Missing Yakker

Just seen this story. Hope the all ends well.



 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

Posts: 32

Date Joined: 27/06/11

Know any bearded and

Thu, 2013-01-10 10:59

Know any bearded and toothless yakers?

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Found apparently

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:27

Found apparently


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Alive I might add...

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:33

Alive I might add...


Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

Date Joined: 17/03/09

GPS Unit

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:36

I wonder if the GPS unit was working and has a track on it. Suppose depends on the type of unit. If no power how long do they normally run for before battery runs out.

Given the weather the last few days not sure why someone would be out.

Hope all ends well


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


Albee Mangles's picture

Posts: 985

Date Joined: 20/05/08

Police have been notified

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:36

 Kayak was apparently lost last weekend, and not reported..



beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

WTF. Mandurahs 97.3 Coast FM

Thu, 2013-01-10 17:12

Mandurahs 97.3 Coast FM had this to say on facebook after just reporting a full scale search had been launched..

"Mandurah Mail reports kayaker reported to be safe and sound and currently in the Bunbury Mail offices sharing their amazing story!"
They made it sound like a dramatic rescue had just happened!

Do you have any details on how it happened Brett?


Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

Date Joined: 17/03/09

Not happy

Thu, 2013-01-10 11:43

This is not the first time this has happened. We get a lot of Kayaks and dingies that have come adrift from boats at Rotto and not reported and as they have no registration or contact details we have to commence full search just incase.

The owner should be made to pay to bill for the search or at least have the Kayak confiscated to teach him/her a lesson.


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


Albee Mangles's picture

Posts: 985

Date Joined: 20/05/08

Yeah i would imagine

Thu, 2013-01-10 12:10

 It must be frustrating..


We will be running an info campaign on Yakfishwest getting people to be aware of this, and even writing name and contact  info on our yaks. Ive been in touch with water police today regarding this and weve got them in touch with the owner. We'll certainly do whatever we can to prevent this kind of thing happening again with our members.


Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

good idea having contact details on yak

Thu, 2013-01-10 14:52

thats a realy good idea it can save a bit of heart pulpatations

Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

heres an idea-make all

Thu, 2013-01-10 17:23

heres an idea-make all UNPOWERED craft registered, reduce the fee for POWERED vessels as there will be a larger revenue base and then all yaks will be identified-and IM NOT a fan of increased regulation/rules/laws etc!

How hard is it to write your name and number with a texta on your kayak?


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 187

Date Joined: 06/01/09

 is travis from this

Thu, 2013-01-10 18:11

 is travis from this forum.... bunbury boy........ didnt have lifejackets with them..... bloody idiots