I'm not sure about Claremont Jetty, but I do see squid while diving up near Mosmans Restaurant, more so if you are casting towards those lights in the water.
Claremont Jetty would have to be one of the most underrated spots in the river. I used to fish there 3-4 times a week around 10 - 15 years ago mostly in spring/summer months. You can catch squid ( weed either side of jetty ) black bream ( underneath jetty ), big herring ( casting towards yacht club ), flathead ( lures in shallows or running sinker/whitebait on the bottom out in front ) tailor ( casting towards pt walter with said whitebait rig with a slow retrieve ) yellowfin whiting ( caught my biggest river whiting at 36cm there ) and mulloway ( caught my first river mulloway on a dead fresh trumpeter casting out in the channel ). 2 things you need to know, seabreeze ( sw ) is a bitch in summer and get there early to claim your spot, VERY popular with certain crabbers :-) good luck!
i usually head towards claremont jetty in the summer times to catch chopper taylor and flatheads. if you want a spot in the summer time you definitely have to go early.
Posts: 125
Date Joined: 27/02/11
I'm not sure about Claremont
I'm not sure about Claremont Jetty, but I do see squid while diving up near Mosmans Restaurant, more so if you are casting towards those lights in the water.
Posts: 210
Date Joined: 29/08/11
just go down there and look
just go down there and look for fresh squid ink on the jetty. if people are catching them then theres always ink around
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 27/12/09
Claremont Jetty would have to
Claremont Jetty would have to be one of the most underrated spots in the river. I used to fish there 3-4 times a week around 10 - 15 years ago mostly in spring/summer months. You can catch squid ( weed either side of jetty ) black bream ( underneath jetty ), big herring ( casting towards yacht club ), flathead ( lures in shallows or running sinker/whitebait on the bottom out in front ) tailor ( casting towards pt walter with said whitebait rig with a slow retrieve ) yellowfin whiting ( caught my biggest river whiting at 36cm there ) and mulloway ( caught my first river mulloway on a dead fresh trumpeter casting out in the channel ). 2 things you need to know, seabreeze ( sw ) is a bitch in summer and get there early to claim your spot, VERY popular with certain crabbers :-) good luck!
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 18/10/12
and now its up there as
and now its up there as being the most croweded jetty during the week and weekends
perth fisher
Posts: 132
Date Joined: 02/06/11
yep..lots of undersized crabs
yep..lots of undersized crabs being caught there in summer
Posts: 360
Date Joined: 06/02/14
one of my favourite jettys
one of my favourite jettys to fish from in the river . u get everything there
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
caught 2 big mullas
there one afternoon a long long time ago
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 03/02/13
i usually head towards
i usually head towards claremont jetty in the summer times to catch chopper taylor and flatheads. if you want a spot in the summer time you definitely have to go early.
kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
thanks guys
thanks guys