Cray Pot Winch
Submitted by ProFish on Sat, 2014-12-06 14:29
Hi All ,
Going to put a pot winch on my profish 465 , have been looking at the Maxwell Anchormax 12v capstan .
Any recomendations on other brands would be appreciated .
Also where is the best place to buy them ( perth / Mand )
Cheers Ray
fish 06
Posts: 164
Date Joined: 30/06/13
Just fitted Anchor max to my boat along with a circuit breaker & Anderson plug for the foot switch love it, my boat is 5.8 meters, a 4.65 might not have the strength in the gunnels
out wide
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Date Joined: 30/12/08
Try Midway Marine Rockingham
Ask the fellas there about Paul around the corner. He fits them. he fitted one to my 4.6 Quinny Tinnie couple of years ago works great. Pull any weight pot no problem.
I just had a hard top.. new clears & pot winch [Anchor Max ] put on my glass boat this week all done by Paul. Very good tradesman and fair price to boot.
His number 0411838822
jamey ford
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 25/05/11
Got one of the stressfree
Got one of the stressfree winches when bias shutdown saved well over 1500 on it, they are the ducksnuts only bought it because it was so cheap as already had 1200w muir capstan fitted to boat which is a great back up now as well as anchor winch , the stressfree pulls propots easily and uch better than the capstan style to use.
Far Quirk!
Posts: 138
Date Joined: 24/11/14
used my stress free winch
used my stress free winch for the 1st time today
works a treat and saves the back!
but will need to reinforce the gunnel and get some fab work done as it has started to stress around the base plate already
Reel men smoke shimano's
jamey ford
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 25/05/11
Great winches but alot of
Great winches but alot of leverage on them when retreiving
Far Quirk!
jamey ford
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 25/05/11
Yep we packed ours with
Yep we packed ours with timber internally bracing it inside the gunnel and also mounted a peice of double bullnosed 175 x 35 jarrah on the gunnel 1.5 m long before fitting mount ,that also acts to save boat from scratches and serves as a work station , also put an ss eyebolt through the top gantry which attaches back to centre console , with ss turnbuckle which further braces and spreads the load , no problem at all with it , as realised that there is a fair bit of stress on it when pulling heavy pots , but I would'nt be without it as its so easy .
Far Quirk!
Posts: 138
Date Joined: 24/11/14
hey Jamie what do you use
hey Jamie what do you use between the eye bolt and turn buckle (heavy duty Stainless wire?)
sounds like a great idea
as i have a 5.95 Trail craft center console and have mounted the stress free Strarboard mid ship .
yesterday a just pushed my foot against the bottom of the holder but you could really feel it pushing against you
i am going to get some ali fab work done to really reinforce the whole thing and then hopefully ill be stress free pulling my pots.
Reel men smoke shimano's
jamey ford
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 25/05/11
No wire ,eye bolt through my
No wire ,eye bolt through my bimini tube 300mm approx higher than the stressfree then 2 ss turnbuckles to eyebolt through gantry off winch ,but wire and a turnbuckle will work for sure , always use a turnbuckle even if using wire , as you can adjust tension easily so you can turn the winch around or remove it if not required , it certainly helps to spread the load off the gunnel , and I would certainly recommend you try that first before you go to a fabricator as we thought of it after the rest of the fitout and it stops the stress on the gunnel dead as it prevents the leverage with very minimal stress to console , you could even use rope temporarily , hope this helps .
Far Quirk!
Posts: 68
Date Joined: 21/03/14
Cray Pot Winch
Thanks guys ,
Will go and see Midway Marine and see what they have . And go and see Paul and see what he recomends .
Was thinking of putting a good size backing plate under the gunnel to reinforce .
Cheers Ray
fish 06
Posts: 164
Date Joined: 30/06/13
Backing plate
Backing plate is a good idea, PM me and I will tell you who I got my winch through and the price
Posts: 68
Date Joined: 21/03/14
Cray Pot Winch
PM sent
Posts: 38
Date Joined: 21/12/11
I have an anchor max capstan
I have an anchor max capstan winch and have been happy with it.
As a bit of food for thought though,This guy has fitted a different top to this anchor max winch, which would make things easier again. I am currently trying to get some details on how much it would cost to change the top over.
Posts: 138
Date Joined: 24/11/14
cheers for the info Jamie
cheers for the info Jamie
Reel men smoke shimano's
on the Drift
Posts: 31
Date Joined: 09/10/14
Hey Profish I have an
Hey Profish I have an Anchormax but its 5-6 years old, does the job well but I had to repair it, bought the boat s/h with it fitted and it had never been serviced by the look of it. Not sure the new ones are serviceable? Or are they fully sealed? Worth asking. . .
It only cost me ~$50 for new pinion gear, main gear and bearings. . .
good luck!
Posts: 138
Date Joined: 24/11/14
no fab work to be done
strap works a treat no fab work needed
Reel men smoke shimano's
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Looks good.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Date Joined: 02/04/10
Cray Pot Winch
Chivers Marine had a special on the Anchormax recently might be worth a phone call.
Old Banga!