Blue painted cray pot floats??

 Just had a phone call from a mate in Mandurah, says one of his craypots has 2 floats on the rope, both floats with his gear ID painted on it, but went to pull today, and found one float completely painted blue!!!


Anyone else had this happen?


Maybe someone was gonna use his pot , painting over his ID, and got spooked??

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06


Tue, 2014-12-30 22:08

Certainly sounds like they tried to hide his gear id.
Maybe got spooked by another boat coming close by?

I would make sure he has melted his ID into the floats as well that way they cant be painted over.

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 17/12/13

 Yeah you gotta melt or carve

Wed, 2014-12-31 09:32

 Yeah you gotta melt or carve your id deep into the float. Another trick they do is just cut your float off and put there's on. So you gotta engrave deep your id in the pot. Still no  guarantee. Painful eh??

Brooky's picture

Posts: 74

Date Joined: 25/04/10

 There are just too many

Wed, 2014-12-31 09:41

 There are just too many dickheads in the world of fishing, most of us are descent people who respect each other as we share a common passion but then there are those few who think they can do what ever they like, in the last 6 years all my pots have gone missing in the first week or two but still i try every year hoping that the faith i lay in my fellow fishers will pay off.


Just get me back on the water

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12


Wed, 2014-12-31 10:01

 Last couple of seasons Ive pulled my pots out before school holidays started. Havent had any trouble outside of holiday time. Had heaps of problems with pot tampering previously - during holiday times. As Brooky says, most fishers are like minded but the more boats on the water - the more chance of an arsehole paying you a visit.  

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Wed, 2014-12-31 10:49

Sounds a bit suspect to me.

Who is going to take a can of paint out with him in a boat and try to get paint to stick on a wet and probably slimy float, doesn't happen in my book.

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Blue paint

Wed, 2014-12-31 11:00

 Yes, must have swaped the float - not painted  it. Pro octopus floats in Mandurah are blue. Maybe someone was just playing silly buggers & thought it funny to mess with the floats. 

Posts: 206

Date Joined: 06/05/14

 I'm thinking it could've

Wed, 2014-12-31 20:13

 I'm thinking it could've been run over but not chopped by another boat with anti fouling on the hull. I used to work on a boat with a blue antifouled hull and any floats that got run over ended up blue.

Posts: 157

Date Joined: 24/11/10


Thu, 2015-01-01 02:17

 Thanks for the replies, i think Jaggo might be onto it.