Geo bay early arvo dhus

 Straight off nightshift shot theough to busso and had a linch time bash out in the bay. First two marks produced and we were heading back in. 4 size dhu and 5 pinks thrown back in good nick. Love fishing shallows after the big norwester storms. Big dhu caught in 20m. 


    "you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"

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kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

Date Joined: 13/01/12


Sat, 2016-06-04 11:40

 Dhu would of gone pretty well in 20 m

Kyle Evill's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 21/09/10

fuzz your the messiah of the

Sat, 2016-06-04 18:03

fuzz your the messiah of the bay!

Fuzz's picture

Posts: 265

Date Joined: 06/11/13

Hahah says the king of grace town

Sun, 2016-06-05 11:13

 stuck inside the bay at moment mate with crap weather. Next good forecast lets sort out a bash with the boys. Hopefully norro doesnt catch one should make for a few laughs hahah


    "you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"

Patto 1's picture

Posts: 371

Date Joined: 02/12/10

 Nice on fuzz as always.i be

Sun, 2016-06-05 15:44

 Nice on fuzz as always.i be home Wednesday for month mate will give you a call




Fuzz's picture

Posts: 265

Date Joined: 06/11/13

Look forward to it patto

Sun, 2016-06-05 19:40

well over due for a catch up and beers bud.  


    "you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14


Mon, 2016-06-06 10:56
