dive today
went for a dive today off the back of the three mile out from Mindarie - it appears all the crays have gone walkabout.... we went to a ledge that was packed last weekend only to find it empty this week:(
We ended up looping 4 stray crays with two size. We tried some new ground for the second dive. Was still on the three mile though a little further north - was awesome looking ground though seemed abit to "cavey" for crays. We saw a harlequin fish - i've heard they're good to eat - is this right?
Also had chance to try my new spear gun. Couldn't believe it - my first test shot and it appears the spear head wasn't screwed on properly as when I went to load it the next time it was missing!!
I still had the chance to play around with it and managed to pactice loading it. As Till and Cammo said - sure is alot easier loading it under water - cheers for the tips fellas!
Did anyone else get out today?
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 02/01/09
went off hillaries in 6m,
went off hillaries in 6m, got 3 size and a harlequin, heard they taste very good.... will find out tonight
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
me and missus went divin, went out to 22 metres and between us looped 14, all sized. kept the biggest 12, and sent the other 2 back down. all whites. didnt even have to use our second tanks.
actually, i looped a couple of reds, but every red was berried, so let them go.
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
Harli's are yummo. Try
Harli's are yummo. Try looping one instead of spearing.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 16/10/09
he did loop it
he did loop it
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
Good stuff
Harlis are good eating, the coral trout of the south:)
Dave J.
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
Hey wat is the difference
Hey wat is the difference between "looping" and "spearing"
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 417
Date Joined: 29/10/08
spearing involves a spear gun whilst "looping" refers to looping a cray or fish using a crap loop, you pull one end of the metal cord and the other end is in a loop shape, as you pull the cord, the loop restricts trapping the unlucky animal inside. the metal cord runs through a metal pipe
happy fishing
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
oh is that wat it is in
oh is that wat it is in fishing shops that must be hard as wont the fish swim away?
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 417
Date Joined: 29/10/08
i think using a loop is more of seizng the opportunity rather than anything. usually snare things whilst diving for crays
happy fishing
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Harlis are pretty slow,
Harlis are pretty slow, anything else is probably harder =)