dunsborough salmon?

hey guys.

heading to dunsborough over the weekend with some friends form overseas, and was hoping to have a bit of a crack at some salmon. , was wondering if anyone can give me an update on any salmon being caught/sighted?

was thiking of having a crack, from shore just to get back to basics, but may bring the boatdown.

will have 4wd so beach access not an issue, (if there is any beach access still available lol!)

was thinking of trying the ususal spots, bunker bay, eagle bay, yallingup, and may drive down to contos but swell looking like might be up a bit.

any info greatly appreciated!



carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2023-04-19 12:08

 Salmon are being caught all the way through the Geographe bay beaches,  small schools running through all day. No 4x4 access to beaches in the bay

Swompa's picture

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 we were there for easter and

Wed, 2023-04-19 12:16

 we were there for easter and only found a tiny school. There seemeded to be a few more once the weather got a bit nastier. 

Jackfrost80's picture

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Just head down to Eagle Bay

Wed, 2023-04-19 12:55

Just head down to Eagle Bay and drive the boat through the schools as they approach the shore. Everyone one the beach will cheers you and buy you beers lol.

Eagle Bay is shoulder to shoulder when they are running, been there and done that and won't do it again. Bunkers is good as you can walk a fair way and the area between Meelup and Pt Piquet is quite rocky so less folk tend to fish there. Contos is a bit of a hike in the car and pretty gnarly in a moderate to big swell. There's also other areas like Windmills, Other Side of the Moon that are a short walk from the carpark and there's also Rocky Point which is a fair old hike but all three are surfing spots. On the other side, Smith's Beach offers a massive stretch of coastline to walk along and have flick as does Injidup.

It's looking like pretty nice surfing conditions this weekend so I'd tend to stick to the bay side or the southern end of Smith's to avoid conflict with surfers and dealing with the almost 2m swell.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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Eagle Bay

Wed, 2023-04-19 18:16

 If you do as Frosty says and drive through the schools you had better be prepared to get ready to duck because there will certainly be sinkers coming your way from the picket line of anglers on the beach.

Posts: 999

Date Joined: 26/03/17

ahaah! yup, have been on the

Wed, 2023-04-19 18:40

ahaah! yup, have been on the shore when boats have mowed through the schools. quite frustrating, but very entertaining to hear the colourful language lol!

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2023-04-19 19:46

 Was pro salmon fishing at Bunkers when we heard the team at Eagle Bay had caught a boat. Seems they were half way round a good school of fish when this clown comes sailing straight inside their shot, trapping the boat inside the half circle of net. Once they woke up they tried to drive over the net tangling the prop and completely stuffing the gearbox. The boss of the team is built like a double barrel brick shithouse and he wasn't at all pleased with losing the fish and having hours of mending the net, the bloke in the boat was lucky to get away unscathed with only a dent in his wallet. They had to get a lift back to Dunsborough to get the car and trailer to pull the boat out at Eagle bay in front of all the onlookers.

Then no vessels were allowed to travel within 200 metres of the shore by law, and this bloke would have been travelling under 50 metres of the beach. One could only shake ones head when we heard of this wondering how could someone be so bloody stupid to even think of travelling so close in.

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 Marg river pro starts 20th

Wed, 2023-04-19 19:32

 Marg river pro starts 20th gonna be lots more people around. Castle rock always another place to walk to.

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There's a nice little beach

Thu, 2023-04-20 07:54

There's a nice little beach about 1.1km south along the coastal path from the Castle Rock carpark with some good rocks to fish off if the schools are sitting a little further out. Watch out for big Tiger Snakes!


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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Sunday arvo

Sun, 2023-04-23 19:13

 Spent Sunday arvo on Castle Rock beach with missus, son Jeff and his family wasting about a block and a half of mulies for no   return. From the time we arrived just befor 1 00 till nearly 5 oo, never got a decent bite or saw anyone else hook into anything decent. Been years since I fished that beach and now  I remember why its been so long. 


Lot  of blokes on Castle itself and a heap spread along the rocks towards Meelup all disappointed at not seeing a fish swim through. One bloke I spoke to started at Cosy Corner, Deep Dene, Hamelin, Contos and Canal rocks for not even seein a salmon landed, my thoughts went along the lines of northerly winds all day shutting the fish down?


Posts: 999

Date Joined: 26/03/17

hey guys. so no salmon caught

Thu, 2023-04-27 11:38

hey guys.

so no salmon caught by me.

went out on the boat on saturday morning, checked most of the bays, saw no schools, and dindt see nay caught.

went out deeper and got a good snapper at 78cm.

tried bunker bay sunday moring for nothing, again, didnt see any salmon.

weather monday and tues was average sodidnt bother.

but all in all didnt see  or hear of many being caught.