Going to try Leeman
My mates and I are intending to drag the new Bar Crusher up to Leeman for a couple of days in the week leading up to Easter. I have never been there before so it will be a whole new experience. I have heard it is awesome fishing but also quite tricky to get in and out of the ramp.
I am looking for any advice on things like where to start looking for ground and in what depth so I can hopefully hook a Dhu or 2 to christen the new boat... I have never been successfull with soft plastics or jigging so while I am there I want to give it a go, if anyone can sugest a plastic or jig I could try that would be great.
I can carry 180l of fuel so I will be able to get out a long way if its worth it.
I would also be keen to hear any sugestions on where to stay while we are up there (2 nights) nothing flash just somewhere to crash....
Thanks in advance...
My new pride and joy.... Dhu Hunter....
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Nice boat
I hope you manage to get out and christen it in style. Can't help you on Leeman as never been there before.
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Date Joined: 28/08/07
i usally just stay at the
caravan park in a dorm/chalet not flash but does the job, when u launch your boat you have to drive straight towards the little island to the last marker then cut in close and head out to the last green marker boy from there you will see some breakers to the left and right ,just head between the breakersand you should be right unles the sewll is over 3m then it breaks all the way along ,if launcing at low tide watch the weed bank 5m out from tthe jetty and try to come in on a hi tide the ramp can get pretty shallow,fishing wise most locals just fish the 15/30m drop off. theres a few lumps about 30 ks out that fish pretty well but i usally leave the close in stuff for the locals and head out the marshall bank were its hard not to catch dhuies but thats 60 ks nnw well worth the trip however as i have had a few times were its a dhuie every drop the hard part is finding other fish to make up your bag as the dhuies nail everthing first
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 14/01/10
Good info...Thanks for
Good info...
Thanks for that.. I was told it can be tricky getting in and out from the ramp so that info will help me no end.... and also makes me think it isn't a good idea to take the first trip out there with out daylight....
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I was up there a couple of years ago with my brother and a couple of my offspring and did really well. It was this time of the year and we bagged out each day with dhu, baldies and other quality demersals. Each time I have been up there I have called into the sea rescue office and had a chat to them and registered the boat. We also gave them a small donation. While there, the guys and and gals were more than happy to share the likely spots and give you the heads up on any dangerous areas to keep away from. They are keen to show you the local charts, so you have a good grasp of where the reefs are. We mainly fished around the Beagle Islands, but you must be careful if more than a two metre swell is up. We caught most of our fish in about 14 metres and we stayed well away from the island because of the swells building in the shallower water. Skippy of around 1 kilo were in plague proportions, but good to catch on light gear. We tended to eat them and bring the good fillets home. Good luck.
A pessimist is never disapointed
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Good idea... I intend to
Good idea... I intend to travel up the afternoon before I launch so I will call into the Sea Rescue and have a chat with them that arvo.
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Date Joined: 26/09/12
+1 For all the comments above
Plus check out the contour lines on charts, anywhere from 45m to 80m. Standard stuff use bottom zoom/lock looking for fish there not always on big drop offs.
I've had success there on Samaki Choona jigs 100g-150g. McCarthy SPs 8inch pink and baby elf 2-3oz jig heads.
Good luck.
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 14/01/10
I have been looking on Mo's
I have been looking on Mo's tackle and those Samiki jigs are only13 bucks... so I grabbed a few.... thanks for the tip....
BTW from your comment below about the ramp not being finnished, is there still a way of launch and retrieve... old ramp or beach perhaps?
Posts: 623
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As per Scottnofish's comments below a couple of other options still available for launching. Those jigs are good value, I've caught just as many if not more fish on them than ones that are 3 times more expensive.
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Beach Place
Check it out on Stayz for accommodation. Hard to go past it.
I know the area very well, but as a land lubber can't offer up any more advice. :-)
But agree with above comments about time of year, swell and locals. April is simply the best time of year to be in the area.
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I seem to recall it has a brand new ramp
Only recently (this year) installed - used to be evil with the weed build up but understand heaps better now - too dammed easy to get your bag limit in minutes though - spend more time travelling that actually fishing still it frees up drinking time.
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Date Joined: 26/09/12
Not finished
Was there a few weeks back and it was no where near finished.
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 14/01/10
thanks for all the replies
thanks for all the replies fellas.... I have been looking at the Navionics app to try and create a plan of attack and I was wondering if it would be worth taking the deep drop gear? I got myself an electric setup over a year ago and still have never used it yet due to work, weather, boat issues etc but if the fishing is as good as it is supposed to be then I could spend a good bit of time sounding up the shelf with out comprimising time spent desperatly trying to hook a dhu....
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there is 2 ramps in town
one is beach launch for small boats the other is the sea rescue which is for the bigger boats but can get choked with weed they are also building a new floating jetty ramp nearer to the little island but when i was there a few weeks ago only the driveway was done still no jetty
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Yes deep drop a definite option
The shelf is much closer than here in Perth - we have regularly fished the drop off and it is rapid and significant, around 120metres there are huge scholls of snapper so we have never ventured beyond that but do know that within a km you are in 300 metres so very acheivable - the wind being low enough and the current not piping down from the north would be the only issues
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Make sure you bring all your own booze as very expensive here in Leeman, also no fresh bread deliveries on the week end.
As you go thru Jurien they have a new bakery and the bread/pies/pasties/cakes/breakfast and some Chinese food (morning only) yummo, also a liuqor store and IGA.
Leeman only has one service station at the moment and thats on Indian Ocean Drive, its now a Liberty and fuel is a bit cheaper. Good food at a reasonable price is behind the Post Office, called"Snag Island Cafe" they are only open from 5.30pm till 9.00pm (cloded Monday) at the moment, but most probably will open for lunch for Easter/school holidays.
The new boat ramp is coming along, got the barge there now for the poles to be driven in but won't be ready for Easter.
Weed is on both ramps in town but not bad. Been a few boats out the last couple of days.
Enjoy your stay in Leeman
Ginger Tablets Rock
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Date Joined: 14/01/10
Great info...
Thankyou Roberta... I will be sure to call in and give them a go....
Posts: 146
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Hi All,
Can anybody give me a heads up on the ramp at Leeman - it looks pretty good, but, is there anything to watchout for?
Faulkner Family
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if your after info try a new
if your after info try a new thread as this one is nearly 4 years old. should get more responces
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Oceanside Tackle
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Leeman Ramp
Septimus, the boss man was up there recently and it's a good ramp especially when you compare it to what you had to use before.
The ramp is exposed to the stiff sea breeze but definately manageable.
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
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Appreciate the feedback and response.