Does anyone know how to spot a pregnant black bream? any info would be great
Submitted by Camaz on Tue, 2010-02-23 23:54
Was fishing the other night in the swan hooked a nice little bream. Was wondering how you can tell when these fish are pregnant. Unfortunantly this fish was fatally hooked so i kept it. I found what looked like eggs in its stomach and was horrified. (I always put my bream back, even nice big ones). Just wondering if anyone knows how to spot when a black bream is pregant and if its only full grown ones that lay eggs. Any information would help so i can keep an eye out and fish for the future.
Posts: 137
Date Joined: 28/07/09
In the swan, Bream over
In the swan, Bream over 25cm are breeders but fish over 40cm produce ~10x more eggs... So if your looking for a feed and want to 'fish for the future', you'd be better off taking a couple of just size bream, and putting the big ones back...
Gone Fishing...
Posts: 72
Date Joined: 06/04/10
if you have a similiar mind
if you have a similiar mind set as me when it comes to fish, i bet you felt pretty bad seeing those eggs, i would of felt terrible, but hey im soft when it comes to fish, i feel bad killing redfin, good to see you usually throw them back though, no harm in keeping a badly injured fish either.
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
if they are abit fatty in
if they are abit fatty in the stomach and very greedy when it comes to taking bait lure, be wary then.
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 01/02/09
When they come up
their moody and continue to complain of hot flushes and a sore back, and when you put them into a bucket they complain that its to small and they would like to change the colour as soon as possible.
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
bahahhah sounds like you got
bahahhah sounds like you got some experience under your belt
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 26/07/10
had the exact same thing happen to me a couple of weeks back, fatal hook and pregnant bream