Firearms petition bump up
Submitted by Rob H on Fri, 2024-04-12 23:04
If you haven’t signed yet, I’m sure there’s quite a few firearms owners here that’d appreciate the numbers for support
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No guns here but done
No guns here but done
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Firearms Petition
Thanks Rob .
Just signed the petition.
Wes F
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Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
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No guns for me but my mate
No guns for me but my mate does so I have signed it.
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No guns for me either but a
No guns for me either but a mate is a very keen shooter.
PGFC member and lure tragic
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No guns here either, but 100% support the rights of law abiding citizens to have & use them if they so choose. Next you will need a license for a filleting knife.
Signed with pleasure.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Thanks all
More to the point I'd wager it's only a matter of time before spearguns require similar licensing
They fit the present definition of a firearm and are a lot more lethal than a gel blaster or traditional air rifle
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Mornington Monster.
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I remember that story. What
I remember that story. What a f@$%ing monster! Doesn't mean spearguns should be restricted though.
PGFC member and lure tragic
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Rick Mazza is about the only polly I trust, The SSAA can suck it.
Yes I signed it, Down to only 9 pew pews now I got rid of 6 pistolas and a couple of long arms, I can always get the wife or my son to get a lic so I can have my guns if any of this bull crap goes thru. I have nothing to hide the cops have been to my house a few times now (I have owned pew pews for 42 years now), if you are doing everything right you have nothing to worry about, just follow the guide lines regarding safe storage, I have extra safety measures since the pistols but now they are gone that extra safety is just a bonus. 5 is plenty anyway .
OFW member 088
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Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
While you certainly can get your wife or son to get a license, you can't take them anywhere or use them even on your own property without them physically present supervising.
And you will need a letter for each property you want to shoot on (every year I believe)
It is a shame the National Shooting Council collapsed
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Firearms dept is going to need a lot more staff to comply with all this stuff, people do not understand to implement all these new laws the police need more people to do the work.
I heard the head of SSAAWA say that firearms branch is where the numb nuts go till their pension.
WA is not big enough to have that many numb nuts available. (most coppers I have interacted with are decent people with common sense), I use to talk quite regularly with firearms branch and they were polite, knew what the laws were and helpfull in explaining them to me no matter what I asked.
Elections are coming up and they want to be seen doing something so stick it to the law abiding firearms owning voters as the police have few resourses to keep up with current legislation so the pollies say why not jump on the anti firearms agenda, they all want that sound grab for media to splash it everywhere, you don't hear about all the suisides on the train network because they can't stop them (a couple a week I am told).
J-lo, justin Beiber, LGBTQI+ and Beyonce get more air time than the mental health of our nation, we know more about the US's presidents mental health than we do for WA.
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
exactly, 100% and it will be very hard to unwind any of these no matter which party is in.
The Sergeant who used to run Firearms was quite helpful, but I havent had anything to do with that for about 5 or more years now.
What they will also do of course is increase penalties considerably and licence fees also
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
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Mental health checks
They said they want everyone to have a mental health check, who is going to pay for that the govt or firearms owners.
I have not done anything impropper with my firearms from pump shotguns and semi auto rifles to bolt action and lever action rimfire and centrefire rifles, even semi auto hi calibre handguns and even a .44 magnum revolver up to 2 years ago (had it for 8), I would of shot over 10,000 rounds of ammo every year at the club for 14 years.
I have been shooting since I was 10 with my brothers .177 slug gun and a .22 after rabbits on wheat properties in SA and then rifles and shotguns for 42 years here in WA with 14 years in a club shooting rifles and pistols even won the state championships for rimfire and centrefire back in 2013 for metalic sillhouette and a Range officer for 7 disciplines, safety officer and passed my Range development course (I can do everything to get a club up and running) I have been the secretary, membership officer and pistol training officer and now I might have to show reasons why I am not a danger, with over 50 years of experience.
YES I am a little pissed off, for about 30 years I would fish one weekend and shoot the next weekend.
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.