boat insurance


any good or bad experiences with boat insurers, or just shop around for best price?

i've noticed some insurers do not insure verge parking and others do, which is important for me and might narrow down the options a bit.

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Virtually all insurers will not cover theft if verged parked

Wed, 2022-04-06 13:15

 Needs to be on your driveway inside the legal boundary.  Had this issue with another wrecky with RAC where it was half on half off, they tried to deny the claim but their own policy cover picture actually shows a boat in exactly that position......they backed down and paid.

I use Trident but they are not the cheapest.

Posts: 99

Date Joined: 14/02/22

yeah i have my vehicles with

Wed, 2022-04-06 15:26

yeah i have my vehicles with RAC and when i called them they seemed pretty black and white about the verge.

just about every boat in my neighbourhood is on the verge and they have all been there 10+ years so theft cant be that bad!

Posts: 163

Date Joined: 23/12/08

Trident now known as Coast Insurance

Wed, 2022-04-06 14:50

 I also use Trident Insurance, who have recently had a name change to Coast Insurance. Found them to be excellent so far.

Posts: 99

Date Joined: 14/02/22

thanks. i see they break down

Wed, 2022-04-06 15:41



i see they break down the storage as roadside / carport or garage / shed. obviously more concerned about accessibility rather than being on your property or not.

the boat specialised insurers appear to be more pragmatic than RAC.  

slam's picture

Posts: 168

Date Joined: 09/09/09

Club Marine

Wed, 2022-04-06 15:21

 I have used them for years but touch wood no claim so can't answer if any good. I guess the same as most insurers, try to get out of paying a claim where possible!!!

Posts: 630

Date Joined: 03/01/12

I also use

Tue, 2022-04-19 13:41


I also use Club Marine, tried to make a claim once where a few things where stolen from my boat while on my property

They refused to pay and said I should go through my home and contents insurer (RAC)

RAC refused to pay saying that it should be the boat insurer who pays, so got nothing in the end.

A necessary evil that you can't be without and yet they still come up with excuses to stick it up you.



Piggy's picture

Posts: 553

Date Joined: 24/08/12

Club Marine

Tue, 2022-04-19 14:31

 I use club marine

Made 1 claim with them when my sounder and fishing gear was stolen out of my locked cabin. Really easy to deal with and no real questions asked. Got everything replaced within about 2 weeks



I go boating not fishing

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14


Wed, 2022-04-20 05:13

I recently had a claim with them for a killed motor and it was a hassle free process. It pays to shop around and avoid the so called " Marine expert " insurers. 


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


Posts: 99

Date Joined: 14/02/22

 Thanks all. I have gone with

Wed, 2022-04-20 08:20


Thanks all. I have gone with Coast Insurance. In the end it was either Coast or Club, I didnt check Elders but did check a few other big name insurance companies and they wouldnt insure the particular scenarios I wanted or needed to pay extra for it.  They were also the most cost effective for my needs. 

NORUN NOFUN's picture

Posts: 1035

Date Joined: 15/08/11

Only ever made one claim and

Wed, 2022-04-20 09:00

Only ever made one claim and that was with Club Marine, was a bloody nightmare as they used every conceivable excuse to not payout on certain items.
One piece of advice I can give is that if you have a decent sized boat that runs a fair amount of boating equipment is to take note of what you have and photograph everything as they will ask for photo's if they have been stolen.
Any fishing gear, rods, reels & tackle not contained with a lockable cabin is not covered so don't pre pack for a fishing trip the night before.
When they ask questions do not give too much detail as they will find any excuse to bring up t&c's, keep it minimal, they are not there for you when things go wrong other than too reduce the claim payout at their end.
Fortunately for me I have two rottweilers that left quite a long blood trail over the backyard garden and fence, the blood was from neither of the two rotties so justice was served in my opinion.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 That last sentence is true

Wed, 2022-04-20 10:55

 That last sentence is true justice right there. 


Love the West!