Blue Swimmer Crab Seminar
I've been a volunteer for this interesting program for awhile.
If you are interested in the results so far or to join, see below;
G’day Crabbers!
You’re log sheets are in, the data has been analysed and we’re dying to show you what’s been happening in each of your crab fisheries this season.
We’re hosting our annual True Blue Swimmer Supporter seminars from the 22nd – 24th of Sept, so come along to the venue nearest you and find out how your crabbing efforts compare in your fishery.
The dates & locations for the seminars are:
• Swan-Canning Estuary: Tuesday 22nd September, 6:30-8pm, West Australian Fisheries Marine Research Laboratories, 39 Northside Drive, Hillarys.
• Leschenault Estuary and wider Bunbury area: Wednesday 23rd September, 6-7:30pm, Dolphin Discovery Centre, Lot 830 Koombana Drive, Bunbury.
• Geographe Bay: Thursday 24th September, 6-7:30pm, The Deck, 21 Spinnaker Boulevard, Port Geographe, Busselton.
We’ll also be talking about the Fishery Independent Sampling that we’ve been carrying out alongside the True Blue Swimmer supporter logbook program. You’ll be able to find out the how breeding stocks and recruitment levels are doing within each of your fisheries and how they compare to last season’s data.
You’ll also learn about our current tagging study in the Swan River that some of you have had the opportunity to participate on. We’ll talk about the results so far and what a successful tagging study could lead to in terms of the better understanding of crab stock movement in and around these fisheries.
You are all more than welcome and we very much look forward to catching up and chewing the fat over all things crab! These seminars are also a good place to sign up to the program so if you know of anyone who is a keen crabber and would like to join our program then bring them along too!
Look forward to seeing you there,
Josh Baker
Technical Officer (Crab Research)
Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
39 Northside Drive Hillarys, WA, 6025
Desk Phone: +61 (08) 92030218
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Has ther been a similiar thing done on the peel fishery
Do you know if a similar study has been carried out on the Peel crab stocks/fishery and is there plans to hold such presentations in the peel area.
Any info you can pass on is most appreciated.
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
No research for Peel. I can
No research for Peel. I can only assume that the fishery is reasonable. A good question for Tuesday , if you get along.
Cheers Pete
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Ill be there if i'm not
Ill be there if i'm not working !
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Sounds like a good idea Pete
I'll apply for a release pass and try to get there, even info from the Leschenault area could be beneficial.