Beware of SEAWEED! Outboard fire can be the result

 Hi All

Just a FYI, my outboard (2004 75hp, Mercury 4 stroke) caught fire the other day, the only issue I can put it down to is seaweed. 

We were heading home after a day spearing the bank, I power over a clump of seaweed and momentarily the outboard note changed a little. Thinking nothing of it I continued on. About 1 minute later, the boat jerked a little, concerned, I ease off the throttle and turn the motor off. I tilt the motor up and notice seaweed come away from the leg, I am unsure if it was around the prop or the front of the leg (I presume around the leg covering the water intake) 

Then I notice what I thought was a little steam coming out of the cover, I smell the 'steam', then realise it was a burning rubber smell. I tell my deckies to remove the cover while I look for the extinguisher in the bow. They pop the cover off, and sure enough there is a small fire at the front of the engine closest to the boat. We put the fire out and the power was cut the motor. So we call Rockingham Sea rescue and they tow us in and we gave them a donation ($100) as thanks. 

Since I have NO IDEA about outboards, what is likely to be the result of the fire, overheating? motor ceased up? 

Also, what is the likely repair cost on the motor?




Posts: 167

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 Sounds like the seaweed

Wed, 2015-04-22 10:58

 Sounds like the seaweed clogged your water intake, the lack of water flowing through your power head sounds like it got really hot and cooked your motor.

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Lucky boys. Sounds like

Wed, 2015-04-22 11:07

Lucky boys. Sounds like straight heat causing fire

Swompa's picture

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Expensive way to find out you

Wed, 2015-04-22 13:37

Expensive way to find out you should always back down if you run over a clump of weed, even for performance reasons.

Try going for a run with a pillow over your face and you will understand how your motor died ;-)

Notorious's picture

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 Lesson learnt!So is the

Wed, 2015-04-22 11:24

 Lesson learnt!

So is the motor cooked aka a bin job or can it be fixed?


Swompa's picture

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How long between the clump of

Wed, 2015-04-22 13:39

How long between the clump of weed and you shutting off the motor?

Per below, try to turn the fly wheel, if it turns then it is a good sign.

What part of it was on fire? Electrical component? Hoses?

Walfootrot's picture

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no overheat alarm?

Wed, 2015-04-22 11:35

no overheat alarm?


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

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Wed, 2015-04-22 12:05



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Was the motor hot.

Wed, 2015-04-22 11:39

 Did you feel the motor after putting the fire out?  Was it red hot paint bubbling etc?   Was there water out of the tell tail before you turned it off?   

Notorious's picture

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 Motor wasnt red hot and

Wed, 2015-04-22 12:07

 Motor wasnt red hot and paint wasnt bubbling

TBH I didnt pay attention to whether there was water coming out. 


I have spoken to a couple marine mechanics, one says the motor is sezied and its F'ed. The other said that the motor would seize up first and that a fire could not result from a seized up motor and says it sounds electrical. 


Tim's picture

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Wed, 2015-04-22 20:12

Don't think I would go to the first one if he is making a comment that it is seized without seeing it or checking if it turns over.

I picked up a heap of weed a few months ago and the high temp alarm came on. Started it up again and let water slowly pump through to bring the temp down and carried on.
No issues with the motor.

Only reason I can think of for the firs is maybe a wire was sitting againt the block and the extra heat has made it catch fire finally. Could have been cooking itself for a while

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 If it will still run ok, get

Wed, 2015-04-22 12:11

 If it will still run ok, get the alarm system fixed.

If its EFI it should have at least alarmed and derated.

Normally most EFI outboards perform a self test when you turn the key on though.


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can you turn the flywheel

Wed, 2015-04-22 12:22

can you turn the flywheel manually?

scotto's picture

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have you

Wed, 2015-04-22 12:48

 Tried re starting the motor? Is there tell tale signs of where the fire was? Electrical wires burnt, air intake burnt, cowling etc??


Maybe take it to some marine mechanics for a diagnosis.


Also, is it insured? Could be covered if it is mate. I know 2 blokes thatve cooked their engines (1 left earnuffs on), and the motors were replaced or rebuilt through insurance. 

wangler's picture

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check that the mini

Wed, 2015-04-22 13:28

 Capacitor is still ok on the main wiring harness, thats if it has one.


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Basics first

Wed, 2015-04-22 15:12

 Basics first

if your mechanical knowledge is that limited take it to an outboard mechanic


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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sunshine's picture

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Insured ?

Wed, 2015-04-22 15:32

the damage may well be covered, policy if insured covers the motor if it strikes anything other than water, seen plenty of claims accepted for this cause and ditto fire damage was well, pm me if you need a hand with insurers  

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To find out what caused the fire

Wed, 2015-04-22 15:59

Just so you don't endanger any insurance claim, notify your insurance company (if insured) with the details of what has happened and ask for instructions from them on what action/s you should take. Get this in writing (email etc) If you tinker around with it your insurance may null your claim.

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have to say that it would

Wed, 2015-04-22 16:01

have to say that it would have to be a pretty savage overheat to actually set fire to any anciliary equipment

My guess, the seaweed had nothing to do with it and it was an electrical problem/fire.

Get it looked at by a mechanic-pretty simple...


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Wed, 2015-04-22 16:02

 Sounds like your not to mechanically minded.   It could be as simple as a wiring short that caused your problems and maybe a simple fix.  Not unheard of for an unfused wire to rub through  and would defineately catch fire. Id take it to a mechanic he will give you the good or bad news in very short time.  A very hot motor is not hard to spot they beam heat and you would of felt it getting the cover off. They also have a warning buzzer and it is loud.  

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Wed, 2015-04-22 16:59

I would say all modern marine outboards have overheating protection. Typically, if the motor reaches a specific temperature it will drop the revs down to 1800rpm or so which is what you experienced with the jerking.
I would go along with Cruzy, and say it could have been a short and the seaweed being unrelated.
Give Arthur Page a call who is the local Mobile Marine Mech. in your area. He will more than likely come down for a look without charging you anything. I very much doubt the engine is seized.



Paul H's picture

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Intake blocked causing

Wed, 2015-04-22 19:48

Intake blocked causing overheating (and possibly drop in revs as per aaasnapper), this heat likely contributed to melting wire (proximity to motor??) hence shorting and fire (small amount of oil/petrol deposits igniting/combusting).

May not be seized - need a certified mech to look at it and see what the damage is - ring insurer and advise them your doing this before organising mech - just tell them your giving them a heads up min case a claim is needed - if they agree with this action no probs in future re policy/cover


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Scotte's picture

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 i have heard of a few mercs

Thu, 2015-04-23 12:39

 i have heard of a few mercs with electrical fires and burns. sounds like a coincidence it happened at once but i reckon 2 seperate problems

Notorious's picture

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 No insurance - old boy didnt

Thu, 2015-04-23 20:07

 No insurance - old boy didnt think it was worth it - he now thinks otherwise.






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Thu, 2015-04-23 20:51
