Parking Fees At the Ramps
Submitted by Scaly Man Fish on Mon, 2010-10-11 16:28
Just thought I would vent my frustration and advise all . The local council who rip off the fishos that use the Leauwin boat ramp at East Freo.
What fisho or anyone for that matter takes $12.00 worth of change with them to park up their boat for 4 hours or more.
24/7 , $3.00 p/hour or $12.00 for for 4-24 hours.
Get real councillors this is out of control, If my memory fails me it was only $8.00 for 24 hours back in June 2010.
cheers coley.
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
woah, i thought ocean reef
woah, i thought ocean reef was bad enough at $7...
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
streaker boy
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 23/05/09
$15 at our ramps in melbourne
$15 at our ramps in melbourne
hit n run
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 30/12/09
its a bloody rip off & half
its a bloody rip off & half the time that machine chews up your money!!
It used to hurt when I got cock in my I can take three at once and not feel a thing!
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
one of the car parks near
one of the car parks near barrack st jetty racks up a fair bit. my mate put a ticket in one day, and drove around the barrier on the way out. three months later he came back, put the ticket in and racked up $7000 in fees lol!
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Thats only half of it. That
Thats only half of it. That boat ramp charges for car parks, not just boat parks, so each and every decky pays that $12 as well!
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
hey till spot on mate one
hey till
spot on mate
one day before we new better, my old boy came to meet us for a rotto convoy a while back and was shocked he had to pay the $12 to park his car.
he didnt have enough on him and by the time we managed to scrounge up enough (COINS) he ended up getting 2 tickets equalling $12.
guess what???? he got a fine in the mail because the time had expired on the 2x tickets(5 mins apart)
he fought the fine and lost, because the expired time was x amount no matter what, even though he payed the $12 day fee.
these people a toatl d/heads and are there for the coin only?
!!boycott east freo ramp!!
as holct said its just as quick to use woodys and its free!
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
"If my memory fails me it
"If my memory fails me it was only $8.00 for 24 hours back in June 2010."
Pretty sure it was still $12 from back in 2009 (probably would have been may or so?). Huge time jump from 4 hrs to 24 (think it may have 8, which is still useless for a days fishing, but 12 would be great).
A good idea to meet up at the skippers house rather than meet the boat there in your car too. No cheap parking for cars either.
Someone once said that the reason its so high is so they can say "Oh, but look, practically no-one uses the ramp, so how about we demolish it and make some money developing it for mid-rise apartments".
Though, with the speed limit on the water, I think you could get to the entrance about as fast from woodies if the weather is good :p. I.e. 3 times longer from woodies, but 3 times faster.... ish.
Pt Peron is still the best. Good ramps, wash down, fish cleaning, plenty of parking. Jurien had a fish cleaning table too. Even same with Bundegi. All free. Seems the free ones are always better than the paid ones :p.
Woodies probably wouldnt be so bad if they had a washdown and had cameras (perhaps a prob with pt peron though). Fish cleaning tables would be waaaay away from anywhere that could complain about smell too, so wouldnt be a prob if they put them in (aside from costs and all that).
Posts: 455
Date Joined: 29/12/09
hlokk do you carry a notepad
hlokk do you carry a notepad with you?
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
mate!!!! i had a run in
i had a run in with the parking boys a few months back now in regards to the fees down there.
there advice was if you dont like it dont use it?
well... i refuse to use that ramp now, no matter what.
not only that it is a shity ramp with shit jetties to bout. cars getting broken into the same as woodys, what are you paying for?
have a look at woodys quality and compare the comparison.
i dont mind paying for use of the ramps...o/reef, mindarie, so and so on, but the price they charge is a pure rip off.
$5 for a day is resonable.
i was told freo council own the ramp and they decide how much to charge....woodys is funded by the goverment.
boycott the ramp intirly and they will change there tunes quicksmart?
pissed off along with you!
wake up freo council
Posts: 824
Date Joined: 22/07/10
east council run the ramp
east council run the ramp and kllock has a rocket in his pocket just for his friends.
Posts: 403
Date Joined: 09/09/10
never paid
i have never paid at lewuin ramp have only been there at night am i just lucky do the inspectors work night as well prob wont go back there again
Posts: 198
Date Joined: 22/07/08
Nothing a tube of super glue
Nothing a tube of super glue wont fix!