Harvey dam
Submitted by Da pirate on Fri, 2022-03-25 22:47
Did day trip to the dam . Little
quiet in the morning my mate
lost massive Redfin first up .
shifted spots had lunch . Arv
kicked in lots of little reds got
little brown and snag a pb red.
good day trip Celtas doin the
damage again . Put the brown
and red in the smoke turned out
nice . Cheers pirate.
Posts: 881
Date Joined: 30/12/09
nice fish. what are the
nice fish. what are the redfin like to eat?
Get busy living, or get busy dying!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Time spent chasing them must
Time spent chasing them must be worth while with the taste. Never tried either but have heard they go great in t he smoker. They do look good. Well done
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 25/08/15
tasting pests I reckon. well done Pirate!
Bryce Day
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 01/06/15
Nice one
Nice one
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Nice work Pirate, what wood
Nice work Pirate, what wood chips do you use? Making my mouth water looking at that.
Love the West!
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
Perch are very good to eat here as their diet is small fish and marron gilges etc.In England they are not considered a sport fish or very good for the table.They fillet quiet well as the armour plated scaly skin ends right on top of the spine and you can slide the knife in the gap.The skinned fillets are pink but turn white when cooked.Even smaller ones are worth doing like whiting.I lived in Yarloop for 13 years and my go was to troll Drakesbrook weir in the late afternoon.I had a wooden trihull tub about 8 foot long that was a mould for dinghys and I siliconed it up and had a 2 HP seagull .Any lures work but green minnow lures with black stripes will outfish everything.The biggest I ever caught was two and a half pound.I have kept them live in a kiddies pool before and they can live in anything within reason.I had a large aquarium at one point and had a small perch.The kids come home with a bag of minnows from the show and we did not even see the first one go but there was a telltale puff of dirt where it used to hide and one less minnow.Over the next 3 days they all disappeared.They are an ancient order of bony fishes and fossilized remains show they have not changed in at least 3 million years.I like them but they have stunted in Waroona dam again.I have not fished Harvey weir a lot but when I did we got some big perch
just do it.
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
Perch are very good to eat here as their diet is small fish and marron gilges etc.In England they are not considered a sport fish or very good for the table.They fillet quiet well as the armour plated scaly skin ends right on top of the spine and you can slide the knife in the gap.The skinned fillets are pink but turn white when cooked.Even smaller ones are worth doing like whiting.I lived in Yarloop for 13 years and my go was to troll Drakesbrook weir in the late afternoon.I had a wooden trihull tub about 8 foot long that was a mould for dinghys and I siliconed it up and had a 2 HP seagull .Any lures work but green minnow lures with black stripes will outfish everything.The biggest I ever caught was two and a half pound.I have kept them live in a kiddies pool before and they can live in anything within reason.I had a large aquarium at one point and had a small perch.The kids come home with a bag of minnows from the show and we did not even see the first one go but there was a telltale puff of dirt where it used to hide and one less minnow.Over the next 3 days they all disappeared.They are an ancient order of bony fishes and fossilized remains show they have not changed in at least 3 million years.I like them but they have stunted in Waroona dam again.I have not fished Harvey weir a lot but when I did we got some big perch
just do it.
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Smoked .
I smoke up fish for my oldies . So
couldn't tell you on taste ? My mate
dropped a huge reddie first up I got
mine late arvo . Sea kem my favourite
is olive dust but could only find chips
from Bunnings. which I've found is
good for smoking whole fish but the
dust is a lot better for fillets done in
brine of sea salt n brown sugar .
cheers pirate
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Cheers mate
Cheers mate
Love the West!
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Looks like a real trout
Not concrete one . You can tell with fins. Obviously a fingerling. Harvey dam was one of my favourite spots( when I was 15 to 20 years old) loves freshwater fishing . When river ran into it from ( I think Stirling dam) could be wrong . I got some of my best trout from that stretch of river .logue Brooke overflow the same . Even the dam . Waroona was brilliant also . All my teens my dad took me camping and fishing and hunting . Very rarely you ever caught a concrete trout . Dams , rivers . And brooks youse to be stocked with small to medium sized fish . You have caught a real trout . I honestly didn’t think they still made spinner you used . Very hard to catch a real trout . Brown being the hardest . Best rainbow I ever caught was about 6 kilo . ( private dance) many around 2 kilo ( main spot logue Brooke) best brown river that ran into Harvey weir . 3.2 kilo . You have done well . My Luke and his mates have some cracker spots for real trout . Pretty hard to come by now days . I use to love camping with my old man . Taught me a heap about freshwater fishing . Bloody cold . I use to pretend to be asleep until my dad lit fire . Always laugh about it . Now days it’s crap not the same . Anyway nice brown young fella . Redfin taste 100 percent better than trout .. don’t try scale them
Sea goat
Posts: 999
Date Joined: 26/03/17
Beautiful looking trout!
Beautiful looking trout!
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
You ll be saddened LJ . They have
shut it down with massive logs and
sand .. apparently people were leaving
All there rubbish and tearing the place
up . There goes my annual camp out
there. Once it fills in winter the only
spot you can access is the ramp .
RIP Harvey dam .. pirate .
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Getting it more and more on
Getting it more and more on the beach up our way too mate. Flogs cutting up the beach, doing doughnuts and whatever else. Matter of time bofore someone is hit as it's a swimming beach. Flogs everywhere FFS
Love the West!
Lefty 44
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 04/12/17
The access changes was a bit annoying.
I can understand when the dam was full as it got very full this year and many of the tracks were underwater.
From what I was told it was because the idiots were having fun in the mud with thier 4 x 4's and then driving through the water to clean them.
As per usual, the few spoiling it for the many.
I go there a fair bit with the Oldman.
Set up his tinny with an electric motor and we troll deep diving bibbed lures.
He's 75 and it's about as much as he can handle these days.
Picked up a 45cm Rainbow, 39cm Brown and a couple of 40+ Reddies last friday.
Good to see the trout surviving through summer and if the rain starts up there should be some stonkers by Sept in there.