GoPro Camera for Scuba Diving
Submitted by wayneleech on Fri, 2012-12-07 18:39
Hi Fellas,
I'm thinking about getting a GoPro Camera for Scuba diving. Similar to what's in this vid -
Does anyone here use a GoPro for diving? If so, are you happy with it? Also, what housing and attachments would you recommend?
I've heard that sometimes the bubbles from your reg can interfere with the head mount?
Posts: 831
Date Joined: 31/08/10
Think I have heard about
Think I have heard about people using them with flat lens case and a red filter
Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 27/06/08
yeah i was just reading
yeah i was just reading about a dive housing - is this the one?
Any recommendations on where to buy them from in Perth?
Posts: 277
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Go pros are really good for
Go pros are really good for diving like sammy said a flat lense dive housing with a red filter works perfect very clear. Ive used it both ways with out the dive housing or red filter makes a massive differance . Make sure you where a hood over your head mounted one as it doesnt take much to bump off , i lost one in a little cave of mindarie it fell of and the bottom sturred up and see ya . The new go pro has inbuilt wireless where as the old ones end up pretty bulky with the attachment ,the wrist controller is a must while diving so you can tell what its doin with out takin it off your head anyway i think there a good litlle camera for all sorts of situations
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Date Joined: 04/04/08
Isn't the controller only
Isn't the controller only waterproof to 5m though? Have you put it in some sort of housing?
re the q before about the red filter: as you get deeper more and more red is filtered out so any photos/video will come out bluish (unless you use a light, but a little hard on scenery, not close ups). The red filter cuts out some of the blues/greens/etc so your videos come up more natural colours. As you're removing a bit of light, you may get slightly grainier videos if there's not too much light around (but shouldn't affect massively if there's enough light).
With photos you can set the white balance to adjust to the depth (or shoot raw and adjust later). However the new gopros have a colour balance option (black version only?) which will help shooting deeper underwater (depending how far it goes, you may still need a red filter on deeper dives).
Posts: 695
Date Joined: 16/08/09
Yeah I have the flat lens
Yeah I have the flat lens dive housing and a red filter. My regs have an exhaust out the sides and that tends to avoid the bubbles going up in front of the camera. The head mount works pretty well, also plenty of options to mount to spear gun, cray loop etc. I'm pretty happy with the picture I get from it and would recommend it any day of the week.
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 27/06/08
thanks for the feedback
thanks for the feedback fellas. i didnt think of mounting it on my loop or gun - can u buy a bracket for this or would it require some type of custom bracket?
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Jesse has one for diving has
Jesse has one for diving has the flat lens,It gives a great picture.We are getting two new black go pros for Christmas, these are mention to be the bees knees high pixels and smaller , The head mount does get a lot of bubble noise when used.Yes they are great well worth the money.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Date Joined: 01/09/09
red filter ??
Just out interest whats the deal with the red filter ?? I presume its got to do with the colour spectrum and the differing colours filtering out first ???
Where does the lense sit on the go-pro ???
Cheers fishfish
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 27/06/08
paul - where r u getting
paul - where r u getting your black gopros from? i was going to look at sum tommorow though im struggling to find a supplier/shop NOR?
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 14/01/10
I didn't think the Black
I didn't think the Black version was available in Oz yet...? The new Hero 3 all have flat lenses now do they???