Fishing Lombok

 Hi Guys,

I am planning on going to Lombok for the first week of August with a couple of mates. We are going to do the freedive level one course at gili t for two days, but have a few more days on the island, and just wondering if anybody has been fishing from lombok, would love to stretch out the arms after we stretch our lungs.

I had a look a the search function for not really much info to come out of it.

Thanks in advance,


Daisy's picture

Posts: 789

Date Joined: 24/01/08

 Adhek does a bit of work

Sat, 2014-06-28 08:06

 Adhek does a bit of work over that way.


The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 06/08/12

 Was over there at the end of

Sat, 2014-06-28 08:31

 Was over there at the end of last year and could only find a few one place that took people out fishing and it wouldnt have been worth it. The gear was in disrepair (broken eyelets on the rods, old tattered line, extremely old reels and rusty hooks. From talking to the guy they olny went out in the chanel on a small local fishing boat. The best bet is to take your own rod, reel and lures and organise a boat to take you wherever you want to go. They do have some half decent power boats over there but would cost a bit more than the local fishing boats but probably worth it as they will take you much further. No boats will have sounders so use navionics app on ya phone to pick your spots. if you want to fish land based there is reef all around the island to cast lures over for small pelagics. If all that sounds too hard you can go with Adhek like Daisy said but he is based in Bali. 

dj dvd's picture

Posts: 237

Date Joined: 27/03/12

 Hey JoshI went out with a

Sat, 2014-06-28 13:38

 Hey Josh

I went out with a local boat from Gili Islands.  Unfortunately the fishing was very poor.  I had my own gear but the fish just weren't there.  We only went in between the islands but there was a lot of net fishing going on from the locals. We saw a massive net get pulled in with a handful of fish. If you found a real boat you might be in with a chance though.  I had more fun diving and sufing.  Also if you feel fit climb the mountain.  


 Born to Fish/Forced to Work.