1 piece or 2 piece
Submitted by gdupagne on Tue, 2014-05-06 13:42
I have searched through the forums cant really find what im looking for. Can anyone tell me what is the major differences with 1 piece or 2 piece rods. I am looking at buying something for snapper dhui's etc mainly bottom bouncing. what would be advantages of 1 piece over 2 piece or visa versa
any help would be great.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
1 peice rods are maybe a
1 peice rods are maybe a little bit stronger because there isn't a join and there's no possibility of accidentally having the tip fall off. 2 peice rods are easier to transport, anything over about 7 feet becomes difficult to fit in a car. As far as their action and how they fish it would be pretty much identical.
If you're gonna be bottom bouncing then I would get a 1 peice rod that's about 6 feet long. Shouldn't be any need for a 2 peice boat rod.
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
Go one piece if u haven't got
Go one piece if u haven't got a good reason to go 2 piece. Now days not so much of an issue, but still the best rule IMO
troy fuller
Posts: 411
Date Joined: 30/08/10
I would only go 2 peice if
I would only go 2 peice if it's a really long rod for casting
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
I'm in the other camp and
I'm in the other camp and prefer to get two piece (or more) where I can, mainly due to easier to put them in the car or pack when flying somewhere. As far as any difference between 2 and 1 piece when fishing there isn't any (assuming its a reasonable quality rod).....
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 66
Date Joined: 01/11/12
thanks guys I will take this
thanks guys I will take this onboard when choosing my next rod