Albany Collies seafood fish fail!

So today i bought fish in Albany ay Collies seafood labelled as kingfish and after cooking it up tonight and trying a piece it obviously wasn't. I suspect it was sambo instead. So do i go and give them a mouthful or are they permitted to label sambo as kingfish?

Slightly pissed of Old Salt!


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dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

I'm sure they aren't

Tue, 2014-12-30 22:34

I'm sure they aren't permitted to label sambo as kingfish - but as there's no way to prove it, can't really do much about it.

As an aside - often YTK can get a parasite in it which can make it taste average and go mushy when cooked. Often identifiable by foam forming when in the pan, but not always the case. Could be that...


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Goodz's picture

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 I know heaps of people that

Wed, 2014-12-31 07:57

 I know heaps of people that refer to Sambos as Kingies down there. Yellow Tail Kingies as Yellow Tail Kingy. Wouldn't have thought a fish shop would use the names like that tho?




old salt's picture

Posts: 133

Date Joined: 25/02/11

It wasn't mushy i think it

Wed, 2014-12-31 08:42

It wasn't mushy i think it was small sambo fillets, it tasted nothing like kingfish. What's worse is we had people over and bought quite a bit. I could go down there with the left overs and watch them try and eat it cold


I fish to feed

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

Kingfish isn't really an

Wed, 2014-12-31 09:18

Kingfish isn't really an accepted name of a specific fish though I think just as snapper could be pink, NW, queen etc.


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 Back when I caught sambos we

Wed, 2014-12-31 09:24

 Back when I caught sambos we sold them to colleys and everyone referred to them as kingfish or sea kingies so that might be ur problem. If it was relatively cheap it was definantly sambo.

Dale's picture

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Wed, 2014-12-31 14:40

 Yep, sambo's = deep sea kingies, that's what the old timers called them, especially from under the Busso jetty. Live squid on a 500lb sash cord. Was only one winner with that.


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old salt's picture

Posts: 133

Date Joined: 25/02/11

Why not be honest and label

Thu, 2015-01-01 06:41

Why not be honest and label it what it really is rather than use a name that most commonly refers to a good eating fish. Its the dishonesty that i find really irritating. The lesson learned here is don't buy fillets, buy a whole fish and fillet it myself next time.


I fish to feed

Fillet and release when applicable