Quick Shark Bay run
Hey Legends,
Haven't posted much lately as haven't been getting out very often and been crazy busy at work. But made plans about a month ago to do a boy's trip up to Peron National Park Shark Bay before the school holidays. So worked till 5 pm on the Monday before school broke up. My Brother in Law and his Son in Law rocked up and we were on the road at around 6 pm. We drove through till 3am and pulled over for a quick sleep only about an hour short of Denham.
Cruised in for a pie breakfast at the bakery then out to Peron. Had a basic camp with a gazebo, three swags and a couple of Engels to keep beers cold and fish frozen. We got out for an arvo sesh and got straight into some nice Black Snapper and a couple of just sized Pinkies. So a pretty good start. A few beers while collecting a few black rock crabs for the goal of some Tuskies the next day and an early night.
The bones were on the next day and everyone managed a couple of good sized ones for the day. The young fella Josh got the best for the day, showing the older more experienced two how it was done.
Was pretty well a carbon copy the next day but I got the chocolates with the best Tusky & Doug getting a nice Blacky on the last bait.
Thursday was our last fishing day and it was a bit quieter but still nothing to complain about. We tossed up going for an arvo fish but in the ended up drinking beer and talking shit.
All in all was a great little trip and will definitely have to do it again. Didn't get too many pics but will chuck a few up.
Cheers for reading.
Sea goat
Posts: 998
Date Joined: 26/03/17
Solid blue bone! Bet that
Solid blue bone! Bet that went hard!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Awesome spot
Fished there quite a few times and never missed out on getting a good catch. Great report
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
I was a bit worried that the track would be closed. So thanks for the pm. Was very much appreciated
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Sounds like a great trip . A
Sounds like a great trip . A few nice fish there for sure. Well done
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together