Live Export to Indonesia has been suspended by the Gillard Government!

After intense pressure not seen before on the ABC report of Slaughterhouse antics in Indonesia the Gillard Government has suspended the live trade in Cattle to Indonesia.




carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2011-06-08 09:05

Not before time.

By trade, I used to be a slaughterman and the first time I saw Islamic religious killing taking place it made my blood boil. The suffering those animals have to go through just about made me vomit and for someone who made a living in the meat industry thats saying something.

Then there was no stunning sheep but a sharp knife in the hands of a trained operator the spinal cord is cut in less than 1/2 a second, but to have to see them bleed to death without anything being done, the same went on with the beef cattle. At least we shot them with a rifle or bolt gun before hanging them up and cutting their throats.

Feel sorry for the producers left with stock they are unable to get rid of but the writing has been on the wall about the whole live stock export business cover ups of animal abuse for years

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 erm... please correct me if

Wed, 2011-06-08 11:22

 erm... please correct me if i'm wrong. the animal would have been dead with the severance of the spinal cord at the neck, no? unless they sever the cord at a different location. the level at which respiration and cardiac control is in the upper neck region and once that is severed the heart stops and breathing stops. so technically they are not left to bleed to die and suffer the pain of it.

sarcasm0's picture

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I think what Canarvonite is saying

Wed, 2011-06-08 13:21

Is that 'there was no stunning sheep but a sharp knife in the hands of a trained operator the spinal cord is cut in less than 1/2 a second, but to have to see them bleed to death without anything being done, the same went on with the beef cattle'

So when in the hands of a trained slaughterman a sharp knife can cut the spinal chord in 1/2 a second, but what is happening in Islamic places is they DO NOT cut the spinal chord.  They slit the throat and allow the animal to bleed out.

'Dhabiha: method of slaughter

Ḏabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is the prescribed method of slaughtering all animals excluding fish and most sea-life per Islamic law. This method of slaughtering animals consists of using a well sharpened knife to make a swift, deep incision that cuts the front of the throat, the carotid artery, wind pipe and jugular veins but leaves the spinal cord intact.[2]'

Muslims believe that blood is on the Haaram (Forbidden) list as per verses in the Koran.

A variety of substances are considered as harmful (haraam) for humans to consume and, therefore, forbidden as per various Quranic verses:

  • Pork (i.e., flesh of pig)[Qur'an 2:173]
  • Blood[Qur'an 2:173]
  • Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but Allah. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be "divine"[Qur'an 2:173] [Qur'an 5:3]
  • Carrion (carcasses of dead animals)[Qur'an 2:173]
  • An animal that has been strangled, beaten (to death), killed by a fall, gored (to death), savaged by a beast of prey (except by a human)[Qur'an 5:3]
  • Food over which Allah's name is not pronounced (or at least not in a name other than Allah)[Qur'an 6:121]
  • Alcohol and other intoxicants[Qur'an 5:090]
Tony Halliday's picture

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Good, having done work in the

Wed, 2011-06-08 09:17

Good, having done work in the food freezing and chilling industry before, I have seen some set ups that made me nearly go veg-head at times.

Nothing stopping the aussie farmers putting up a " hallal facility" in the NT and transporting chilled beef to the Indo's and other places, like the do in Europe and other countries.

This has been coming for a long time and just like the mining industry we have farmers that never thought past selling the bottom rung of the chain, ie live export beef, when they could have made a better dollar with processed beef exports and using chilled food chain technology.

Before you say where's the power coming from for the chilling, many places now export  meat products with dry-ice chilling technology ( see BOC website for info),


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

snappermiles's picture

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its wrong what they do to the cattle

Wed, 2011-06-08 09:22

and it should have been stopped years ago!! but i hope that stupid ranga is going to help out the farmers who will suffer from the lack of trade!!



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Wed, 2011-06-08 09:48

get after her snapper!

stoopid ranga. that's gold.

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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Well the farmers decided to

Wed, 2011-06-08 13:55

Well the farmers decided to export cattle and sheep live and cost Western Australians 1000's of jobs at places such as Robbs jettys and other places now the tax payers will be bailing there silly asses out again no doubt,,

Lastchance's picture

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The decision this morning may

Wed, 2011-06-08 14:47

The decision this morning may or may not have been great, but what disturbs me is the way it occurred - a TV current affairs show 'exposes' acts that were distasteful and before we know it, a nationwide ban on exports to that region. From the outside it seems somewhat 1 sided (despite years of controversy), leading to a decision that affects thousands of people.

I wonder which current affairs show going to 'expose' fishing as the next demonic torturer of animals and have the 'Inner City Greens voters' get their way and start placing more regulations on our favourite pastime?

Probably when they are all back fron James Price Point....

kane's picture

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good point

Wed, 2011-06-08 15:52

i hadnt thought about it like that. although can you imagine the uproar from fisherman if that did happen, itd be an election losing decision thats for sure.


Gooooone Fishin!

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Anyone who has been to Asia

Wed, 2011-06-08 16:00

Anyone who has been to Asia before and seen their treatment of live animals cannot seriously believe this didnt go on and will continue to go on with or without our animals.

I Personally feel this is a bit of a knee jerk reaction, even if the Indo's should be more humane in their dispatching methods. Why let our farmers commit to exporting all these animals and then suddenly fark them up the arse.

glastronomic's picture

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It crystal clearly shows

Wed, 2011-06-08 16:19

It crystal clearly shows every one that the Gobermint runs on oppinion polls and NOT what is good for their citizen/once every 3 year voters being these farmers, Waaaaarkin families or whoever!

If the red ranga feels that it is to hot to ignore then she bans it so the oppinion polls will not dive and the ranga stays on top/alive without a knife in the back





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The sweeter of two lemons

Wed, 2011-06-08 16:27

Yeah, they are all vying to come out on top in those stupid polls. Gillard is gonna have to catch her own Bin laden to get back on top.

You know Abbot would do the exact same, his negative approach to winning over the public has sent me the other way. He has yet to come up with any solutions for any of the issues but continues to rubbish everything the rednut and her pals do. He needs to come forward with some plans for the future.

Shorty's picture

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Tell the Indos no more live

Wed, 2011-06-08 16:35

Tell the Indos no more live exports we will slaughter them here and keep jobs in Australia and they can buy the meat,,we can employ Muslim folks to do the kill and do the pray etc,,

And tell them to let Schapelle go while we are at it,,

Posts: 459

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LOLI dont think our meat is

Wed, 2011-06-08 16:36


I dont think our meat is that good!

woody's picture

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All well and good for the

Wed, 2011-06-08 20:31

All well and good for the cattle..... but every cattle station north of Newman all the way up to Darwin exports to Indo....they just lost their market overnight! I feel more for them....Agreed we should build a big Abbatoir up in Darwin....but that will take years to happen

 As for many time have you forgotten to humanely dispose of a fish for the table and just cut its throat to bleed it.....same thing?


carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2011-06-08 21:59

There used to be big seasonal export abattoirs at Broome, Wyndham, Derby ,Katherine [NT] plus some bigger ones in Qld all doing beef and a heap of others down south like Metro meats at Gero, Robbs Jetty, Midland abs, Clover meats in Waroona, Anchorage meats in Coogee and Borthwicks in Albany doing both sheep and cattle, all gone or down graded once the live export trade began costing thousands of jobs, didn't see the farmers screaming then or offering to pay for retraining then.


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Pretty much, I remember with

Thu, 2011-06-09 07:18

Pretty much, I remember with the live sheep trade, the farmers said they were getting money for sheep they couldn't sell in aus!


Lastchance's picture

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Its exactly the same thing,

Wed, 2011-06-08 20:45

Its exactly the same thing, Woody.

And its not all that good for the cattle that has been bred for export - just like the last time it happened years ago with the sheep - good old uncle Gov will give a deflated price for each head of stock shot or disposed of.

Hopefully the Tofu is fresh on Capital hill.


glastronomic's picture

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Well, sadly, the almighty $$

Thu, 2011-06-09 07:17

Well, sadly, the almighty $$ is ruling with the farmers, who are appalled (acording to what is reported) but not appalled enough to stop this barbaric going on.

As has been reported above, we had lots of slaughter houses all being closed down.

It is time to add value to our lifestock resource and process them here, humanly and correctly.

NZ live cattle trade will not , in the long run , be able to feed these demonic places with their live cattle, the voters there will do the same as was done here.

There is a shortage of food in the world and quality meat will sell.




Posts: 457

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The $$ will talk and as usual the bullshit will walk

Thu, 2011-06-09 08:01


The $$$ will talk and as usual the bullshit will walk, sadly, but as stated why is it tha all those abottoirs closed down??. The answer is simple , we priced ourself out of the market.

The primary producers are out there in isolation trying to make a living and in a lot of cases doing it tough and don't be too alarmed if, when pushed to the wall, they sell to an overseas buyer.

What never ceases to piss me off is when some rs hole with a camera can sneak in and take pics and get it sprayed in every living room in the country. We all know what the midday shows are like, they feed/thrive on drumming up emotion.

I remember the "Ray Martin" gun debate too well.

It would be too easy for the government to send an observer to these abottoirs to see things are done right rather that stop the trade with the stroke off a .pen


glastronomic's picture

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The beef/cattle association

Thu, 2011-06-09 11:33

The beef/cattle association has paid for aprox 10 years a levy to the Gobermint who in turn send someone to oversee the procedure and install cattle barriers plus train these barbaric islamitic slaughtermen in how to use it humanly!

After all this tooing and paying this is the end result SFA has been achieved!

Sadly for the cattle men the tide is at the moment against them being able to export, so we could see some nice beef here in Perth being available for a half decent price and not overpriced affal being the only option!

Same is the case with fish here in Australia, we have huge stock, which is shipped out or offered by Kailiss for god money.

Most Supermarkets are overrun by Mekon Delta Bassa shit fish that is imported from a sewerage infested water system somewhere in Asia!

Shal we start on the prawing industry?

And what is available here in Perth in the average Supermarket?

Indian grown & harvested Prawns, no thank You.




hlokk's picture

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Taking the fish example: Basa

Thu, 2011-06-09 12:23

Taking the fish example: Basa vs local fish.  Say you were a local fisherman selling your catch. You could sell it overseas for good money or sell it to the supermarket cheap to compete with basa. Which would you do?

Supermarkets are overrun with cheap crap because people buy cheap crap. So, if you're complaining theres not enough decent fish in supermarkets, would be one to change it if you could (by accepting lower prices to sell local)?

If only Indian harvested prawns are available in supermarkets, what do you think would happen if you stocked exmouth tiger prawns in the same isle say? I'm not sure what you're suggesting the solution should be?

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

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one Supermarkt close by sells

Thu, 2011-06-09 13:38

one Supermarkt close by sells frozen exmouth tigerprawns for $24 a kilo and that is what we buy!

They are devine!


Why would I have to come up with solutions and why would it be my problem cause it is not.


I know how to get the gear I want although I have to travel a bit (past aprox 40 odd supermarkets frequented by the cheapshit buying population) 

The very simple fact is that the local stuff is NOT available in almost all the big name supermarkts and they should.

the reason is the huge markup and "streamlined" stocking & shelving system plus the monopoly they hold.


Go and drag your sorry all knowing arse to the supermarkt in Wangarra (Wanneroo weekend markets) and notice the local produce and the prices that are less than half! 

If they can do it why are the other 40 odd other ones not?




hlokk's picture

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No need to resort to name

Thu, 2011-06-09 14:02

No need to resort to name calling. I just asked a question for clarification.

The reason most supermarkets dont sell what you want is probably because there is not a high enough demand for it. Is there any reason they should stock something just because you want even if it wouldnt be a sound business decision? Mass supermarkets cant be expected to cater to every minor minority. Obviously someone does cater for such, and is therefore getting your business. If there are enough similar consumers (rewarding the businesses that provide what you want) then the availability will expand.

I actually go to markets reasonably often, and for example fruit prices are less than half of supermarkets, but most people still get their fruit and veg from supermarkets? Why? Because thats what the market forces are. Most people (whether you think they're right or wrong) would rather just get their fruit and veg from the supermarket when they do their weekly shopping. So why cant 40 other ones not do what you want? Because there's probably not much of a viable market for such. Just because you have certain wants for your shopping does not make you a typical shopper, or in the majority. And the majority cater for the majority ;)




Another view for the whole cattle ban:

Someone did raise an interesting point: "So now, Indonesia will treat the same number of cattle from other places the same, but Australia's exports have now taken a huge hit". What exactly are they saving with a kneejerk reaction? Hint: it may not be related to cattle in any way :p

scotto's picture

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Thu, 2011-06-09 08:31

I'm sitting in Bali right now, been here for 2 weeks. Those pricks at the villa reception promised me Aussie wagyu for dinner tonight. They better come through with my steak. I can't handle any more nasi goreng......

Posts: 544

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The Feds. Went To Far.

Thu, 2011-06-09 15:51

There's some Abbattoirs in Indon. doing the righty and treating the cattle the right way with stun gun's and they should be able to access cattle from Aust. it's just a few of the other Abbattoirs that seem to be the problem and unless they can conform to our standards they should miss out. Whether you can control what happens at the other end seeing we're not the owners of the cattle anymore that would be up the Indon. government so the pollies need to get that sorted quickly. I feel sorry for the pastoralists who are getting a raw deal not only from the Gov. but from MLA. that they pay a levee to so this doesn't happen.

Tony Halliday's picture

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welcome to focus-group

Fri, 2011-06-10 11:48

welcome to focus-group politicts and a ginger ninja with no balls to get her own country into a wining spot!

We could run massive meat processing centres in the NT / Qld with workers from the Christmass Islands Labour Hire Group... 

That was it's all Hallal, done the Aussie way, gives the refugees work, saves the cattle farmers, makes value added money for Australia,,,,

what a brilliant plan till the unions get into it and kill it like a British coal mine and twice as fast...



then again maybe this is her great Carbon Foot Print saving plan, you know cattle fart all the green house gasses and are worse than big power plants, so the carbon tax can pay off the farmers not to breed more gas farting cows that are ruining our planet!!!


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

Browny's picture

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The ginger ninja went over to

Fri, 2011-06-10 11:57

The ginger ninja went over to USA and addressed their houses of parliament about 2 months ago.

Apparently her speech was extremely well received, so much so that both sides of politics stood to attention at the end and gave her a rousing rendition of "The Star Spangled Ranga".  




I just love Exmouth: Its a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem!

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Being bought up on a farm, 

Sun, 2011-06-12 08:56

Being bought up on a farm,  where we killed our own animals for human consumption,  I was appaulled at the treatment of those defenceless animals in Indonesia.   Never once have I ever seen such ill treatment of an animal,  regardless of the fact that it was about to be slaughted and cut up.   I believe the Federal Government, (it wasnt just Julia) has taken the correct action.     It is not good for the farmers who now dont have anywhere to export their catle,  but remember what happen to all the abbatoirs around the state when live export starting happenning,  they felt the brunt of it!  And what sort of example are we setting for the next generation when they see things like was shown on 4 corners,  come on guys lets support the action that has been taken,  and get this mess sorted out,  for the benefit of everyone. 

joe amato's picture

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this has been going on long enough,regardless of politics

Sun, 2011-06-12 09:56

 doesnt matter who is or wasnt in power ,the action been taken atm is the correct one,we should be able to set up our own slaughter houses,to cope with demand over seas,alot of comments i can agree to disagree,because this has been going on long enough regardless of politics etc now hopefully it will all be sorted out imo

Lastchance's picture

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End of the day, the Indo's

Sun, 2011-06-12 17:42

End of the day, the Indo's will get cattle from somewhere, so how have we changed anything? No. However, the industry needs more regulation to a degree, but how can you educate/regulate downstream clients and tell them how to treat what they have bought?

Fishing will be next boys......


roberta's picture

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Unfortunately it doesn't matter

Sun, 2011-06-12 20:17

how many inspectors we send, how much we train the Indo's, the greasing of the palm with ripiah will always happen to the most corrupt government and don't forget the Jewish community also eat kosha meats.

I hated seeing what they did to the cattle, I'm glad the Nija stopped this barbaric trade.  Nobody said anything when thousand of jobs were lost because of the live export of sheep or cattle.


Ginger Tablets Rock


Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

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Well said Roberta, I know

Mon, 2011-06-13 11:32

Well said Roberta,

 I know folks who worked most of their lives in the meat trade and thenw here laid off to have to go work as labour in building and road works etc for next to nothing in pay.

No excuse for not having a Halal Slaughter house in NT suppling the demands of the north. Just too many farmers making quick and easy bucks on live trade these days and then turning their backs on the abuse due to NIMBY attitudes.

Why can't Australia have it's own slaughter houses run by Aussies and overseen by Aussie rules etc in Indo???? that would solve the issue and still have cheap labour to use too???


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

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as difficult as it was to

Mon, 2011-06-13 14:19

as difficult as it was to watch the 4 courners program the other week , and see these animals being killed this way seems we havent achieved anything really positive by stopping the live trade ?  have we ??other than to feel good about ourselves ??

the indonesian gov will still buy their needs from someone , possibly NZ ,CHILLE , ARGENTINA , or BRAZIL ?? who knows .but they wont take long to fill the gap you can be sure .

some other country will be falling over themsleves to get in their given the global financial situation

over ten years we have sent approx 6.5 m cattle to this possible fate ??

the MLA industry has levied money from cattle producers to help improve their abatoir practices in offshore markets ....hasnt been overseen properly .joolia should put harder measures on the industry in place to fix it ...not cut and run , driven by some pollsters weekely opinion

so the gillard gov , feels better now ? so do many aussies ......

now we have no market for our product .   our gov feeling so good has to prop up beef producers untill they can find alternative markets , live or chiller carcass .......

we have possibly alienated a countrys gov  we trade with closely and would like some good will with on many topics .........not least boat people ........


and having taken the current stoppage on our part in the live trade ,,,we dont have any further real input into changing their practices either ??  ..


better to be part of the solution , and continue forward  with the live trade  ,work with their industry &  with harder conditions etc on the killing floor practices being implemeted over the next 6 months  than just get out of it .......not very diplomatic or trade smart imo

could have been handled much better imo



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


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Mon, 2011-06-13 19:46

Well said mate.


For those short sighted people-"The farmers making a quick and easy buck" - The reason most stations live export is that the cattle are not generally ready to kill off Pastoral country, they need a bit of finishing on a feedlot prior to market(including when in transport- yes they do put on weight in transit!). For those of you who believe all of a sudden you are going to get a cheap steak in the supermarket- don't get too excited. The farmers having being recieving bugger all for beef for the past few years- yet the big chains still charge top dollar. Please note i am a strong advocate for animals being treated humanely, as are most people.


Thought for all- If Bunnings sell you 30 plants, you take them home and the dog digs up 5- another couple get some overspray when spraying the weeds and unfortunately die- a sprinkler breaks and another couple die, Is Bunnings responsible for selling you the plants without knowing how you are going to treat them? Do Bunnings get banned from selling plants for 6 months?



Posts: 9358

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That strawman is a bit of a

Mon, 2011-06-13 20:04

That strawman is a bit of a copout.

Lets try it another way, if you supply arms used in murder, thats called aiding and abetting.


Posts: 1755

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Typical Labor failure

Mon, 2011-06-13 17:09

Typical Labor failure

Posts: 9358

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Like its got lots to do with

Mon, 2011-06-13 20:08

Like its got lots to do with them fool.

If you could remember anything beyond your oh so tired labour bashing, you would remember it was little johnnie and his guys that introduced the levy to pay for the ineffectual regulator that never got the job done in the first place and that was after industry never really did anything about it either.


Posts: 457

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Shutting down the live trade

Thu, 2011-06-16 19:01

Shutting down the live trade for SIX months will do nothing more than hurt the Farmers and industry big time.

The government of the day surely could have ceased the trade for a week or so to allow time for an inspection of the "Troubled" abs, solved the problem  and got on with it.

Typical of bureaucrats and I'm sure we will see more.

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

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yet another "classy"

Thu, 2011-06-16 21:39

yet another "classy" personal insulting and denergrading post by or resident debunker of all that is incorrect and infactual in our world!

