redfin perch advice

Hi guys

I am looking for some advice on redfin perch. l plan to head to a part of the the collie river just outside of collie. As l am new to freshwater fishing what would be the best bait, lures and rigs to target these pests. Also are they any other spots in the south west where l should try my luck. I have got some small halco rmg scorpians do they work on reddies?

thanks in advance  

Posts: 465

Date Joined: 06/02/14

Yes the rmg scorpions will

Tue, 2016-04-05 22:12

Yes the rmg scorpions will work on the redfin (& trout) as will most minnow style lures around the 5-8cm mark. Spinner blade lures like celtas, mepps & ondex also work exceptionally well as do most soft plastics under about 10cm.

Soft plastics are especially effective jigged vertically around snags. Vibe style lures (both blade & hardbody styles) are also very good for this vertical jigging. Truth be told redfin are not usually too fussy & will hit most lures though sometimes they do show a distinct preference for one type of lure & technique at different times. Redfin are particularly partial to a bit of red on a lure as they are cannibalistic. A tuft of red wool tied to the treble of a spinner blade lure can make a big difference to catch rates.

A #1 suicide style hook on a 30cm leader running up to a small swivel with a small ball sinker running on your main line is suitable for worm & yabby baits. They love a hook full of lively earthworms but are also partial to yabbies & small live fish. A very small hook, say #6 or smaller on about a meter of light leader running up to a small swivel & a small sinker running on your main line is suitable for live fish baits. Be careful about transporting yabbies & live fish though as the law generally frowns upon this. There are also rules restricting methods you can use to catch yabbies & bait fish so check the rules before collecting your bait. Also remember to seek land owners permission BEFORE attempting to access their properties to fish or collect bait.

Redfin like the warm weather & the fishing is almost always better for them when there's been a few days of sun leading up to your fishing day/s. They are voracious pack hunters so where you find one, you will usually find more. Schools are made up of similar size fish so if you happen across small fish, it's usually wise to move on. They start out in large schools of small fish with the schools getting smaller as the fish get bigger. Truly big redfin (3lb+) are usually solo or in a very small school of just a few fish.

Concentrate your efforts around snags & particually the edge of ribbon weed beds. The pattern on the redfin allows them to blend perfectly with the ribbon weed & they love hanging out in the edges of the weed beds & darting out to snaffle any food item that gets too close.

The Warren River is hands down the best redfin water in the state so worth the drive there from Collie. Harvey Dam also holds some decent redfin though you usually have to work a bit harder to find them.

I hope that helps you out a bit.

Posts: 147

Date Joined: 26/11/13

thanks shimka

Wed, 2016-04-06 20:20

 Thanks you so much shimka looking forward to catching some of these pests

choc's picture

Posts: 670

Date Joined: 05/01/12

 Nice reply thereAlso might

Wed, 2016-04-06 05:56

 Nice reply there

Also might be worth trying to get a message to site member Fuzz. I think he lives in Collie and has put up a few reports in the past about redfin near Collie.

Posts: 147

Date Joined: 26/11/13

Thanks choc

Wed, 2016-04-06 20:21

 Thanks choc l will send fuzz a pm

Posts: 86

Date Joined: 30/03/16

Fisherman ethan

Wed, 2016-04-06 20:40

i grew up in Collie and did heaps for fishing for Redfin. By far the best bait are live minnows. These are hard to find these days but out toward HARRIS river dam is a good place to start. You will find these in small streams. They will generally pool up in the stream around debris.  If you have a small box net put a tin of cat food in there and they will come into the net. Keep them alive in a esky with water from the stream. Keep the esky cool. And change the water regularly. Aside from that, as Simka states they will take lures and if you can get onto one you will most likely get two or three from the same spot. Do not be put off by small pools as they will often hold Redfin and I have caught them before in pools no more than 2 metre wide particularly in the Murray river system. If you have time the Murray is definitely worth a shot. You can turn of the south west hwy at Harvey and head east and you will hit the MurrayHARRIS river dam also use to hold Redfin. Have a few casts and if you don't get any followers move on another 10 metres or so along the bank or to another fishing looking spot. Another strategy is to move the tip of your rod in the water to make a bit of noise on the bank and this sometimes would stir the fish up into taking a lure. It has been quit a few years but hopefully the above helps. Good luck




Posts: 147

Date Joined: 26/11/13

Thanks Brando

Wed, 2016-04-06 21:13

 Thanks Brando do you think that part of the river holds much

Posts: 86

Date Joined: 30/03/16

 It's been a long time but

Wed, 2016-04-06 21:34

 It's been a long time but would be worth a shot. Let me know how you go. To be honest sometimes minnowing was more fun than catching the Redfin. 

