Leeman Advice

 Hey crew,

Im headed up to Leeman this weekend and have checked out the search function, but this weekend looks like a cold front may pass through saturday and dunno beyond.  We are taking up the bathtub dinghy about 14 ft.  Obviously will be assesing the conditions when we get there, but what are the ramps like? I have read there may be a new ramp, but it was not completed by easter? What condition is the other ramp in, we will have a Nissan patrol for launching, but if the swell is 2mt+ is launching and navigating the passage an option?

Any advice welcome, happy for beach tips if the weather is crap also or even inshore tips for squid and bread and butter fish.


little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

man to far

Tue, 2014-05-27 20:18

 leeman great fish spot .do more damage at cervantees in close,i cancelled going there this weekend, big squid in bay all day.beach fishing great mully tailor and big bull herring .jetty at night great fun,good pub meals ,good caravan park(cheap) .just out from sth passage 5 to 6 ks get good size dhues and baldies,further you go better they get, looks like you have got good weather regardless where you go ,i launch my swifty of beach with my nissan piece of piss, both spots.depends if you have spots in leeman ? if not go closer (3.5 hour drive) if you miss perth traffic.your boat plenty big enough for fun weekend.good luck,

baron 88's picture

Posts: 95

Date Joined: 29/06/12

 We are heading there this

Tue, 2014-05-27 20:43

 We are heading there this weekend as well, weathers looking pretty good I recon. It's a great spot and you defiantly don't have to go far to get big and good fish. We do most our fishing in 8 to 12m of water, you can launch at the sea search and rescue ramp, it's not terrific but pretty good. Although is open to swell so take care. Thers some shallow reef round there so follow the markers parallel to the beach heading north towards the rock then back south west out to the main channel. You can also beach launch north of town to get close access to begal island, I haven't done it a we just cruise there from the ramp but plenty of people  do. 

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Town ramp

Wed, 2014-05-28 07:51

aand sea rescue ramp covered in weed.  The Council normally cleans the town ramp each Friday and think the boys at sea rescue also clean it daily just in case they have to launch the sea rescue boat.  But weed on all beaches, deep in parts.


Noticed yesterday (Tues) that the town ramp on the right hand side of the concrete ramp (facing the ocean) looks like the sand has been washed away at the edge of the concrete ramp so be careful if launching from their don't want to slip over the edge.

The temps for Leeman have been around 22c to 24c the last couple of days.  Lovely day yesterday but the rain set in about 4.30pm, mornings not cold yet.

The only fuel station is on the Indian Ocean drive road house, quite cheap and is a Liberty,cheaper than Jurien.

Tight lines.


Ginger Tablets Rock