fri, 2019-08-02 16:53
Mate that had his 3 Beastmaster 9000 Stolen from his boat is looking at replacing them.
What option do you think is the best for 140m dropping for dhu etc
Love to hear about lecky reel options
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
I think the Beastmaster has
I think the Beastmaster has been renamed the Force Master, but I’m not sure they do the smaller sizes anymore. My Grandad got a Daiwa Tanacom 500 which holds about 300m and seems to be pretty responsive little reel.. from what I’ve seen I think the 750 in that range would probably be more suitable though.. Talk to Thys in Tackleworld on Gordon road, good knowledge without the salesman attitude
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Thanks Jamie Looking at the
Thanks Jamie
Looking at the full combo he is facing 3 x about 2K
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
No, different reel.
Forcemaster is the cheaper version, brushed motor instead of brushless, quite a few differences. More like the Tanacom Bull, same sort of price.
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
There are many options
of electric reels that may suit. The more well known brands are Shimano, Daiwa and Miya Epoch.
The following link provides the details of some 17 models of Daiwa electric reels and 25 Shimano models.
Many of these models are not regularly seen on the Australian market. By deep drop standards the 140m depth you mention in your original post is not particulatly deep so perhaps a smaller reel may suit. What you need to understand is that these reels are classified as power assist reels meaning they are not designed to be used to winch large fish to the surface from a rod holder. Miya Epoch reels are more suited if a winch is what you want.
Then there are some lesser known brands including Banax Kaigen (Korean made) and WFT Electra reels. I have read some good things on an American website about the Banax and photos of internal parts and gears compared to the Daiwa Tanacom suggests the Banax is a more robust reel. Feedback from Banax owners was also good. I don't know much about the WFT Electra reels though I recall a few comments on here previously that weren't negative.