Massive Mulla!

Jayden20's picture

Posts: 672

Date Joined: 29/08/11

 That was actually caught off

Fri, 2015-06-19 15:58

 That was actually caught off cottesloe last weekend !!

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Nah mate, it came from under

Fri, 2015-06-19 16:45

 Nah mate, it came from under canning bridge at the last big nor wester. Taken to the coast to trick the punters.

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Good old Kob

Fri, 2015-06-19 19:57

these pics blow people's minds. A social media favourite.

If only our Mulloway grew to 90kg


Posts: 348

Date Joined: 24/11/10

Busso Jetty

Sat, 2015-06-20 21:08

 That was from Busso Jetty actually, they didn't want the picture of the Jetty as it causes all sorts of trouble down here;-)


Lifes a game but fishing is serious !!!

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13

 You guys gotta be joking!

Sat, 2015-06-20 22:58

 You guys gotta be joking!  That was caught at vinesh87's koi pond!


A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!