Gnaraloo, Ningaloo or Warroora Station
I want to take the family camping up north for a week at the end of July or start of August and can't decide between Gnaraloo, Ningaloo Station or Warroora Station. It is mainly a family camping holiday, so a nice site and good swimming for the kids is the most important thing, but it would be nice to get a few fish. I have a Genesis 520 runabout that I am thinking about towing up as well.
So which station is best for
-nice camp site
-nice swimming beach
-reasonable track in for towing the boat
-easy to launch a boat
-good fish within an hours transit of the camp
I camped at Gnaraloo about 10 years ago, before buying the boat, and it was a great spot. I think the launch would be quite easy, and there's certainly plenty of fish there, but the track is horrible and its expensive ($20-30 per person, per night to camp).
I have also camped at Ningaloo station, again before I bought the boat. I think it was north Lefroy I camped at, but it could have been South Lefroy. Also a great spot, but a bit further from Perth, and I think it would be more difficult to launch the boat (at least where we camped it would have been). The track in was better than the Gnaraloo track, and shorrter, and its cheaper to camp than at Gnaraloo.
I have never camped at Warroora, but it seems pretty similar to Ningaloo.
So what would people recommend? Where is the fishing better? Which station has the easiest track in, and the easist beach launch? Are there any other camping spots I should be looking at?
I have used the search function and read all the previous reports from these stations, but I am after a direct comparison and up to date information, which I can't find when searching.
Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
If you need a stopover on
If you need a stopover on the way Alex, feel free to stop in for a night mate!
Plenty of room at my house, if we are home!
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 125
Date Joined: 31/07/10
Thanks for the offer Rob. I
Thanks for the offer Rob. I actually thought about going to the Abrolhos islands, but I think it would be a bit cold for the swimming. Needs to head further north...
Probably stop at Carnarvon on the way up, but maybe on the way back will stop at Gero. Will let you know
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Gnaraloo track has had a lot of work done on it by the shire recently so should be ok if idiots haven't taken any notice of the road closures over the last few days and driven on it and stuffing it up for everyone else
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 27/08/11
I was up in Quobba over the
I was up in Quobba over the weekend and the track is not improved - it is as it was in March and last December. There are large piles of aggregate lying on the side of the road untouched. In fact the dopes who dumped the spoil have done so on a number of blind rises - so very conveniently and not dangerously at all?!
The heavy rain over the weekend churned the track up, but not sure how that will settle over coming weeks. Still, its a beautiful place and offers a bit more variety than Warroora IMO.