Kimberley Wilderness Marine Parks Announced

Kimberley Wilderness Parks

Premier Colin Barnett and Environment Minister Donna Faragher have announced four new marine parks, a new national park and additional conservation reserves will be part of the new Kimberley Wilderness Parks. The Kimberley Wilderness Parks will include Western Australia’s largest interconnected system of marine and terrestrial reserves, covering more than 3.5 million hectares of one of the last great wilderness areas in the world. These initiatives, which will cover an area half the size of Tasmania, are a key component of the State Government’s Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy. The initiative will also deliver a ’landscape‘ approach to conservation through voluntary partnerships, to tackle threats that occur across tenures, particularly bushfire, feral animals and weeds. Marine initiatives The four new marine parks at Camden Sound, North Kimberley, Roebuck Bay and Eighty Mile Beach will nearly treble the total area of marine parks and reserves in WA coastal waters. This will boost the area of marine parks and reserves in WA coastal waters from 1.5 million to 4.1 million hectares - an increase from 12 per cent to 30 per cent. The Kimberley Wilderness Parks will include wilderness fishing zones, which will allow recreational fishing for immediate consumption, to maintain the world class fishing experience of the region. The parks will also include sanctuary zones, which will exclude recreational and commercial fishing and other extractive activities, to protect the highly significant marine habitats. Traditional owners and other groups will be consulted over coming months and indicative management plans will be prepared for each marine park and released for public comment. The first of these, for the proposed Camden Sound Marine Park, is available now.

Terrestrial initiatives Kimberley Wilderness Parks will also:

•upgrade the spectacular Prince Regent Nature Reserve, which contains half of the known bird and animal species in the Kimberley, to a class A national park

•create a conservation reserve corridor reaching across the remote north Kimberley linking Prince Regent National Park and Drysdale River National Park through voluntary partnerships

•protect the Kimberley's most environmentally significant islands as parks through partnerships with traditional owners. Joint management with traditional owners and other groups will be central to the creation and future of the new conservation reserves.

As part of its commitment to preserving the unique biodiversity of the marine and terrestrial areas within the Kimberley Wilderness Parks, the State Government will make an initial investment of $10 million over four years to facilitate partnerships, where appropriate, with traditional owners, pastoralists, conservation groups and other land managers. These voluntary partnerships will deliver a 'landscape‘ approach to conservation that will reach beyond park borders to protect the region's biodiversity against threats, particularly fire, feral animals and weeds. The Kimberley Wilderness Parks and joint management of the new marine and terrestrial parks will create significant opportunities for local Aboriginal people to be employed working on country. The Government will also invest $2.7 million in nature-based tourism to improve visitor facilities in Kimberley parks. The Government will release more initiatives over coming months following further discussions with traditional owners, landholders and the community

Other information

Media Statements

 Kimberley Wilderness Parks advertisement (857.96 kB) 
Background to Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy

Salmo's picture

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Fri, 2010-10-22 11:12



October 22, 2010


Recfishwest is calling on state and commonwealth governments to improve the process for all marine-park planning and for the fishing sector to have greater involvement in future discussions following the Premier‟s announcement today of four new marine parks.

Recfishwest Acting Executive Director Kane Moyle said marine parks in Western Australia require sign off from state environment and fisheries ministers, yet the recreational and commercial fishing sectors first opportunity to formally comment on marine park plans is when planning is complete and a draft management plan released.

"Recreational and commercial fishers are typically the group most affected by marine park zoning, but they have no say in planning for marine parks," Mr Moyle said.

"The greatest risks to Camden Sound are not created by the commercial or recreational fishing sectors. If we are not vigilant the price of fresh fish will rise to „luxury‟ prices and it will become increasingly difficult to take your kids fishing.

"We are not opposed to marine parks being implemented, but the fishing public, both recreational and commercial, must be involved in the initial planning stages.

"Both commercial and recreational fishers have agreed to assess all activities against their potential impact on whales and other marine life and alter fisheries management if risks are identified.

"This government‟s original recommendation was to provide additional protection to whales. Despite whale populations having never been healthier, additional sanctuary zones have been drafted with no relevance to whale conservation."

Mr Moyle said this represents emotion based marine planning at the cost of other marine stakeholders.

"Recreational fishers have a strong conservation history in the Kimberley, pro-actively advocating for total protection for all species of sawfish and several species of river whaler shark."

Mr Moyle said Recfishwest welcomes the inclusion of the wilderness fishing area around Montgomery Reef in the Kimberley and sees this as a viable alternative to sanctuary zoning in a number of sites in Western Australia.

"Recreational and commercial fishers had traditionally strongly supported whale conservation in remote areas such as Camden Sound, but it needs to have a risk assessment as part of the management development process.

"Sensible discussion and careful planning is the best way forward and this must involve the recreational and commercial fishing sectors."

Media contacts:

Kane Moyle, A/Executive Director 0403 898 432

Donna Cole, LastSay Communications 0419 901 229

The conservationist voters will be happy ..............

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

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Damn it

Fri, 2010-10-22 11:44

Does this mean it is a done deal and the parks are set in place.

I seriously hope not.



Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2010-10-22 11:59

Doesn't look too bad, depends where the sanctuary zones are as well.  But if this fills up the 30% the Greens are looking for, for state wide marine parks - there could be worse areas to be taken?


Will be interesting to see what the definition for 'Immediate Consumption' is?


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abeldog's picture

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No One Can Get There

Fri, 2010-10-22 12:31

Great location for a Marine Park, generally there is no way that the average person can get there.

I thought a more suitable area would have been James Price Point or would that interfere with other plans that the Premier for snatch and grab might have ?????


"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???

We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )

Marky's picture

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I dont mind the ones nth of

Fri, 2010-10-22 13:06

I dont mind the ones nth of derby because it is a hard spot to get to and not many people have the chance to get there... BUT roebuck bay and eighty mile are two hot spots for fishing and it'll be very interesting where they have the fishing zones and how big they are...  I can see this getting Interesting....

Tony Halliday's picture

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interesting in that most of

Fri, 2010-10-22 13:16

interesting in that most of that area is in the ecco-tours routes for those with big bucks to go on the Kimberly / NT charter boats. Now those boats often have fishing as part of their packages and serve fresh fish everynight. So how they going to catch fresh fish in marine parks and national parks??? would like to see the fine print on whats allowed and whats not first! Can you imagine paying $8000 for a trip into the wilderness north and not being allowed to catch and eat a fresh fish.... beans on toast for two weeks...!!! I think not :-)


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

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"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

carnarvonite's picture

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Trade off

Fri, 2010-10-22 20:24

Looks suspiciously like a trade off for getting access to James Price Point, give away large areas where very few people go and are difficult to reach and police for 100 thousand hectares of whale breeding grounds and picturesque coastline.


Lucky Tim's picture

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considering the size of the

Fri, 2010-10-22 20:49

considering the size of the area, it's accessability and the fact that marine parks don't totally close out fishing, I reckon it looks ok. Remember that marine parks don't close people out all together.

Salmo's picture

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Lack of process

Fri, 2010-10-22 22:58

The question is was there consultation with the community during this planning process. What are the ecological threats in the proposed marine park which require protection? I understand the Roebuck and 8omile Marine Park are to protect vulnerable species (dolphins, blue salmon) but Montgomery reef is a rock surrounded by mudflats.

If the greenies don’t like it......then be suspicious.

Conservationists slam new marine park


At least it’s a start and we have recognition that wilderness fishing areas- where you can only consume your catch on site, as an alternative management option to total sanctuary no fishing zones. This is a win.

Just need to watch this one as it develops, once the politic is over with we need to make sure the consultation process improves markedly and they get some expert advice on why it needs protection.

The next marine park announcement could be just around the corner......maybe eaglebay???? I heard someone saw some pygmy blue whales down there.....


Ewan's picture

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Kimberley Marine Park comment...

Mon, 2010-11-08 13:38

Check this out! There isn't much in this comment that I wouldn't agree with...

There are other areas more at risk - Dampier, the area of Onslow with the Wheatstone project, the Capes. Why the Kimberley, Colin?? derrrr...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



Posts: 2086

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Roebuck bay is a done deal

Mon, 2010-11-08 17:17

Roebuck bay is a done deal and the only people consulted where the local indiginous leaders as part of the native title process up here. At the moment activities in the bay won't be affected but who knows in the future We are already getting a lot of bullshit from the greenies up here with regards to the bay. In Colin Barnetts eyes the average ratepayer doesnt have a say in what happens up here. I doubt if the libs will run a candidate up here come the next election they will be hard pressed to get a vote. He has definitely lost my support with his attitude.

PattyT's picture

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Dammit!! Roebuck Bay marine

Mon, 2010-11-08 18:27

Dammit!! Roebuck Bay marine park just in time for my first trip to Broome :(

Interesting read Ewan.. How the hell did the premier get voted in anyways?? He comes across as an absolute f*#k wit!!

Ewan's picture

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How would a marine park

Wed, 2010-11-10 16:18

How would a marine park affect your trip to Broome?

Exmouth has a massive marine park, and Rotto has a marine park and both are major tourist and fishing destinations...

Freo_Boi's picture

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This is so old news!

Mon, 2010-11-08 18:38

Done and dusted right under everybodies nose Not...

have fun enforcing it tho!

PattyT's picture

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Its probably not going to

Wed, 2010-11-10 18:00

Its probably not going to effect the fishing a great deal.. its just going to be a pain in the arse.

Brucesta's picture

Posts: 1721

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i'm suprised they didn't

Wed, 2010-11-10 19:30

i'm suprised they didn't include the fitzroy river in there too. Very interesting and i'm keen to see what immediate consumption means. This will be the Dampier Archipelago before too long and we are gonna lose some good fishing grounds too when it happens


Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target

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Shhhhh don't tell em about

Thu, 2010-11-11 16:44

Shhhhh don't tell em about the fitzroy we are looking after that ourselvesLaughing

With regards to Dampier archipelago be careful because you won't know it's happening until its too late

Brucesta's picture

Posts: 1721

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fingers crossed it doesn't.

Thu, 2010-11-11 21:28

fingers crossed it doesn't. i've seen the proposal and it's not looking good, kiss fishing for barra in Nickol bay away, fishing off the patch and anywhere around enderby, Goodwyn and Rosemary plus areas around Legendre and Delambre


Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target

Posts: 2086

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Get your fishing clubs and

Fri, 2010-11-12 07:52

Get your fishing clubs and Recfishwest involved so at least you can get your point across in the early stages

abeldog's picture

Posts: 801

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Get Excited, Get Passionate

Fri, 2010-11-12 08:18

We all need to get excited and passionate about a cause that's in our backyard.

Ahhhh Cape Leveque, Middle Lagoon, James Price Point

See Link Below



"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???

We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )

Salmo's picture

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submissions close soon

Sun, 2011-01-30 16:05