Installing NMEA Backbone
Submitted by Jackfrost80 on Mon, 2017-02-13 15:08
I am in the process of installed a NMEA 2000 network and have an external GPS puck and fuel flow sensor to plug into the backbone. Would it be ok to install in the spot shown in the below pic, maybe a little further away from my compass though. Sounds like a silly question as the current internal GPS works fine through the glass windscreen but I’ve noticed a few boats with the GPS puck on the outside of the windscreen and want to make 100% sure it makes no difference inside or outside of glass before I start drilling holes in my dash.
Is it also ok to run the cable from my fuel flow sensor alongside my power cables for my engine, bilge pumps, lights etc? I have my transducer cable running on the opposite side to avoid interference but the NMEA backbone is powered by a 12v connection so I am assuming it isn’t sensitive to residual power from the other power cables?
Thanks in advance gents, I’ve tried googling but haven’t found anything definitive.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
gps should have no issues
gps should have no issues thruglass/laminate
keep wiring from transducer and power supply to sounder as far away as possible from any other electrics
the rest should not matter
Posts: 137
Date Joined: 28/07/09
Should be fine...GPS signals
Should be fine...
GPS signals shoot thru glass & perspex... Although, it is always a good idea to test your mounting location before you drill, because you may get a better signal 5-20cm left or right on the top dash.
It is a RX only low voltage, sheilded antenna, so the compass wont affect it, and it shouldnt affect your compass unles you mount <10cm away.
Best way to tell where you get the best signal is to wire up everything, then go to the menu>system>gps satellite view page of your gps unit, wait a few minutes for the signals to lock on, then move the GPS around potential mounting positions until you get the best signal strength/quality.
Also, the NMEA2000 network is a sheilded differential signal, so it will not induce EMF from other cables... so you can run the cables anywhere you want....
The antenna is active (i.e. contains all the electronics to process GPS position then convert it to NMEA2k data) so only data is transmitted over the cable... If it was a coax cable / passive antenna or a rs232 data cable... different story.
Gone Fishing...
Posts: 514
Date Joined: 23/04/11
Location Good
Similar Place to my Lowrance GPS Point One
Never had an issue.
Both my fuel flow transducers are down the back, and run fwd in the main harness. Been very good as well.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
My point 1 is similar
My point 1 is similar placing to subaquatics. Works fine through the screen but put the screen protector on top and it loses signal all over the place.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Bunch of legends
Bunch of legends
Officially off the Pies bandwagon